First Read reports on dissatisfaction from some superdelegates that are telling the Clintons, both directly and through the media, to chill out. This is hardly surprising, considering the Math.
And they say they are not buying some of the Clinton campaign’s explanations as to why they should support her, whether it is her victories in large states, primary states or those likely to go Democratic in the November election.
“Periodically, over the last couple of weeks, you will see a news story or get something from the campaign, and you’ll go, ‘How stupid do you think I am?” one uncommitted superdelegate said. “All of us watch television all the time, read the newspapers. We all play with the little charts online too. We know it is virtually impossible.”
They’re unimpressed with her lying.
Others said they were frustrated by recent reports that Clinton embellished her description of landing in Bosnia as First Lady, and said it suggested she would do anything to win. “I don’t remember what movie I saw two weeks ago; I don’t necessarily remember what I had for dinner last night,” one superdelegate said. “But I would remember having to duck and run from sniper fire.”
They’re upset with how the Clintons treated Gov. Bill Richardson.
Several said they were angered by comments from James Carville, who called Bill Richardson “Judas” for backing Obama after serving in the Clinton White House. One delegate said Richardson’s rationale for supporting Obama, and his implicit frustration at the Clintons’ heavy-handed approach to garnering his support, was echoed among superdelegates.
And, they really don’t like how Hillary used Obama’s pastor and church against him.
The final straw, though, were Clinton’s comments Tuesday, when she said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright “would not have been my pastor.” Several superdelegates saw it as a direct, personal attack on Obama.
“I think it’s very dangerous for any candidate to constantly thrum on what they perceive as sensational criticisms of their opponent,” said Debra Kozikowski, an uncommitted superdelegate from Massachusetts. “I would be more likely to respond positively to discussions of issues that effect Americans versus what might be perceived as character flaws.”
A further example of the Clintons unsavory tactics has been unveiled in the letter Democratic fundraisers sent to Nancy Pelosi, threatening to withhold their big money donations to the DCCC if Pelosi doesn’t stop insisting the will of the voters be respected. The list of donors includes not only the disgraced creator of Black Entertainment Television, Bob Johnson, but six Lieberman supporters and (for the conspiracy nuts) Lynn de Rothschild.
One thing is not conspiracy. These donors can give $28,000 checks to the DSCC, DCCC, and DNC. How many of us have that kind of disposable income? And it’s not enough for them to have an outsized voice in who will represent us and how they will represent us, but they want to be able to subvert the process once all the voting is over. When you go into a voting booth and cast a vote for Barack Obama, you should be able to expect that your vote will count for Obama. You don’t expect the delegate you just elected to listen to Bob Johnson and Lynn de Rothschild and cast her vote for Hillary Clinton. But that is exactly what Clinton is arguing they should do.
If you want to know why it sometimes seems like there is little difference between the two parties, this is why. But, maybe for the first time in American history, we have enough people-power in politics to match up, or at least blunt, the power of the bigwigs. This episode also demonstrates just how huge and significant our victory over Joe Lieberman was. Small donors and massive activism have the potential to offset the need for large donors that treat politics like theater, where the outcome is determined beforehand.
Most Democrats will not see Clinton’s nomination as legitimate. And it won’t be legitimate. But the superdelegates know that. And they are finally telling the Clintons to chill.
The delegates said there is little the party or its leaders can do to prevent the current back and forth. But some said they were increasingly in touch with Clinton campaign officials to say their support is in jeopardy.
“Uncommitted delegates can come out and say, ‘If you don’t stop this now, we won’t vote for you,'” one uncommitted superdelegate said.
Will Clinton win Pennsylvania? I don’t know. But with the election not occurring until April 22nd, it’s a long time for her to maintain both the myth she has a chance and the tolerance of her superdelegates for her negative campaigning.
Contrast the growing column of HRC’s negatives with the constructive positions that Obama offers up at every turn. This morning when Bloomberg introduced Obama for his pointed and analytical economic speech he left all viewers with the impression that Bloomberg endorsed Obama’s words and may soon endorse his candidacy – and of course the titillation of a VP run.
For the superdelegates, it becomes a choice of tortured logic vs logic.
More on the superdonors here.
Pelosi’s release of that letter, was an interesting act of defiance. She must have well understood that the signers would find themselves bio’d over at Kos, analyzed at BooMan and eventually laid out in front of the superdelegates as another crass move by HRC to arm twist. And for the supers, many of whom face re/election themselves they will connect the dots that the acrimony may well have reached the level now that their own campaign cofers are in jeopardy.
