Heh. we needed a spring-y cafe to go with my allergy sniffles this morning. Time to break out the singulair.
The plumber came, figured out how to re-work the plumbing for the sink so that it will fit, went to get the additional parts needed from the hardware store, and went home because he wasn’t feeling well. He’s coming back at nine this morning.
We also found out that he has to move by the 21st (of April), and has no idea where he’s moving because he hasn’t been working much since January and doesn’t have the money to move. And he’s burned so many bridges so many times…
That sounds familiar. The kids’ father hasn’t worked (or paid back child support) in over a year and hasn’t had the money (!?)to visit them in four. He bought an old farm in nowhere Ohio and has been rehabbing it for three years now, along with his 3 other houses.
That sucks. I’m also suspicious that he thinks we are going to explain what’s going on to the kids, because he has a habit of never telling anybody what to expect ahead of time.
I will say that he does see the kids regularly, basically every other weekend. Of course, what happens with that when he has no place to live?
I think the brisk weather is nice, now that we’ve had a taste of spring.
I just got off the phone with the accountant, who is filing my extension electronically, thus giving me a few more weeks to finish getting my paperwork together. I procrastinated way too long this year.
As long as you’ve paid what you owe you’ll be fine.
The filing is a drag.
It’s brisk at the moment, but dry and still. Just checked the online forecast and we have a great week ahead.
It’s been unbelievably green the past several weeks. That tender spring green that almost hurts your eyes. Now we are into all of the pollen and those little helicopter things that fall from the maple trees.
I fell asleep last night around 9:40, and slept until a few minutes ago. And I’m barely awake as it is.
Everyone survived yesterday. He’s coming back to finish up a few odds and ends today, and then I’ll post before and after pics (yes, this is big excitement here).
Ooh, have you picked out what you want yet? Are you getting a new sink too? I splurged on Corian for mine when I did it 5 years ago.
We still need to rip out the old tub and replace it, but we have to rip out and redo the non-functioning upstairs bath (which is going to be really fun in a room that is 39 inches by 8 feet) before we can even think about that. Ah, the joy of old houses and old bathrooms.
It’s all picked out. Everything has been measured. Just haven’t heard back from them on a date. 🙁
We replaced our bathtub about 10 years ago. We probably need to replace most of the stuff around it but that’s way down on the priority list. Windows are probably next here.
That’s a drag. Once I have everything picked out, I want it finished yesterday!
The tub replacement is going to be a pain because of the shower wall situation here. And like you, new windows (and better energy efficiency) are a lot higher on the priority list.
Cool and blue here too. All three of my boys have gotten it in their heads that they will excavate my backyard and install a big pond complete with waterfall. This from guys who have to be prodded to use a lawnmower. Apparently digging starts this evening….
I am blessed (?) to be able to witness activity Hugh Hefner would love right under my bedroom window in the newly installed hot tub my neighbors installed last summer. It would help if I didn’t despise them…
Good thinking! We’re also going to incorporate a firepit back there someplace, so maybe we could have some noisy tribal initiation ceremonies late at night…
We have cool and blue here too. I’m trying not to look though, because I have work deadlines and a trip to Lowe’s (need one more towel bar) in my future.
In case you were worried that you’re missing a picture of ticks being pulled off a dog, you aren’t — it’s just some Hump Day humps (oh and I mean as in hilly landscape).
I’ve decided not to keep time by days of the week but what’s happening in the woods. Right now we’re at dogwoods-and-redbuds-getting-ready-to-bloom time.
Good morning, ladies!
I’m still in shock from last nights ‘debate’. Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos should never be seen on network screens again.
Anyway, it’s a gorgeous morning and the birds are chirping outside the window.
I’m still steaming over the flag pin crap. The current president has wrapped all of his crimes in the flag, or didn’t they notice? When did wearing a flag pin become an important criteria for being president? And if it’s that important, where are Hillary and McCain’s pins?
Anyway, it’s looking like a nice day here today too, although a bit brisk to start.
And it’s definitely spring. We rescued an abandoned baby squirrel from the dogs yesterday.
Morning Folks!!!! I want pictures when the dogwoods and red buds bloom. LOL But I guess you knew that already as I always love your pictures Miss Andi!!!
Good morning Miss Andi and Cabingirl!!! Andi, I do love the way you use light in your pictures. You seem to always catch that perfect angle or glow that just sets off an image and makes a person think beauty.
