… I guess (plumbing work always seems to lead to major angst at our house)
It rained (and stormed) all night but it’s left us and is now raining on Jen. It looks like that might be it for awhile so I’m pretty likely to get in a walk. Whew.
The biggest angst is getting the ‘plumber’ over here to work on it. I think CBtY might be giving him a call tonight to ask if he can ‘help’ install it.
I need to squeeze in a short walk today too, I think. Ididn’t go yesterday because I haven’t been getting quite enough sleep lately, and I took a nap instead. What a mistake!
We were sunning ourselves on the patio. It was very nice.
They’re willing, anyway. I think I’m going to take CBtE over to the HQ this weekend so we can help for a few hours one day (his girlfriend is busy with a basketball tournament, so it won’t be quite so hard to drag him away).
We’ve had a good bit of that weather lately, which has led me to a sort of flip-flop buying spree for myself. I got some bright green ones made out of indoor/outdoor carpeting that are so comfy it’s almost better than barefoot (which is of course how I am 99% of the time) and another pair of suede and hemp ones. I love Zappos. My husband is not so pleased with it though. Which might be why I like it so much…;)
Morning Folks!!!! I love the latest picture. The soft light in the background and the reflection of the woods in the dew or rain drop is spectacular!!!!
A rare morning visit for me. I had to take the day off to get my new permanent resident card. I was first in line, so now I have all day to get caught up. I’ll hit a bargaining conference tonight.
LOL That would be an understatement. This weekend I get to kick off my campaign for SD14 committeeman or kick it into high gear. I will be emailing 800* people plus sending letters to those who do not have emails. I plan to contact some electeds to try and get their endorsement first LOL
Spring is really late this year. The dogwood and redbuds haven’t even started to come out. And the lows Sunday and Monday are going to be below freezing. Yuck.
We had our pine pollen invasion the past two weeks, and now that that’s winding down the maple spinners are starting to fall. Billions and billions of them clogging my gutters…
I am jealous. My internal seasonal clock knows it should be getting green by now and make me feel like the white rabbit going “it’s late, it’s late, it’s late”.
I’ll pass on the kids. LOL I helped raise my nephew..was a stay at home dad for him for 6 months when he was a toddler. I guess that is why I only thought of adopting kids twice in my younger days but now am way to old to have kids around.
I think you’d be a fun dad….though waking the kids up at 5:00 AM to bake cookies and do some phone banking wouldn’t go over very well in the teen years. 😉
LOL If you lived in this area I would just drag you to the campaign office with me. LOL I am notorious for calling people from Headquarters and asking them why they aren’t there helping me. Guilt trips really do work.
The local Dems are remaining neutral despite calls from the respective candidates asking for endorsement by the Central Committee. They’re driving the chairman nuts. If you saw the story about the treasurer race in the local paper last week, we did disown one candidate, the woman who sat back and let our work get 4 years behind when she was in office before.
I forget how nice that little pond is for reflections which since it about 400 feet from the house is really dumb but the one I took of Sniff the other day (in T’day dog blogging) made me go over to it when I saw the nice clouds.
What a lovely shot! I wish I could drum up more enthusiasm about getting up early to snap some photos. I’ll bet the railroad trestle west of here casts some neat shadows at various times of day. I’ve always wanted to go investigate that spot.
Both he and FMom have been having health problems so he hasn’t been feeling like being on line. FMom is in a a rehab center but is doing somewhat better. FM is having a combination of complaints including circulation problems and back problems.
Well, spring is definitely here in Texas. I wish I had remembered to take my camera with me yesterday to get pictures of all the beautiful flowers growing in the planters downtown. Of course, we have a much warmer climate here. LOL It did get cooler last night and for the first time in two weeks, I slept with the ceiling fans off and the windows closed. LOL
Little signs of spring are popping up around here and it is supposed to be back to normal temps by Wednesday. I just hope this little sign of spring I found yesterday survives.
That’s beautiful!!! I hope it survives also. The cooler weather plus more walking than normal had my hip acting up and I actually had to take a painkiller so I could sleep last night. I haven’t had to do that in months and don’t like doing it at all but …
Just popping in for a bit before my yoga class this morning…
The weather’s been so much warmer over the last 2 days, I can’t believe how quickly everything began to bloom and turn green. We drove to the city yesterday morning, and by the time we came home in early afternoon, it seemed like everything had turned green in our 3-hour absence.
Today is bathroom upgrade day. Pray for me, ’cause I think this is going to be tricky.
The other thing that we would do at our school was provisional acceptance in which the student would have to take a small load and achieve a certain grade point. This would take setting an appointment and discussing the process with the admissions office.
It’s usually just a few courses so it wouldn’t require too much money; and if it can be done while living at home without all the distractions of a dorm, much, much better and cheaper. But, at any rate, I do recommend making an appointment with the admissions office at the school you think would work out best to discuss what could be arranged.
New cafe!
Did you get your new sink?
It came in, we just need to drive to Philly to get it. Probably tomorrow morning, since they’re only open till 4:30 today.
I hate to ask, but is it raining at your place already,or are you going to be able to squeak in a morning walk?
… I guess (plumbing work always seems to lead to major angst at our house)
It rained (and stormed) all night but it’s left us and is now raining on Jen. It looks like that might be it for awhile so I’m pretty likely to get in a walk. Whew.
The biggest angst is getting the ‘plumber’ over here to work on it. I think CBtY might be giving him a call tonight to ask if he can ‘help’ install it.
I need to squeeze in a short walk today too, I think. Ididn’t go yesterday because I haven’t been getting quite enough sleep lately, and I took a nap instead. What a mistake!
Speaking of walks … I’m off to talk mine.
Hope the plumber is cooperative and not too painful to be around.
Good morning!
What a beauty yesterday – lunch outdoors!
More cloudy today…
Doing anything big in Big Apple this weekend?
curly’s cousin in Baltimore is coming up with husband and toddler. Flexible program, but I think a MOMA-visit is in the cards.
Hmm, toddler at MOMA — well I’ll bet a good portion of the sculptures could be taken for some sort of great toy. 🙂
I know it seems a risky proposition, but the kid has interest in art and is very mature for his age (quite precocious) – almost 5.
Yesterday was the day I’ve been waiting for: warm, sunny, wearing shorts weather.
…wearing shorts weather.
I actually did and it was good.
So the CBs enjoy activism?
We were sunning ourselves on the patio. It was very nice.
They’re willing, anyway. I think I’m going to take CBtE over to the HQ this weekend so we can help for a few hours one day (his girlfriend is busy with a basketball tournament, so it won’t be quite so hard to drag him away).
We’ve had a good bit of that weather lately, which has led me to a sort of flip-flop buying spree for myself. I got some bright green ones made out of indoor/outdoor carpeting that are so comfy it’s almost better than barefoot (which is of course how I am 99% of the time) and another pair of suede and hemp ones. I love Zappos. My husband is not so pleased with it though. Which might be why I like it so much…;)
Morning Folks!!!! I love the latest picture. The soft light in the background and the reflection of the woods in the dew or rain drop is spectacular!!!!
I admit I was pretty pleased with myself over that photo — pretty cool to capture a sunrise in a raindrop.
A rare morning visit for me. I had to take the day off to get my new permanent resident card. I was first in line, so now I have all day to get caught up. I’ll hit a bargaining conference tonight.
Morning Teacher Toni!!!!
Morning RF! I’m sure you have been keeping busy!
LOL That would be an understatement. This weekend I get to kick off my campaign for SD14 committeeman or kick it into high gear. I will be emailing 800* people plus sending letters to those who do not have emails. I plan to contact some electeds to try and get their endorsement first LOL
I don’t know how you do it – but good luck.
Thank you!!! I guess I just don’t know when to stop. LOL
Good morning all. Rainy and cool here, a disappointment after our sunny mid 70s day here yesterday.
