I guess I hate Hillary Clinton for all the obvious reasons, including which, she’s a woman. And — as if that’s not bad enough — she’s a woman who’s committing the unforgivable sin of showing her age. Now, if you don’t believe me that aging women are monsters, look at what happens to even the most beautiful and successful actresses as they grow older. Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Jessica Lange, Glenn Close… even Meryl Streep, when they get older they all play monsters. Why? Because old women are monsters, duh! They are dried up bitter old sticks, and just looking at them reminds us that we will all get old and useless and ugly and die someday, thanks a lot, you bitches! Old men aren’t so bad, since for some reason men don’t lose their humanity as fast as women… probably because they have so much more to begin with. Besides, look at every term that’s used to describe older women: hags, crones, witches, etc. So this is just one reason why I hate Hillary Clinton.
Another reason I hate Hillary Clinton is because it finally gives me something in common with my mother. Mom and I have always been on opposite sides of the political spectrum. She has hated Hillary Clinton since Day One that Hillary waltzed into the White House on the arm of her president husband. Mom has Hillary’s picture up on her dart board right next to Rosie O’Donnell. Mom can hardly put one sentence together about Hillary Clinton without using the c-word. To Mom, Hillary represents every thing that’s wrong with the feminist movement. Even with such a successful husband, Hillary still has the audacity to speak for herself, live her own life, and have her own career. As far as Mom is concerned, there’s just no excuse for it. Who does Hillary Clinton think she is, anyway? She’s a ballbuster and it’s no wonder her husband had to go find his fun elsewhere. What is sexy about a woman who wears the pants in the family? Years have gone by since Mom and I have shared one single political opinion. She loves George Bush and loves rubbing my nose in it. She never fails to mention her membership with the NRA and all the contributions she has made to the Republican party, whenever I see her. But now we finally have something in common, since we can hate Hillary Clinton together.
Another reason I hate Hillary Clinton is because she’s destroying the Democratic Party. She’s totally selfish and amoral and a power monger who’s totally out for herself and only cares about winning. Clearly, she can’t win, but she doesn’t care if she takes the whole country down with her. Despite the fact that Barack Obama is obviously a saint who has the powerful dynamic presence and unique persuasive eloquence to save this country from disappearing forever into the swirling abyss of corporate greed and corruption that is the legacy of the Bush Administration, Hillary Clinton can’t help herself from pushing her own egomaniacal agenda. To persist in the face of so many setbacks, to get up out of bed every morning and come out smiling for another long punishing day of political campaigning, she must be the most stubborn and short-sighted woman who ever walked the planet. Imagine having someone like that as president. Thanks, but no thanks.
And I hate Hillary Clinton because she has the consummate gall to run against my favorite candidate. In the process of doing that, she points out what she sees as deficiencies in his background and qualifications, and/or flaws in his record… unforgivable. What’s worse, it makes her a racist, because anyone who dares to criticize or oppose Barack Obama is clearly a racist, no bones about it. There are times when the democratic process should be stopped in its tracks while people get a clue, and this is one of them. I hate Hillary Clinton because she can’t see that. I hate her because, by running against Barack Obama, she’s just giving the Republican party ammunition, free of charge, to throw back at Barack Obama after he wins the nomination. And we all know that the Republican Party needs a lot of help with their shit-slinging, since they don’t have a clue how to go about it. Now they finally have Hillary Clinton to help them out, so we will know who to blame when John McCain becomes our next president.
Most of all I hate Hillary Clinton for giving George W. Bush a free pass, thanks to her pathetic self-aggrandizement and megalomania. Anyone with half a conscience, who obviously can never win, should gracefully step out of the media feeding frenzy so we can start paying attention to the criminal who still inhabits the White House. If not for her, we might still be thinking about impeachment. If not for her, we might still be working towards the day when George W. Bush and his fellow criminals will be hauled up in front of an international tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
If not for Hillary Clinton, there might be some hope that, in these last days of the Bush administration, the people of this country could save themselves from being convicted by history for sitting back and twiddling our thumbs while Bush and his corporate bandits got away with mass murder. If not for her, we might be able to save ourselves from being convicted by history of looking the other way while the Bush administration legalized torture. We might be able to focus on the rape of our civil liberties in the name of “homeland security.” We might actually be focusing on electronic vote theft, or… what about an illegal, immoral, unjust war and those who are laughing all the way to the bank while they profit off it? This is all Hillary Clinton’s fault, especially since she voted to authorize the war in the first place. And I don’t think we have to strain our brains too hard to comprehend her devastating affect on the environment, while we’re at it.