Bette sat on my feet all night until I went to bed and then slept under the bed till the storms passed. I have a large window in my bedroom with trees outside so she reuses to stay on the bed even under the covers during a storm. LOL
I was already awake but I doubt I could have slept through it since I’m a really light sleeper and it was like having a train running very, very close to the house. Jim did sleep through it however — which finally provides proof for my assertion that he could sleep through a school band marching in our bedroom.
Personally I think you should hire a band for the test. I understand you can get the UC Davis marching band for only $500. But you’d probably have to pay their travel expenses. So maybe Bloomington would be a better bet …
We just had an aftershock that was 4.5. Very strange to feel on the 16th floor of a building.
Was that the one at 11:15 EDT because there was one I felt then — I checked at the usgs and that one was a 4.6.
I’ll bet I could save even more money if I went with the school band at the nearby grade school. Or go the .99 cent route and download a souza march from itunes.
You folks stay safe with the earthquakes. I still remember my first one in San Francisco that was more than a tiny bump. Sitting at a friends playing cards and hearing a train roaring( no train tracks anywhere near there) and watching the chandelier swing back and forth. Took someone screaming at me to get me in a door way. There was no damage but once it was over and they all wanted to start playing cards again, I was too much of a basket case to play cards and went and sat outside chain smoking. LOL
I thought it was hilarious. The Capital City Men’s Chorus does one with a song at their Midnight Cabaret that is hysterical. You have to hear the musical director who is a professional tenor sing the weird stuff phrases we buy to go into a song. LOL
Good morning!
And Happy Passover to you too.
No big celebration here this year, no seder tonight – just a simple get together with a few friends tomorrow.
The fantastic weather is a great mood booster.
The weather is going to be crappy here but I’m actually looking at that as good news — that way I won’t feel so bad that I’m going to be gone almsot all day.
About 80 miles and 80 minutes, so not bad. Though we’ve got a bunch of errands to run beforehand (gotta take advantage of going to the big city) and then we’re helping my mom get everything ready, so we’re going to go for an early walk now and then take off.
LOL!!! I bet. I don’t celebrate anything anymore except by spending time with friends. I’m not an atheist but I am not sure what I am any more. I have studied so many religions and when I was much younger actually thought about becoming a minister but could not see living a lie since I knew of no churches where I could be out.
I will be spending today at the State of The State Conference dealing with GLBT issues for the upcoming legislative session in Texas. Should be interesting.
I also got up way too early to do a couple of new designs after gearing about Hillary’s comments about Democratic activist.
Thanks!!! I think I have become more cynical as I have gotten older but still have moments of wonder and awe where I believe there has to be something out there working I don’t understand. LOL
Well, I have to go shower and get ready. Have a great day!!!
Yep, survived. We made it all the way through the seder without crumbling into chaos which counts as success in my family. Also, my sister’s haroset is the best. Yum.
That’s good. We skipped yesterday and are doing a low-key one tonight.
Young asklet is here with me, swimmer called from Maine yesterday. She seems to have made up her mind on college choice and will go small, though Brunswick is quite a distance from here.
Good to hear that swimmer has been able to decide so quickly. I’m a big fan of smaller schools. I think they give kids a much better education because they are much more aware of what is going on with their students, their profs are much more likely to really care about being good teachers, and the class sizes are much smaller.
Well, that was her argument as well.
She visited Cornell last weekend, but found it ‘cold’ and impersonal. So, she is choosing small Bowdoin with 1,750 undergrads.
Maybe a new cafe will help.
(psst, Andi, I’m over here!)
and forgot to leave me a forwarding address. 😉
How’d the plumbing work go?
Heh. we needed a spring-y cafe to go with my allergy sniffles this morning. Time to break out the singulair.
The plumber came, figured out how to re-work the plumbing for the sink so that it will fit, went to get the additional parts needed from the hardware store, and went home because he wasn’t feeling well. He’s coming back at nine this morning.
We also found out that he has to move by the 21st (of April), and has no idea where he’s moving because he hasn’t been working much since January and doesn’t have the money to move. And he’s burned so many bridges so many times…
Wow, that’s a lot of angst for a Monday, especially since you didn’t even get a finished plumbing job out of it.
No need for allergy stuff here — it’s too damned cold.
Speaking of which, I guess I’ll bundle up and head out into it.
Have a nice walk!
That sounds familiar. The kids’ father hasn’t worked (or paid back child support) in over a year and hasn’t had the money (!?)to visit them in four. He bought an old farm in nowhere Ohio and has been rehabbing it for three years now, along with his 3 other houses.
