So enough with the “When a Man Loves a Woman” act.

If she’s bad he can’t see it
She can do no wrong

Two months ago, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof noted John McCain’s flip flop on torture, but concluded that “Mr. McCain truly has principles that he bends or breaks out of desperation and with distaste. That’s preferable to politicians who are congenital invertebrates.”  

I’m just guessing here, but the people who have been killed due to the Bush Administration’s torture policies probably wouldn’t find anything “preferable” about John McCain’s “desperation and distaste” with selling them out.
Today, Time Magazine’s Michael Scherer dives deeper into the mighty river of denial by providing clear evidence that McCain flip flopped on torture — while insisting that McCain never flipped on torture, no way, nuh huh.

Journalists apparently can’t believe their own lying eyes.  

Let’s recap just a few items from the last few months:

The good news, Journalists of America, is that John McCain really isn’t your girlfriend!  So you can totally report on all of this stuff!  Really!  Go for it!

If she plays him for a fool
He’s the last one to know
Lovin’ eyes can’t ever see

Ah, who am I kidding.  You’re in love, you crazy kids!

God help us all.

Originally posted at