Why is everyone talking about withdrawal? Sounds to me the decision is made, Iraq-style. We are one false flag away from expanding the War on Terror to yet another front.
“If Iran makes the wrong choice, America will act to protect our interests and our troops and our Iraqi partners.” – President Bush this morning.
This language is eerily familiar. UN resolutions have piled up at US request. Claims of imminent threat to our interests. Time for Poland to attack Germany.
This ends with mushroom clouds, but not over NYC.
I’m so sad right now. Pundits are already lining up.
This is again another set-up waiting to happen. The georgie big daddies warn us how tough they are, and how touchy and itchy they are, then go and create a false incident that implicated Iran somehow, and BOOM!
It’s bombs away in Iran!
Truthfully, I don’t think “they” can do more than bomb Iran, since our troops in the Marines, Army and Navy are stretched to the limit. And you think a draft is going to go over with the ipod generation? Doubt it . . . !!!
This is what these warmongers do. They set up these circumstances, roll out the macho propaganda, and wait until the special ops carry out their nefarious plans.
By the way, why do you think that Jimmy Carter’s mission into Iran failed? The “they” wanted it to fail so Reagan could get elected. We’ve invaded Iran before, nothing new here, this time it will be a horrid bombing which I think WILL create some horrid blowback within the US, so your allusion to a mushroom cloud over New York City is not that far-fetched. There might not be nukes involved, goddess forbid that, but we will see some serious violent retaliation.
These Cheneybots are beyond INSANE. I don’t know what the word is to describe them — deep evil just doesn’t do it. . . .
I’m afraid bombing Iran into submission is all they are interested in for now, which makes it all the more likely to happen. “Taking Tehran” doesn’t seem likely, no. But laying waste to their capacity to exert power beyond their borders is too appetizing for these guys. They won’t even have to deal with the repercussions of their actions. That’s for the next President.
Conventional bombing by us, along with sacrificial troops along border. Iran responds inside Iraq. Bushies drop tactical nukes, Iran implodes, Bushies slip into the night. Tens of thousands live and die with effects of nuclear explosions. The ‘provoked’ use of tactical nukes scares the shit out of the world. Then we release these things on the world (and any domestic resistance) and it’s all ours. Or should I say theirs.
Yes, those Cheneybots are where our tax dollars go to. No wonder the rich and famous don’t want to pay taxes.
It is my deepest hope that tactical nukes are never, ever used, anywhere, forever into the future. Radiation is much more dangerous than we think, and it’s long-standing effects just don’t seem to concern people enough. I pray, meditate, and hold thoughts in the fore of my conscious mind every minute of every day, looking forward to the ditching of the past’s selfish and destructive behaviors and for a future of cooperation, sharing and respect for diversity.