That sucks. I’m also suspicious that he thinks we are going to explain what’s going on to the kids, because he has a habit of never telling anybody what to expect ahead of time.
I will say that he does see the kids regularly, basically every other weekend. Of course, what happens with that when he has no place to live?
Good morning!
We (I) overslept, and young asklet – who spent the night had to rush out the door for school.
That’s such a lousy way to start the week.
The boys are off to school, and I have some tax stuff (ugh) and work to attend to today.
What are you up to?
He may just make it in time, depending on the progress of the cross-town bus.
I have a slackerly day ahead; it’s cold (39 at the moment), but bright, blue skies. I see a long walk coming up.
I think the brisk weather is nice, now that we’ve had a taste of spring.
I just got off the phone with the accountant, who is filing my extension electronically, thus giving me a few more weeks to finish getting my paperwork together. I procrastinated way too long this year.
As long as you’ve paid what you owe you’ll be fine.
The filing is a drag.
It’s brisk at the moment, but dry and still. Just checked the online forecast and we have a great week ahead.
I don’t know where we lowly people are supposed to sit…
The king and queen?
Your garden is so green, it was really only this weekend we started to see buds burst.
It’s been unbelievably green the past several weeks. That tender spring green that almost hurts your eyes. Now we are into all of the pollen and those little helicopter things that fall from the maple trees.
Yeah, allergy season has already come; my daughter suffers badly. The cherry trees are at peak bloom and the tree lined streets are beautiful.
your deck looks so inviting…no wonder the animals have taken it over!
I have a new sink and toilet installed in my bathroom! I almost can’t wait to use it.
Make a pot of coffee – that always does it for me. 😛
Did everybody survive?
All the way to 5:30 a.m. It’s a miracle.
Wow! Congrats!
I fell asleep last night around 9:40, and slept until a few minutes ago. And I’m barely awake as it is.
Everyone survived yesterday. He’s coming back to finish up a few odds and ends today, and then I’ll post before and after pics (yes, this is big excitement here).
Hey, all new stuff is exciting. I wish I could post pictures of our new kitchen counters in return but I haven’t even got a date yet.
Ooh, have you picked out what you want yet? Are you getting a new sink too? I splurged on Corian for mine when I did it 5 years ago.
We still need to rip out the old tub and replace it, but we have to rip out and redo the non-functioning upstairs bath (which is going to be really fun in a room that is 39 inches by 8 feet) before we can even think about that. Ah, the joy of old houses and old bathrooms.
It’s all picked out. Everything has been measured. Just haven’t heard back from them on a date. 🙁
We replaced our bathtub about 10 years ago. We probably need to replace most of the stuff around it but that’s way down on the priority list. Windows are probably next here.
That’s a drag. Once I have everything picked out, I want it finished yesterday!
The tub replacement is going to be a pain because of the shower wall situation here. And like you, new windows (and better energy efficiency) are a lot higher on the priority list.
Yeah, patience is not a virtue for me, either.
Well the sun’s up (and out, yay) and patience isn’t a virture for the dogs either so I’m off. See ya.
Good morning!
For once, I felt like staying in bed, and actually managed till 7.
Still cool, but great blue skies.
Cool and blue here too. All three of my boys have gotten it in their heads that they will excavate my backyard and install a big pond complete with waterfall. This from guys who have to be prodded to use a lawnmower. Apparently digging starts this evening….
Wow. What wonderful guys!
Maybe they can work a hot tub into their plans…
I am blessed (?) to be able to witness activity Hugh Hefner would love right under my bedroom window in the newly installed hot tub my neighbors installed last summer. It would help if I didn’t despise them…
Hmm…maybe the boys could install it and help you get even by inviting all their friends over in the wee hours of the night.
just sayin’.
Good thinking! We’re also going to incorporate a firepit back there someplace, so maybe we could have some noisy tribal initiation ceremonies late at night…
…followed by some sort of noisy hot tub baptism. Perfect.
I’ll bring the beer. 😉
Despicable exibitionists next door?
The worst kind! 😉
Mowing lawns = boring.
Construction project = challenge + adding macho credibility.
It’s a fairly inexpensive project, though labor-intensive, and I figure if they get stuck I’ll just call someone to fix it. I’m all for it. 🙂
And your analogy reminds me that:
cooking on a stove = women’s work
cooking with fire = manly
Can I play too?
smashing toilet base with hammer to get it out = manly good times
carting said toilet pieces out to street with trash = too much like work
Putting the new one in won’t be much fun either.
