If penguins are flying can pigs be far behind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
that’s good!
shoulda guessed one of the monty pyhton crew was involved…that was terry jones, ims.
just got back from the hospital a few hours ago and didn’t have a computer with me (probably the only time I didn’t have one and didn’t go through withdrawal!!)
Thx for the well wishes and I am going to read the comments now…
A few years ago when I was heavy into baseball blogging a Texas Rangers fan friend of mine opined as how my beloved Seattle Mariners (who won last night, thankyouverymuch) would only win the World Series “when pigs fly.” I pointed him to this article and told him thanks for the prediction, and wouldn’t let him out of it when he tried to backpedal.
Sadly lead balloons have floated, silk purses were made out of sows’ ears, pigs have flown, Hell has frozen over (which was confirmed by Roy Zimmerman) and the Mariners still have not met with the sweet taste of success. Sigh.
So Omir, in October of 2000 a pig flew first class. Notice any more remarkable pig news in subsequent months of that year? Y2K was a classic porcine coup d’etat, we were right to be worried.
I did say “yeah, right” when I read that story. Just how lax was airport security in the olden days?
Sorry ’bout those Mariners, I’m a Cubs fan myself.
I’m pretty sure the story was legit. The passenger involved got him on as a companion animal, or some such thing. I will admit there was a dearth of avain porcine stories since — airline travel has gotten both more and less interesting in the intervening years, and apparently the airline in question has since rethought its policy on service animals.
But apart from the legitimacy of the story involved, it was a good excuse to post some Roy Zimmerman lyrics. He doesn’t get nearly enough attention. And I sympathize with you about the Cubs — they’re one of my favorite NL teams, and not just because they picked up Lou Piniella, who is still well regarded in Seattle despite asking to get out of his contract early.
On a break at work. I put up a special April 1 banner at my blog this morning. Go take a peek before it’s gone.
I thought that was a Dood Abides post..