A miniature clammyc was born yesterday morning. His name is Peter and he’s doing well. Major congratulations to Mrs. and Mr. Clammyc.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Babies!!! Hurray!
I get first Boo dibs on smelling his head!
Awesome! Congratulations to the proud parents.
Congratulations to the Clammy clan!
congrats to the whole clammyc family! May you have more sleep and less laundry than you expect.
Congrats to ClammyC and family.
Great news, clammy!
Congrats to both of you!
Yea!!! And congratulations!
NOw your sleeplessness begins…..just kidding….congrats to the clammy family….let us see him as soon as you can so that we all can drool…you are so fortunate to have the good luck to have a healthy little one. hugs
Congratulations Clammy Family!
Congrats to the whole clammyc family!!!
hooray for the clammyc family and their cherrystone!
Got a picture of the little rugrat? Post one. Got any spec’s? (length, weight, time of birth) Inquiring minds want to know!
Also, I’ve always wondered if ClammyC is the Mr. or the Mrs… The moniker makes me think Mrs. for some reason. But I’m probably wrong on that.
Woo Hoo!!! A wee clammyc! How very wonderful. Congrats, and yes–details!!! 10 fingers, 10 toes; 2 eyes and a li’l nose. Share pics if you’re comfortable…I LOVE baby pics.
It’s the mister.
a hearty welcome to the planet little Clammyc.
Congratulations to the mailman. JK clammyc… My best wishes to you and your family!
May his little light burn bright and steady.
Congratulations, parents!
(Makes me think of that current Verizon commercial that shows the “can you hear me now?” guy and his wife coming from other parts of the city, racing by cab to the hospital as the wife huffs and puffs through labor with her mom talking and her dad driving…precious!)
Hope it wasn’t that comical, but just as memorable.
A big hug to the family of one of my favorite bloggers here and at that other place not to be mentioned…lol. Cherish the time with him as before ya know it he will be 38 like my baby…lol.
Congratulations to the proud parents! Wishing you joy, wonder, laughter and a little sleep… 🙂
Congratulations on your little clamster! I hope the whole family is doing well, and that he lets you get some sleep.
(And like everybody else, I want details…Length, weight, hair color, the works.)
Ditto on the congratulations and God bless us all.
“Have crystal, will travel.”
Congrats! That make him exactly a week younger than little Christopher, the new addition to our household.
Congratulations on your new little one too!