Your preacher is more intolerant than my preacher. I’d never go to your church.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
So, Ive been wondering. Using Clinton’s logic, if the Pope says something stupid and offensive do all Catholics have to change religion?
you forget, the Pope is incapable of saying anything stupid or offensive. That goes for all white people of faith. Take Pat Robertson.
Only those Catholics for whom the pope performed their marriage ceremony, baptised their children, and who were sitting in a pew in St. Peter’s with their children on the day he said the stupid and offensive thing thus exposing those same children to the DANGERS of being anywhere near him on that day.
Only those who meet ALL parts of the test must leave the Catholic church. Let it not be said that white people IN THE SAME position wouldn’t be held to the same standard.
btw. St. Peters doesn’t have pews.
There’s always a loophole that lets people with white religious leaders off the hook.
My preacher is a scientist.
You go to your church and I’ll go to mine.
Of course, this assumes there’s a God, which there isn’t.
God has nothing to do with the whole cock-eyed cock-up. No matter what, a way would have been found to impugn Obama’s judgment and intentions. Can you imagine this going on until the convention? Well, I can’t but the Clintons seem to get energized by the prospect.
Remember, this is what Hillary recently called “the fun part”.
god has nothing to do with religion. does not give one god shit about it. god simply is. or is not. god doesn’t really give a shit which one we think is true. god doesn’t give a shit if we believe god is or not. of course, speaking about god as not giving a bodily function anthropomorphizes god, which is about as accurate as calling a shark vicious. it’s just a fucking shark. god is just god. people who want to read more into it to justify their opinion about how we should act are full of shit. how we should act is up to us. we can act justly or not. it’s better to just. at least according to socrates and jesus.
apparently e e cummings wrote this rant.
the language in article 6 of the constitution specifically addresses this?
as well as the 1st amendment:
wouldn’t it be nice if the candidates, especially the democratic contenders, would just agree that them’s the rules and move on.
l find all this holier than thou garbage nauseating in the extreme…regardless of my personal beliefs:
The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.
It is hidden but always present.
I don’t know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God
tao te ching s. mitchell translation
I also find this holier than thou garbage nauseating.
But I am compelled to point out that there are no constitutional violations here. There is no religious test that has been instituted as a qualification for the office of the Presidency and Congress (nor any state) has made no law respecting religion or stopped anyone from practicing their religion in this case.
The constitutional right in play right now is the first amendment right to free speech. All the nauseating speech about Obama’s affiliation with Jeremiah Wright is protected speech. The price of free speech is that we don’t like a lot of what’s said.
l agree. but still, the point is, it’s irrelevant…or at least it should be.
all it would take to diffuse this issue is for bath candidates to renounce this form of attack, quoting the constitution id need be, and move on. that would diffuse the situation, and create a unified front against the 527 smears that you and l both now are going to be coming from the RATpublican side.
l know…if if’s and buts were candy and nuts…
l’m not the least bit uncomfortable with the price of free speech btw, l just can’t fathom the lack of vision, ethics…whatever one might wish to call it, being embraced by the clintons. a classic example of narcissistic behaviour, where the ends do justify the means.
l also see clinton’s negatives have dropped even more in a nbc/wsj poll released yesterday.
Unfortunately, it has become a test, though not in the legal sense.
The intent of the “free exercise” clause is just that. What Obama does in his church should be separated from his secular functions as an elected official.
Our local humanist group has a study group that has been working on the church and state part of the First Amendment, under the direction of a constitutional lawyer. We have been reading (rereading) Madison, Locke, Jefferson and others. They clearly understood the perils of mixing government and religion which they considered a matter of private conscience. Whether or what you believe is your own private matter. I am rather sick that churches are being dragged into the primary campaign. Up until this point Obama had not brought his religion into his campaign. Which was dandy with me.
No, he hadn’t brought his religion into it, but numerous other people had tried to. Or rather, to raise doubts about his religion. And if the flap over Reverend Wright has done nothing else, it has hammered in the idea that this is a flap over a CHRISTIAN pastor at the CHRISTIAN church that Obama attends.
I understand what you are saying, but I am dismayed that Americans still fail to understand the history behind the establishment and free exercise clauses and the dangers for all, believers or not, of bringing religion into government. Once you do, it quickly descends into “whose brand?” warfare, as we have once again witnessed.
The tragic fact is that regardless of what the O mans supporters say, they are not being heard. As lomg as the major media outlets continue to refuse to report, their message won’t be heard.
when did going to church, ever become a sin. W doesn’t go, and bill was never helped by going to church. this is all to try to paint obama as a “black” candidate.
The realization that the Clinton’s seek the abusive side of religion, they revel in wielding it as a tool, Hillary has never seemed more cheerful, it’s been noted, than she has been since she began attacking her fellow Americans in their house of worship.
Apparently, it is a truism that she not only invites negativism but demands that it travel with her.
I would question the ethics and Christian ethos of her own church if they would hold her up as an example of their success in producing good God fearing members.
Quick Vote
Which candidate is best suited for fixing the economy?
Hillary Clinton
John McCain
Barack Obama
As an atheist, it all sounds a little goofy to me. But, hey, live and let live.
Hey Booman
Atrios has a thread up about how the vote in PA will be counted, since apparently you voted directly for named delegates rather than the candidate.. and at least in his precinct there are 9 Obama delegates on the advance ballot to 7 for Clinton. You choose 9.
So does that mean that Clinton’s inability to fill her delegate slate WILL come back to bite hard?
confused and laughing hysterically.
No, it won’t hurt her.
Clinton will be lucky to win 3 delegates out of that district, so she has plenty of delegates on the ballot.
Al Wynn is retiring! Just can’t stand it now that he’s been voted out. More in a moment.
From the
Don’t let the door…
Well, you know the rest. And now he can do what he does best.
From Politico:
If it really goes down this way, then that’s good for us and good for Obama in that he keeps a Superdelegate (Donna endorsed him). Only thing–will O’Malley drag his damned feet since he’s a Clinton supporter? Don’t be surprised. Nothing surprises me.
Two questions. Why does CNN still show the Texas caucuses as only having 41% reporting? And does anyone know of a good Wisco political blog/site?
hi Woodpecker! I think Texas is gearing up for county-level conventions this weekend, which will tier up to a state convention this summer. A long process, to be sure.
As for Wisconsin, here’s a good starting point at LeftyBlogs
I put this on Daily Kos today.
Reach out and touch somebody’s hand, and show them they still matter.
If you are sick of Trinity United Church being used as a political football, time for action. You can also email them.
Trinity United Church has over 5,000 members. Clearly they are doing many good things in an area that gets zero love from the US Government, and probably not much from Chicago.
They are being called every name in the book by a media that is only interested in making sure white america knows that Barack Obama is black.
If this were the Religious Right you would never hear a word.
So send them a card, send them a dollar. And if you live in Chicago, visit a service. Tell them in America you are free to worship as you please, and for now at least, you still have free speech.
We will not judge members of that church because of three minutes of tape which scared America because it was the truth.
Here is the address
Visit us at:
Trinity United Church
400 West 95th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60628