If this Politico article is correct, and I’m not saying that it is, then my analysis on this race will turn out to even more accurate than I give myself a right to expect.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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The strategist added: “There is general panic among Democrats. The big question is: Does she walk to the door, or is she shown to the door?”[.]
Show Hillary the door.
“The more she can let this threat hang over the process, the more leverage she has,” a former Clinton administration official said.
The uncertainty keeps her going. She runs a campaign on fear and she’s broke.
Show her the door.
At this point, she remains in the race only to spoil it.
A spot on the ticket? Gaaaaawd No.
that’s just another sophistic argument that kicks the can a bit farther down the road. nothing more than a sop to those who can read the handwriting on the wall, and who understand the costs of continuing this charade of a primary.
who benefits?
for one, the msm gets to continue it’s self aggrandizing role as the arbiter of the situation;
two: you, and a few others who’ve been calling this right for a long time, get to pat yourself on the back and say: “see, l was right…neener, neener”. BFD.
the clinton’s are still out to destroy obama, and, by most reality based analysis, what little democratic party unity might still exist, as well as the chances for achieving a major realignment in congress in addition to having a D in the oval office.
and three; st john gets two to three more months to consolidate the RATpublicans, solidify his position, and raise money for the GE. all without any opposition…aka: a free ride.
l’m so not impressed.
this is BS, just piled higher and deeper. another rationalization for doing nothing based on dog knows what, to provide cover for everyone who should, and probably does, know better but’s afraid to act.
¡jezeus! it’s over…call it a TKO…stop the fight and the drama while it’s still conceivable to do so and maintain some unity momentum, and take it to st john and the GE.
Well, Obama’s trip to Harrisburg sure got a gushing review.
oh tanks. Hopefully Hillary’s lead will shrink.
No kidding! Wowsers, as faboo would say.
After a 15 minute interview, you will love what part they kept of it. LOL
go here:
go over to the item titled texas showdown on the left, and see a funny tidbit from the interview.
Woo hoo! Why am I not surprised that out of thousands of people, you’d find a way to get heard?
Three packs of cigarettes?! Do you have a death wish, RF?
Well, I only smoked one there but smoked another one when I got home. LOL
I looked, but I couldn’t find the link to anything in Texas.
You have to go to the list of videos at the bottom and scroll down.
Too funny.
I cannot believe they left out all the part about politics completely. LOL
Hmmmm…..”They don’t know which way to jump”???
Chris Bowers seems to think otherwise.
I think they pretty much know which way to jump.
June? Sheesh. May as well run the damn thing to its sorry finish then. The best case scenario at this point would be an Obama victory in Pennsylvania, which is unfortunately something that the PA folks keep saying is unlikely.
That said, three more weeks of self-inflicted wounds by Hillary Clinton might give Ralph fucking Nader a chance, so we’ll see.
Ralph Nadar is just as bad as McCain in my book. What a piece of worthless trash who just ran as a spoiler in 2004. He is too damn old and needs to retire.
I was fortunate to hear Paul Krugman speak last fall at a Democratic function here. He was very impressive. Since then, I’ve been wondering what has been shaping his viewpoint on the candidates and why it sometimes seemed … a bit out of touch with reality.
All is explained in this post.
via Marc Ambinder
New Politico article picked up by Yahoo News: