I’m working on a project today. What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I keep laughing about “pinching the squid”.
New pix of Sam at the blog.
I keep laughing about your call to Patrick McHenry’s office…
Sam is looking like a big boy these days. And cute as ever, of course.
You have mail. 🙂
At least you’re honest! Love it. 🙂
My mind is on Pittsburgh.
I am trying to imagine what it would be like to spend 25 million dollars on a loaf of crappy bread.
Taxes. I just want to get those f*cking forms filed.
relax b2…repeat after me: form 4868…ohmmmmmmmm.
That was my chore for today. To get that form. We still haven’t filed for ’05 or ’06 so we’re kinda swamped with that and I’ve been waiting for my kid’s SSN for almost 4 months now. I can’t file without that! I could probably find it if I unpack or clean up something.
That’s my Sunday chore. I don’t mind paying taxes, I just hate the paperwork.
And this year I’ve done NOTHING to organize for doing them. I think I’m going to be very crabby on Sunday.
Ditto to everything you just said. Crabbingirl I will be…
Agreed. Taxes. Part of life. But having to organize my life around maintaining the paperwork is truly loathsome. I should be paid a fair wage for the time it takes me and how organizing for tax purposes makes it very hard to retrieve records for other purposes.
Taxes, schmaxes. I buy a copy of TurboTax in December, I have all the numbers I need by February 5th and this weekend I’m busy spending the last of the refund taking the family up to Whidbey Island (a tourist trap in Puget Sound). You can do that when you’re a member of the working poor with no mortgage and no investments other than a 401K, I guess.
Not if you’re the self-employed working poor who’s the breadwinner for both herself and her unmarried partner who’s attempting to start a business!
Self-employment taxes suck suck suck.
Self-employment taxes do SUCK!!!
April is the worst part of the year for me just for that reason.
Self-employment, esp if you work from home, makes your tax life very, very complicated. And if both heads of the household are in the same situation, it gets even more interesting.
There are many reasons for complicated tax returns, gobs of money not always being the major one.
Just filed mine today. Phew.
I’m thinking about what it would be like to earn $109 MIL-LI-ON in seven years. And I didn’t know Senators get paid a million a year. Dang! No wonder they can’t relate to ordinary people.
no wonder she resisted releasing the tax information. Clintons’ peddled to $100 million during the 7 years they left the White House.
I wait for the analysis.
And I find it particularly slimy and cynical that she’d release these documents on the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s assassination.
the analysis of those Clintons’ tax returns have been quick:
it’s so self-serving.
more broken promises on the 2007 returns – an extension is to be filed.
That sounds like a sport quote: a 7 year 109 million deal was inked today. A.Rod said he wanted to re-work his contract seeing how Clinton doesn’t work for his money.
You know, I’ll say this for Bill Clinton. When he was running against 41, he had a grasp of economic issues. I remember someone asking a question during a debate, something like, “Can you tell me what the price of groceries is like where you live?” Clinton was able to go right down the list — a loaf of bread cost 69 cents in Little Rock, a gallon of milk was $1.79, and so on. Bush had no freakin’ clue what any of it cost, and came across looking like he had the servants (sniff) do that for him.
I’d be willing to bet what I spent on groceries this week that Hillary Clinton couldn’t answer a similar question today.
of course, it depends on the “meaning” of “people”
chimpy called them the have’s and have more…same crowd, imo.
I think the million was for all those years, nor per year.
Can I just tell you how much I have always loved Victor Wooten?!?
yes! what’s your favorite? (i love how he did the intro on this one).
It’s hard for me to pick…I’ve been listening to him since someone gave me a flecktones tape back in the very late 80s.
wooten’s amazing!
here’s three of my bass heros… the late, great ray brown, edgar meyer, who blows me away, and victor…they don’t get any better than this…
√ out this solo piece by ray from the same concert…the man was a genius
I was just looking for that! 🙂
Edgar Meyer also rocks…so here’s my contribution to the youtube fest:
basically, skip, Hop and Wobble w/ the addition of sam bush…how can you go wrong with that?
Watch out, I’m starting to get Telluride and Rockygrass festival lust now…
never give up…
telluride’s gotten too big and out of hand…rocky grass is the better of the two, imo…and the line up this year is stellar.
and natalie macmaster l’ve really wanted to see for a long time.
and… Yo-Yo Ma, Bobby McFerrin, Mark O’Connor & Edgar Meyer doing Hush Little Baby
ps. your three bass heros… awesome. thanx.
Taxes…ergh, still gotta do mine.
Rachel Maddow of Air America is filling in tonight for Keith Olbermann on Countdown. That should be fun!
Today the rain caused trouble for my car’s battery. Demetrius had to come rescue me. Which I appreciated, because he already had to deal with some not-too-fun business at Son’s school.
Basically, it’s been a bit of a crappy day here at Chez in Ohio.
My friend Jolene the Trailer Park Queen. LOL
I love those. Makes me want an airstream of my own. 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!!! She is a hoot.
Another great guitar (bass) player.
My ex b-i-l, here with John Maclaughlin some 20 years ago:
A more recent recording:
im trying to wrap things up before i head to florida on sunday
and im curious as to who on this list sent me hate mail calling me a racist bitch. i know it was from this list as this is the only place i have that addy listed.
i dont mind them calling me that…i know perfectly well whether i am or not…..i just wish they didnt feel they had to remain anonymous.
That’s horrible! I’m sorry. 🙁
PS – Maybe it’s someone who runs an edible panty company?
How obnoxious of whoever it was. People never fail to amaze me.
sorry that happened.
That reminds me that I got an email like seven years ago that linked to a JerseyGirl that was just ranting her ass off at the Bush administration. It was from some kind of email listserv. I think it was you. In any case, it was awesome stuff.
Don’t worry about it anna. Ignore the haters.
I certainly appreciate your comments here. Helps to keep things a little more even keeled, and often gives me insight I normally wouldn’t have considered.
I’m back in the Bay Area recovering from a week in New Jersey with my mother. I’m having some Irish whiskey on the rocks, sitting around with my girlfriend, glad to be home.
From Carpetbaggers:
Former President Jimmy Carter seems to have a preference in the Dems’ nomination fight: “Don’t forget that Obama won in my state of Georgia,” Carter said. “My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama, my children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama. As a superdelegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave you to make that guess.”
One more for Obama’s column?