Shopping for toilets isn’t the most fascinating way to spend a Saturday afternoon. But it beats watching cable news.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
LOL I spent the majority of the day with other volunteers working on arranging housing for several thousand Obama delegates coming to Austin for the state convention in June. The blocks of rooms reserved by the state party were all filled the 1st day.
Perhaps you’d be better off with a low mileage certified preowned toilet?
We bought our (standard-white-porcelain) toilet from the salvage shop at the dump. It had been stored outside in sun and rain, and was therefore fairly clean. If there’s a difference between it and a brand new model, my tush has yet to find it.
In fact, everything in our bathroom is salvage, including the glass-block window, and even the fixtures and floor tiles.
Sounds like an excellent way to recycle and save some money.
My lists often offer toilets, bathroom sinks, kitchen sinks, you name it, from people who are remodeling. I got some books and magazines yesterday and gave away 8 pair of jeans; today we’re giving away a trampoline the previous owners of our house left behind.
When you have a circa 1950s bathroom, and it’s small even by those standards, finding something that will fit is almost as insurmountable a challenge as, say world peace. 🙂
looking ahead; we’ll need some toilets for these guys:
`Steady Hand’ for the G.O.P. Guides McCain on a New Path
all lobbyists to the last drop.
connect the dots, write the script: “same old, same old, McSame Old”
Chalabi – the guy who sold us the next 100 years in Iraq.
Blackwater – great mercenaries, great service
Lincoln Group – fake news on the Iraq war.
There’s a metaphor in there somewhere…
I recently replaced one of out toilets when my (wobbly senior citizen) dad fell and damaged the old one. I got the big American Standard one with chair-height and the elongated bowl (like handicap stalls have at public restrooms.) My (very young) nieces are afraid of it because it’s so much bigger than most toilets, but my dad and I love the thing. It cost like $350 but it was SO worth it.
If I may suggest it, get one of those power-assisted jobbies that shoot your mess right down. Uses less water and brings excitement and a sense of power with every flush. If you sit when you flush you get a gust of air blown up your ass.
Have I said too much? Should I stop. Yeah, I should.
when things look shitty, there is always toilet blogging.
Got a second robocall today.
The first was from Bob Casey on supporting Obama.
This second one was from a mayor whose message reflected the current news, i.e., “Yes we’re frustrated here and angry…Obama’s in touch with what is going on in our lives.”
Rapid adaptation of message – pretty impressive organization.
Bummer. We’ve moved and have a new phone number. No robocalls!
But I did get a great email message from the mayor.
I got the email of the mayor’s statement, and thought it was an excellent response.
All this crap serves to do is make me more motivated to help get out the vote next week.
And why aren’t we hearing anything on the news about Bush’s confirmation that he knowingly approved of torture?
I spent the day scoping out our caucus location for tomorrow’s event, then calling PA people for Obama. I was happily surprised by how many Obama supporters I reached, but puzzled as heck at how so many people could be “undecided” at this point. I guess people are just natural procrastinators, even mentally.
One woman asked me three times, are you sure he’s not a Muslim? That was so depressing on two levels, because one, that shouldn’t matter, and two, my goodness EXCEPT for that email, there is nowhere in the media where that hasn’t been corrected! How can anyone believe an email unless that’s literally all they have ever read.
I’m also teaming up with another guy running for delegate and we’re hoping to use the forum to launch an all-out effort to get our Congresswoman and Superdelegate Diane Watson to change her vote. But after talking to someone who knew her personally at the Obama phonebank today, she said she would literally go down with the Clinton’s, if necessary, as she feels she owes her entire career to them. Well honey, prepare to go down, her friend told her. I still think a few hundred calls from people in her district will convince her of the error of her ways. While CA on the whole went for Clinton, my district went for Obama 61.8% and Clinton got only 36.4%.
Tonight, I’m mailing everyone I know and asking them to support my candidacy to be a delegate in CD33, along with some others I’ve come to know during the campaign.
BTers!! If you know anyone who might possibly live in my district, please encourage them to vote for me!!