Howdy Boran2
Hay RF! Howz it down by you?
Pretty good after some early morning showers. I am exhausted as I went to bed at 4 am and got up at 6. LOL
Hi boran. We’ve got rain here too. Blah!
Morning Toni! It’s supposed to rain right through the boran2 boy’s first soccer game tomorrow.
That sounds mildly miserable. The rain, not the game.
click for larger
good morning! Gosh, the trees still look so barren up there. I keep forgetting how far ahead we are in the greening process.
Spring is really late this year. The dogwood and redbuds haven’t even started to come out. And the lows Sunday and Monday are going to be below freezing. Yuck.
We had our pine pollen invasion the past two weeks, and now that that’s winding down the maple spinners are starting to fall. Billions and billions of them clogging my gutters…
But it’s been a beautiful spring.
I am jealous. My internal seasonal clock knows it should be getting green by now and make me feel like the white rabbit going “it’s late, it’s late, it’s late”.
I now have this vision of you in a waistcoat with an old fashion watch on a chain. LOL
Well, I do have the pouchy tummy. 🙂
Try having four kids…:(
I’ll pass on the kids. LOL I helped raise my nephew..was a stay at home dad for him for 6 months when he was a toddler. I guess that is why I only thought of adopting kids twice in my younger days but now am way to old to have kids around.
I think you’d be a fun dad….though waking the kids up at 5:00 AM to bake cookies and do some phone banking wouldn’t go over very well in the teen years. 😉
The optimum word is would have been. LOL At 49 soon to be 50, I am too old to deal with kids unless they are volunteers on a campaign.
I believe it’s just a tad late for me to try that. But fortunately, there are lots more enjoyable ways to get that pouch. 😉
Heh, two was enough for me…
Howdy Second Nature. I guess we were posting to Miss Andi at the same time.
Morning, RF! Your energy puts me to shame. Think you could bottle some of it for me?
LOL If you lived in this area I would just drag you to the campaign office with me. LOL I am notorious for calling people from Headquarters and asking them why they aren’t there helping me. Guilt trips really do work.
I guess this counts as a quiet weekend for you.
As quiet as they ever get during election season. LOL
Happy Weekend to you also!!!
Still baking cookies?
Not this weekend. I will be working on 2 podcast and some designs and my campaign. I will probably be doing some phone banking as well.
Good morning! Did you get over to see Obama yesterday? One of the press buses stopped in town yesterday afternoon, but no candidate.
I’ve never been a registered member of any political party and I am strictly apolitical when it comes to primaries.
The local Dems are remaining neutral despite calls from the respective candidates asking for endorsement by the Central Committee. They’re driving the chairman nuts. If you saw the story about the treasurer race in the local paper last week, we did disown one candidate, the woman who sat back and let our work get 4 years behind when she was in office before.
well, you don’t need a person in office again who was a total mess the first time around.
Wow. Great, no, AWESOME, picture, Andi!
Hey thanks.
I forget how nice that little pond is for reflections which since it about 400 feet from the house is really dumb but the one I took of Sniff the other day (in T’day dog blogging) made me go over to it when I saw the nice clouds.
What a lovely shot! I wish I could drum up more enthusiasm about getting up early to snap some photos. I’ll bet the railroad trestle west of here casts some neat shadows at various times of day. I’ve always wanted to go investigate that spot.
Well this was a sunset shot so you’ve got no excuse. 🙂
It is fun to go shoot the same location at different times of day and different seasons.
Ah, sunset. That’s about my nap time (filling in for Family Man).
Speaking of Familyman, has anyone heard from him. I haven’t seen him online here since I finally started showing back up.
Both he and FMom have been having health problems so he hasn’t been feeling like being on line. FMom is in a a rehab center but is doing somewhat better. FM is having a combination of complaints including circulation problems and back problems.
I’m very sorry to see that. FM, if you’re lurking, hope you’re back to feeling better soon!
