Lots of things bother me about this current election cycle. For example, the lack of attention by the media and the candidates on the issue of global warming, the failure of either Democratic candidate to state whether they will pursue prosecutions of Bush’s Torturer’s Club, the free pass given to John McCain by the media on just about everything, Congress’ refusal to impeach Bush and Cheney no matter what they do, the censorship of government scientists for political gain, the continuing blight on our national honor that is New Orleans, Blackwater continuing to get government contracts in Iraq, the politicized prosecutions of Democrats by Bush’s Department of Justice, the ever growing number of dead in Iraq, etc. I’m sure you could come up with another 1000 or more things that bother you and I’d agree with most, if not all, of them.

However, there are several things about our current political scene that just don’t get me all that hot and bothered, namely:

1. Black people voting for Barack Obama because he’s black.

2. Women voting for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman.

3. Stupid old white men voting for John McCain because he’s a stupid old white man.

In my view people should be entitled to vote for people with whom they identify, if that makes them happy. Besides, how many bad tempered, potential Alzheimer’s sufferers with lousy comb overs are there in America, anyway?