More insignificance:
“This is some pretty country,” Obama observed. “I think I need to learn fly fishing. Get some waders, go out there, clear my head. We may have to come back to Missoula. There’s no doubt about it,” he said to about 8,000 people at the University of Montana at Missoula.
Both Democrats are campaigning in “Big Sky Country” today, and both Obama and Senator Clinton will speak at tonight’s Mansfield-Metcalf dinner in Butte. The candidates are fighting for each of the state’s 16 pledged delegates, up for grabs in the state’s primary on June 3rd. Montana, a rural red state with a largely caucasian populace, is the kind of state where Barack Obama has done well in past primaries, where his ability to appeal to Independent voters has played well in similar states.
“I didn’t know if it was going to work – me coming out here – black guy, funny name, you know, big ears,” he said with a smile. “What we knew was if we were going to be able to compete, it would have to be a grassroots movement that people would have to get organized and make it happen, and that’s what’s happened, that’s why we’ve won twice as many states as the other candidate in this race,” he said, referencing Senator Clinton, who has done well in more traditional Democratic states like California and New York and in states where there is a large working class population like Ohio.
There are 57,000 residents of Missoula, Montana, so 8,000 is a pretty impressive turnout, don’t you think? Of course, it is not as impressive as getting 18,000 in Grand Forks, North Dakota, which has only 50,000 residents. But, still…
Clinton had a novel idea for those North Dakota voters. They don’t count.
Sen. Hillary Clinton made a blunt appeal to North Dakota delegates to switch their support to her, despite the fact that Sen. Barack Obama handily defeated her in the state’s caucus in February…
…Clinton made it clear to North Dakota Democrats last night that she believes there is no such thing as a pledged delegate and highlighted that stubborn streak in her appeal for delegates to switch from Obama to her when the Democratic national party holds its nominating convention this August.
I am going to say this very slowly so even Jerome Armstrong, Taylor Marsh, and Armando can understand it.
When you go to vote in a primary you don’t vote for Clinton or Obama; you vote for their delegates. If those delegates switch their allegiance then they just robbed you of your vote. It’s as if you cast you vote for the other candidate. Caucuses work the same way. You pledge your preference for a candidate and the delegates are selected based on your preference.
Now, I know it would be nice if Florida and Michigan could have a good, clean, fun vote where their preferences could be voiced. But, using Clinton’s logic, why should they bother?
Pshaw! Let us let
Sandra Day O’ConnorSamuel Alito decide!<heavy snark> But so much has happened since people voted for Obama in February. They didn’t know about Rev. Wright. They didn’t realize that he’s BLACK and can’t possibly win in racist America. Everyone has to know better by now and realize that they want a fighter instead of a uniter. So feel free to betray the voters you represent and vote for ME, the white candidate! <end snark>
That’s snark? Sounds pretty much like a direct quote to me.
Hillary and Bill are desparate and their desparation is going to cost the Democrats the WH. In normal times with a lame duck POTUS this kind of “infighting” or whatever you want to call it of course would be “healthy’ American politics. But these are not normal times and if the two camps of Obama and Clinton dont come together after the convention much less before McCain will not have to do a thing to become the next POTUS. I have said for months that in order for the Dems to even have a chance to win they first ASOLUTELY HAVE to be unified behind a candidate prior to the convention.
I originally believed that after Super Tues Hillary would be ahead and Obama and the others would drop out in respect for unification of the party. However since Obama did so well it certainly did not make any sense for him to quit. So on it went for another 6 weeks or so. Obama continues to increase his lead and now Hill and Bill’s arrogorance at believing they were a shoe in from the getgo is now rearing its ugly head. So who are the winners and who are the losers if they fight all the way to the last bloody ballot in Denver in August? Thats an easy answer.
The envelope please….
John McCain, the Repugs, the Neocons, big business, big oil, the militay industrial complex, big pharma, the list goes on, are the big winners…
The American people are the big losers.
Didn’t Hillary actually wind up losing a delegate when she tried this in Iowa?
I wouldn’t be surprised to see her lose one or two for spitting in New Hampshire’s face over Michigan and Florida, too. People seem pissed up there.
Armstrong and Armando are court jesters. Marsh is a court jester and a paranoid sexist pig.
Great story here about a group of Obama supporters in DC who did their homework and checked the math, and found that Party officials had made a mistake. Obama picked up another delegate as a result of their diligence….
Maya Soetoro-Ng tells what makes Barack Obama so refreshing is his ability to “tell ‘uncomfortable truths'”
I’m really surprised by all the coverage the Torygraph has given the election over there.
the interest is worldwide, more so this year after 8 years of Disaster Bush – in the hope we’ll change course.
Well, I think the fact that we have a woman and a black guy helps to grab attention. The Clintons are fairly well liked in Britain, and there aren’t really any black people in Britain outside of London, so Obama’s got to be interesting to the non-Southeast demographic.
Plus, much of the British press is even more into the mindless infotainment stuff than our press, so I’m sure the drama plays well with them.
It also seems to really interest people in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
“I am going to say this very slowly so even Jerome Armstrong, Taylor Marsh, and Armando can understand it.”
Don’t forget Larry Johnson, he’s way out in the weeds too.