HT: Ben Smith
Clinton’s chief strategist and top campaign adviser, Mark Penn got fired but – by the wrong people.
This is consequence of the Mark Penn-Colombia meeting controversy that you may have missed:
Mark Penn yesterday called his meeting with Colombia, a client of the firm he heads, a “error,” and the Colombian government, in a statement from its embassy, calls the notion that its hired gun won’t meet with it “unacceptable,” and fires the firm.Here’s the statement:
The Colombian Government announces its decision to terminate the contract with Burson-Marsteller. This firm conducts public relations and communications consulting services on behalf of Colombia in the United States for the approval of the Free Trade Agreement and the continuation of Plan Colombia.
Mr. Mark Penn, President and CEO of Burson Marsteller, reponded to claims by Union representatives who questioned his relationship with the Colombian Government by declaring that it was an “error in judgment” to meet with his client the Colombian Ambassador on March 31. The Colombian government considers this a lack of respect to Colombians, and finds this response unacceptable.
The firm was retained by the Colombian Embassy in Washington in March of 2007 based on its track record in the field of Public Relations.
The Colombian Government will continue its efforts to show to different sectors in the United States, the dramatic improvements in the country’s economy, social and security indicators, and will continue its efforts to obtain a favorable vote on the pending Free Trade Agreement with the United States, for greater well-being and prosperity for all.
This controversy sniffs of NAFTA-gate. If you missed it – (there was a diary posted here yesterday that fell into BM’s cyber black hole; within minutes of being posted). Until today, Mark Penn’s firm represented the Colombia government.
In what could become Hillary Clinton’s own version of the NAFTA-Gate controversy that caused Barack Obama so much trouble a month ago, top Clinton strategist Mark Penn reportedly met on Monday with the Colombian ambassador to discuss a bilateral free-trade deal — something his candidate has publicly opposed.
More here It was an error in Judgement
So, so sorry.
This NAFTA style flap could impact PA, NC and Indiana.
That missing diary noted the hypocrisy of the Penn meeting. (I’ll paraphrase):
“Right after Penn’s meeting with the Colombian ambassador, the President of Colombia, breaking with diplomatic protocol, tore into the Obama campaign for his opposition to the pending Colombia trade deal. Not a mention of Clinton’s opposition. Yet both candidates oppose!”
Certainly this may be classified as another foreign government meddling.
Sniffs of NAFTA -who said what to whom and when:
“A spokesman for Colombia’s President Álvaro Uribe said the ambassador met with Mr. Penn to discuss the bilateral agenda. “There have also been meetings with the advisers to the campaigns of Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain,” he said. “It’s the embassy’s job to explain Colombia’s reality.”
The spokesman said he didn’t know if Mr. Penn was representing Sen. Clinton or Burson-Marsteller, which signed a $300,000, one-year contract with the Colombian Embassy in March 2007 to work on behalf of the trade deal and anti-drug-trafficking initiatives, according to the Justice Department filings.
A spokesman for Sen. McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, said a team of policy advisers met recently with 20 Latin American ambassadors, including Colombia’s.
An Obama spokesman and the Colombian Embassy spokeswoman both said the Colombian ambassador had never met with an Obama representative.
Both Democratic presidential candidates have taken criticism for positions and private statements of their advisers on trade and other matters.
Sen. Clinton’s victory last month in Ohio was credited in part to reports that Sen. Obama’s economic adviser had raised doubts with Canadian officials over Sen. Obama’s opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement.
WSJ: But then Penn again opened his mouth when the unions ran with the story:
“Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa, who is backing Sen. Obama, said in a statement:
“How can we trust that a President Hillary Clinton would stand strong against this trade deal when her top advisor is being paid by Colombia to promote it?”
so without thinking, Penn issued his “I erred” statement:
[Friday,] Mr. Penn released a two-line statement saying: “The meeting was an error in judgment that will not be repeated and I am sorry for it. The senator’s well-known opposition to this trade deal is clear and was not discussed.” Sen. Clinton didn’t publicly comment on the meeting.
more from WSJ
Sen. Clinton has campaigned against current U.S. trade practices and said she would call a “time out” on trade agreements as president. She reiterated her opposition to the Colombia pact Tuesday in a speech before Pennsylvania’s AFL-CIO. Sens. Clinton and Obama are campaigning for the April 22 Pennsylvania primary, which the New York senator is expected to win.
Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa, who is backing Sen. Obama, said in a statement: “How can we trust that a President Hillary Clinton would stand strong against this trade deal when her top advisor is being paid by Colombia to promote it?”
The Teamsters have about 100,000 members in Pennsylvania and plan a statewide voter-education effort. Mr. Tarpinian said Change to Win will spend “way over six figures” to get its 250,000 state members to vote for Sen. Obama.
Considering how Hillary played NAFTA-gate to the hilt in Ohio and Texas, will the Colombia firing bring quiet to the pro-Obama unions?
Clinton’s tall tales continue. Her campaign has been one big mistake after another…. More, the campaign of apologies.
I noted Mark Penn was fired by the wrong people because of his other client – seen as a conflict of interest.
Who is the more principled – the Colombia government or Hillary Clinton?
that’s a trick question…right?
the entire hillary machine is becoming more and more nixonian by the day…

and like l posted yesterday:” error[s] in judgement” has become the m.o. of her campaign.
dada, you caught me out.
A gathering up of opinion on the story in the blogosphere by the Daily Dish
I elect Publius.
too little, too late idredit. she lost the primary feb 5th. it’s over, and obama has made great efforts, and given her ample opportunity to bow out gracefully; to wit, his latest proposal re: the michigan delegate:
grace is apparently, not a virtue that’s embraced by the clintons…no news there, eh.
this flap is getting wide exposure:
Reuters news service shores up the legs:
Clinton on defensive amid Colombia trade flap
“signed a $300,000, one-year contract with the Colombian Embassy in March 2007 to work on behalf of the trade deal and anti-drug-trafficking initiatives
Apparently Penn does not know that Uribe and his family is/was involved with the Colombian drug cartels, after a raid at the tranquilandia cocaine drug lab. For some reason, famous drug lord Pablo Escobar, truely admired Alvaro Uribe
Remember the picture of Uribe’s brother Santiago with the drug-dealing clan Ochoa? Well, Uribe said he was taken a picture with Justo Pastor Perafán, another drug dealing lord currently in a U. S. prison
Mario Uribe , the president’s cusin, was a member of what is called Para-politics (members of Colombia’s Congress who are controled by the Paramilitary)
Finally, I have read somewhere that Pablo Escobar’s first cuisin is an advisor to Uribe (just can’t find the link)
Just wondering what kind of free trade was Penn trying to get (coke for free?)