So, I think this pretty much sums up my main reasons for hating Hillary Clinton. Oh yeah, she’s rich, I forgot that one. Feel free to add your own reasons. Let’s turn the entire left-wing blogosphere into one big Hillary Clinton Hate Fest. Let’s show that we’re not so different from those hate-mongering right wing extremists, like my mother. Isn’t it great to finally have an issue that can bring us all together?
Actually, it’s Ralph Nader’s fault. And of course all of those who (once upon a time) might have voted for a real alternative candidate. And oh, anyone who might defer to his or anyone’s right as an American citizen to aspire to be the president.
As for Hillary Clinton,
I can’t like her anymore or vote for her. Mainly because of the smell of garlic and the whizzing silver sniper bullets that seem to accompany her every move.
(OT- my apologies to you, Mythmother)
Supersoling, I’ve just finished reading your reply to my post on the Honest Question.
I haven’t had anyone shake me this much in years. There isn’t a single point you made that I didn’t feel as truly as a strong wind. Thank you.
I’d love to think about this until the weekend, and hope to see you around so we can have a real conversation- I feel like I’ve just found water. (And from a Coloradan that means something!)
Don’t know what I said or how I said anything to deserve all of this :o) But thanks.
And I’ll keep my eyes open for anything you’de like to talk about, whenever you want to talk.
Are you sure you aren’t projecting a suppressed rage against your mother at Hilary?
her rage,(I doubt it’s rage) is not directed at Hillary Clinton. That’s a clue. And second, but infinetily more important, it’s not cool to diagnose a person online. regardless of what you see. I happen to know MythMother a bit. Her anger is directed sarcastically against the onslaught that Hillary Clinton is enduring. And this is where I give my now, obligatory assurance that I do not support Clinton. But any fair minded person must acknowledge that the assault that Hillary Clinton is enduring from her detractors in this primary election far exceeds anything she faced during the protracted attack on her and her husband during his presidency.
As someone who’s somewhat detached from this runoff it’s easy enough to see the fuckstorm she’s enduring and how those who genuinly support her could be becoming a little worn thin with being portrayed as either spent and irrelevent feminists or, as in my case (though, ding, ding, ding, i don’t support her), ignorant (i.e. low information and uneducated) working class rascists. Trust me, as a true left winger who’ll more than likely vote outside the two party system who nonetheless finds himself still sensitive to labels of ignorant and rascist, this tactic or self prophesysing meme is taking it’s toll.
I give MythMother credit for speaking up here because it’s (BMT) become hostile territory to many a former denizen.
I took mythmothers rant in the spirit of sarcasm I thought it intended and I tried to respond in kind. Perhaps I should have added a 🙂 !!!!
Yep – the venom being directed at Hilary is a wonder to behold – and says more about those who spit it out than about Hilary herself. You can oppose her ad her politics without getting all childish about it – and in fairness Obama himself has reacted a good deal more maturely than many of his supporters.
Hillary has done a great deal to energise and mobilise the Dems – even if often only against her – and if She and Obama are half the leaders I take them to be they will also in due course, and in good time, re-unite the Dems to provide a formidable united front to steamroller a somewhat pathetic GOP campaign.
I don’t hate Senator Clinton, I strongly dislike the people she chooses to advise her (Penn etc.), her policies (vote for the war, flag-burning amendment)and the way she’s run her campaign (we here in Colorado won’t easily forget she called us insignificant. I want a 50 state strategy because it’s damned important that we start thinking of ourselves as one people who need to take care of the common good.
You are obviously hurt, and with reason. I’m sorry for your pain and hope you can understand my goal. I don’t want to leave you out.
On the other hand, I’m thinking. Pardon me while the wheels turn.
But I do hate the idea of another Clinton in the white house. Sorry – I want change – change for the better, and Hillary and her husband are more of the same…Washington insiders with sneaky backroom deals and friends in high places who make me personally feel like they’re putting something over on the electorate.
Obama supporters are not all rabid misogynists…though yep, I’m positive that exists. I do not dislike Hillary because she’s a woman – I dislike her because she’s shown ME character traits that I find unappealing.