I don’t know how brendan got the call-in code, but this is a doozy.
In the “just plain bizarre” category, some “dude,” as our colleague Chris Cillizza, a.k.a, “the Fix,” tells us, got on today’s conference call with Hillary Clinton’s chief campaign strategist Mark Penn, communications director Howard Wolfson and deputy communications director Phil Singer and asked whether Clinton could “talk sexy” in her ads so he could “pinch the squid.”
The unidentified man then said he thought Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has “nice ears.”
Okay, I have no proof that brendan did it.
a bit crude and sexist, but points for the calimari.
LOL OMG!!! I love it
I don’t get it. This wasn’t even on her show. And since when did it become out-of-bounds to refer to ANY politician (or Washington reporter) as a “fucking whore” in a stand-up routine anyway?
Sorry. Makes no sense to me.
it’s not all that different from what happened to Imus, although it is more like what happened to David Schuster. Politicians are normally fair game, unlike student athletes and the children of politicians, but ‘fucking whore’ is a bit strong.
The truth is taboo in our political culture, especially if it is directed at established professional liars.
When we had a local station here carrying Air America I tried and tried to listen to her and like her. But I never really got much from her show. It often seemed to be just one big rant, hammering the same few points over and over and over. And the coarseness she often displayed just didn’t contribute a whole lot in my opinion. I guess, in general, she probably was an okay fit for the “talk radio” format. Her style just wasn’t my cup of tea. More confrontational than informative.
It seems extreme to suspend her for saying it during a standup comedy routine.
That being said, I didn’t really find that routine funny.
Rhodes says Air America Breached Her Contract
Fuck Air America.
A friend sent me this picture and I laughed so hard I cried.

I will admit I have a warped sense of humor.
ROTFLMAO! Oh that is tooooo funny. Lovin’ it.
her supporters feed off stuff like that. It gives them a reason to keep fighting. I know it’s kind of funny, but everytime someone calls her a bitch or a whore it plays into her narrative as a victim and makes her seem like some kind of warrior princess.
I don’t like seeing the sexist language anyway, but it’s also a political loser.
it’s also why the first reaction my friends gave me to the ‘squid pincher’ thing was that it was a Clinton plant.
I know BooMan but sometimes I have to laugh at these things or go crazy. I try and take the high road most times but once in awhile I let one slip through.
Good new poll for Obama…
Well, every time I hear her voice now I need to pinch a loaf, so a change in vocal style would be appreciated.
Clinton on “The Tonight Show” tells Leno:
Clintonian. truth matters NOT.
Oh yeah, that’s really funny, war jokes are just a comedians dream subject aren’t they…this reminds me of bush looking for WMD in the Oval Office thinking that was just hilarious.
She gets more tone deaf by the day.
Yes, definitely. The ‘joke’ is obnoxious, everyday she looks more like Georgie 1. We can call her Aspirant Billy 3. If somehow the Clintons manage to worm their way into the white house, we can only expect glitz and personality binges. I cringe every time I read a progressive saying that we have two great presidential candidates and that either one would do as president. No, the Democratic candidates are temperamentally a world apart from each other! Mrs. Clinton is undignified, I find her immature.
Also Asspirant Georgie 3.
I meant Georgie 2, of course!
My squid runneth over.
keep your ink dry.
this is a serious question
what states do you think obama will beat mccain in in the general election
im particularly insterested in ohio and florida, and some of the western states or southern states that usually go red….which of those can obama turn blue.
Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada.
Texas!!!! If we get the same voter turn out in Nov. that we got for the primary, Obama can take Texas.
Air America suspended her for exercising her right as an American. The Air America suits have no balls. And as Randi said on her show (and didn’t get suspended) her ass tastes like vanilla ice cream, ….and I’ll add….so those suits can just kiss it.
Of course she brought in a whole new audience of ice cream lovers to her radio program with that one.
Well, can’t say I’m sorry about Rhodes. Not only is it massively politically inexpedient — feeding into the anger motivating the Clinton dead-enders — it’s wrong.
And Rhodes is, in general, IMHO, really bad. Massively underprepared most every time she goes on the air, repeating punchlines three or four times for that reason, etc.
If I get visited by secret service, I will fucking have your head!!!
Man, I WISH I could have pulled off something this slick.
“Pinch the squid”!!!!!
That’s the best euphemism EVER.