Excellent post.
You make the point that:
“And for the supers, many of whom face re/election themselves they will connect the dots that the acrimony may well have reached the level now that their own campaign cofers are in jeopardy.”
Does H Rodham Clinton really believe that she is making friends and influencing? When this is all over I can’t wait for the musical based on the Clinton campaign, there’s bound to be one and it will probably be called “How to Fail in Politics Without Really Trying.’
For a song might I suggest something from The Producers…
I can see it now:
“You have the fiery, muddled, eyes of a smearer of Justice and Truth …”
“Well it’s been a long, been a long, been a long, been a long campaign.”
Got my foot ta tappin
that uncommitted superdelegate used the word “periodically” so he must hate hillary because she’s a woman.
Remember the old saying; “Give a fool enough rope and he will hang himself”? Updating this axiom to today, simply change he/himself to her/herself. Bill Clinton’s philosophy is driving Hillary’s campaign and it is predicated on ultimately exhausting the spirit and enthusiasm of the Obama supporters. He believes that time is on his side and if they can by any means keep Hillary in the news constantly between now and June, that public fatigue over the entire Democratic nomination process will force the party to give her the nomination (in the order to save the party).
Aha Bill… time is also a two edged sword! Time provides more opportunities to make major blunders (such as the ducking from sniper fire lies). Further, time holds the door open for unexpected, unforseen events to come to pass. These events have a way of changing everything on the political scene in an instant. But most of all time allows her to accumulate more “rope” with which to politically “hang” herself. Another dimension to Bill’s plan is that if during this period, the Clinton campaign is dealt a major blow for either internal or external reasons, Hillary will just dump Ms. Williams “under the bus”.
Obama’s task is simple, just keep his base interested and energized. This means that he has to keep his stump speeches fresh and interesting. Further, He should increasing ignore BillHillary as a means of edging them towards the brink of irrelevancy.
Time will tell…
Oh Yeah “Beloved”, I never agreed with Tony Morrison’s squeezing of puffed up President Bill Clinton at the White House, while gushingly anointing him “America’s first black president”! Just like I never sided with James Brown when he bear hugged Richard Nixon on late night TV and called him “My President, My Man”!
Time will tell…
Which probably means continuing his gradual edge leftward.
Hope so.
James Brown? I knew Sammy Davis Jr. did that. I can’t imagine James Brown doing it.
The days of big-bucks donors having the power to pick candidates is rapidly waning. The checks they may withhold can be surpassed in one day of internet fund raising. How terrified they must be by the concept of The People actually supporting and electing their own representatives.
This grumbling by named and unnamed super delegates just pisses me off. Are they actually saying that if HRC starts playing nice they might give her their votes? You know, if it weren’t for all this nasty crap you’re flinging, we might endorse you? It’s too late for a reformed Hillary reversal. They should show their disapproval by stepping up and endorsing Obama. That would chill the Clintons faster than their whining criticism.
I actually think it’s humorous to see ‘the rich ones’ make an attempt at unionizing. There they are all signing up to strike against the little people. Almost enjoy standing on my head trying to understand their portrayal of rich victimization.
The bios of the rich donors who threatened Pelosi really tear open the iron curtain of American politics. It shows who rules. We only see the Dem side, because the thugs wash their dirty linen in private. Those letters and bios show how the Village is organized, and why they fear ‘populism.’ In the end, it is always about power, and power alone. No other ultimate purpose (excewpt for Haim’s one issue, about which the less said the better.
I hope that, for once, Obama can manage expectations so that everyone expects him to lose by double digits. I’m with kos on this – everyone should be saying “Oh yes, Hillary is going to win PA but it will really be a loss for her if she doesn’t win by at least 20 points”.
The next poll that asks Democrats whether this thing should continue needs to show the numbers that say “yes” going down. Being able to control the post Pennsylvania spin would be helpful in that respect. Sure it would be great if he pulled off a miracle and won. But let’s have a reasonable Plan B since miracles don’t happen very often.
How could you and kos be on to my strategy so quickly? 😉
I see four changes in political dynamics — changes which will only come faster and deeper as time goes on.
We have a long way to go as progressives, and I am an eternal optimist. I hope Senator Clinton ends this mess soon, but even if she doesn’t the damage is being done to her (and hopefully by extension negative campaigning) not Senator Obama thus far.
Americblog has a contact sheet on their page now that will show you how to contact superdelagetes.
Give them a call or email and tell them a race-baiting, Fox News loving Clinton does not speak for us.