So sorry to hear that. When you talk to him tell him I am sending Warm Thoughts of Love and Healing.
I will be sure to to do that.
Hang in there up north, Spring is coming!
and this is in your future…
Oh that is just lovely. I’m tearing up.
I found this in my image files and just had to post it this am. Good morning everyone!!!!
So much for spring right? Morning Miss Andi!!!!
Spring is being a real pisser about showing up this year.
Well, spring is definitely here in Texas. I wish I had remembered to take my camera with me yesterday to get pictures of all the beautiful flowers growing in the planters downtown. Of course, we have a much warmer climate here. LOL It did get cooler last night and for the first time in two weeks, I slept with the ceiling fans off and the windows closed. LOL
Little signs of spring are popping up around here and it is supposed to be back to normal temps by Wednesday. I just hope this little sign of spring I found yesterday survives.
That’s beautiful!!! I hope it survives also. The cooler weather plus more walking than normal had my hip acting up and I actually had to take a painkiller so I could sleep last night. I haven’t had to do that in months and don’t like doing it at all but …
Good morning, rf and Andi!
Yesterday turned out pretty good and this morning looks the same, though a bit cooler. PM rain in the forecast.
Morning ask!!!!
Are you getting some rest today, or is it another day of busy volunteer work?
I am working on designs this am and will work on my poodcasts and my resume I didn’t get finished yesterday. LOL
Well, at least those are all done at home – no running around needed.
True and I have a new Obama design to premier that I am rather impressed with myself. LOL
I used their circle emblem as the O in Obama.
Well if our weather is moving east, you’re in for a few cold, damp days but hope is on the way — we’re supposed to be sunny and warm by mid-week.
Yes, it looks a bit iffy for the next few days.
Just popping in for a bit before my yoga class this morning…
The weather’s been so much warmer over the last 2 days, I can’t believe how quickly everything began to bloom and turn green. We drove to the city yesterday morning, and by the time we came home in early afternoon, it seemed like everything had turned green in our 3-hour absence.
Today is bathroom upgrade day. Pray for me, ’cause I think this is going to be tricky.
Have fun at yoga and good luck with the bathroom. LOL
Did I mention that my ex-husband is the plumber today? 😉
does he come complete with a plumber’s crack?
Excuse me while I go throw up at the thought…
Yeah I know. I’m just feeling miserable this morning and thought I’d spread it around…
Did you see my email last night? When I was an academic advisor I saw a lot of folks who did what I mentioned and had good results.
Despite our area having a large amount of four-year colleges, there is only one community college and it’s a 45 minute drive each way.
The other thing that we would do at our school was provisional acceptance in which the student would have to take a small load and achieve a certain grade point. This would take setting an appointment and discussing the process with the admissions office.
I don’t know if that seems like a good idea – provisional acceptance and borrowing lots of money at the same time just seems so risky.
It’s usually just a few courses so it wouldn’t require too much money; and if it can be done while living at home without all the distractions of a dorm, much, much better and cheaper. But, at any rate, I do recommend making an appointment with the admissions office at the school you think would work out best to discuss what could be arranged.
Is there anything he is really interested in? Something where he could take a specialized class just for that?
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Yeah the plumbers they have in certain movies and what shows up in real life are 2 very different things.
Good luck with the sink. In my house, if, after the plumbing is done, no eardrums have been shattered by screamed obscenities, we call that a success.
Mine will be if we don’t have to return anything or spend another $200 making what we have work…
The other big success sign is when you don’t have to call a plumber to fix your fix.
Does he have the three essential bits of knowledge it takes to be a plumber?
Good morning!
And I need an explanation…
I was a plumber way back in the 70’s for a couple of years. Interesting, but sometimes very dirty work.
The plumber who installed my bathroom sink failed on the first one…
Perhaps he was right-brained;-)
And I suppose 1. isn’t quite as important as 2. or 3.
Monday already. Hope everybody had a good weekend to fortify you for the week ahead.