It’s already in. It didn’t seem too bad, although I went grocery shopping for part of the time.
I’m just waiting for the new towel bars/mirror to go up, and then I’ll post before and after pics.
Cool. Looking forward to those photos.
We have cool and blue here too. I’m trying not to look though, because I have work deadlines and a trip to Lowe’s (need one more towel bar) in my future.
Spring is officially here — pulled the first tick of the season off one of the dogs.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
I guess that’s as good a marker as any other.
Poor guys.
Today – and the rest of the week will have true spring.
Wish I could see it. 🙁
In case you were worried that you’re missing a picture of ticks being pulled off a dog, you aren’t — it’s just some Hump Day humps (oh and I mean as in hilly landscape).
I had a dream about ticks last night. Weird.
We’re getting lovely Fall weather at the moment. Sunny, but cool. Luna , with her big fur coat, loves it.
Hmm, I wonder what Jungian archetype ticks are.
I’m gonna go with “blood suckers”, but then I’ve always been a bit of a literalist.
Friday’s here. Yay!
Good morning.
Is it really Thursday already? I have so much work to finish before the weekend…
I’ve decided not to keep time by days of the week but what’s happening in the woods. Right now we’re at dogwoods-and-redbuds-getting-ready-to-bloom time.
I like that idea. I’ll get to see my birthday dogwood from last year bloom this year.
Now can we get work deadlines to operate on the same schedule?
Jim thinks the dogwoods and redbuds are going to bloom this week but I think it’s going to take a little longer than that.
Good morning, ladies!
I’m still in shock from last nights ‘debate’. Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos should never be seen on network screens again.
Anyway, it’s a gorgeous morning and the birds are chirping outside the window.
Lots of bird singing here, too. They seem to be doing 500-part harmony.
I’m still steaming over the flag pin crap. The current president has wrapped all of his crimes in the flag, or didn’t they notice? When did wearing a flag pin become an important criteria for being president? And if it’s that important, where are Hillary and McCain’s pins?
Anyway, it’s looking like a nice day here today too, although a bit brisk to start.
And it’s definitely spring. We rescued an abandoned baby squirrel from the dogs yesterday.
Morning Folks!!!! I want pictures when the dogwoods and red buds bloom. LOL But I guess you knew that already as I always love your pictures Miss Andi!!!
as to last nights debate, UGH!!! That is why I started Democrats Disgusted With ABC over at face book. LOL
I didn’t watch the debate. I cleaned food and mouse turds out of kitchen cabinets for a friend. Much more enjoyable.
I’m sure it was. 🙂
LOL! You didn’t miss anything.
I’ll be delighted to take some pictures of the dogwoods and redbuds when they finally come out.
In the meantime, the little flowers (toothwort) gracing this cafe have fully bloomed.
Beautiful!! Thank you
Now if only we could skip the work part and go straight to yippee-it’s-the-weekend.
click for larger
I could go for that…
I have a poster to write this morning, and then I think I’m focusing some attention on housecleaning and grocery shopping today.
Any big plans this weekend?
Good morning Miss Andi and Cabingirl!!! Andi, I do love the way you use light in your pictures. You seem to always catch that perfect angle or glow that just sets off an image and makes a person think beauty.
Good morning!
Such a beauty out there this morning. Maximize outdoors activities.
Morning Ask!!! It’s wet and cool here so I might be in more than out today. We had thunder storms most of the night.
Well, you may need the precipitation, but I guess the Diva dogs are not too happy with the thunder.
Bette sat on my feet all night until I went to bed and then slept under the bed till the storms passed. I have a large window in my bedroom with trees outside so she reuses to stay on the bed even under the covers during a storm. LOL
Thanks RF for the nice words. But like I always, nature does the work, I just document it. 🙂
And now I’m off to enjoy nature some more.
See ya all and hope everyone has a fine Friday.
Did you sleep through the earthquake? It woke me up.
There was an earthquake? I just thought it was someone snoring.
I was already awake but I doubt I could have slept through it since I’m a really light sleeper and it was like having a train running very, very close to the house. Jim did sleep through it however — which finally provides proof for my assertion that he could sleep through a school band marching in our bedroom.
Personally I think you should hire a band for the test. I understand you can get the UC Davis marching band for only $500. But you’d probably have to pay their travel expenses. So maybe Bloomington would be a better bet …
We just had an aftershock that was 4.5. Very strange to feel on the 16th floor of a building.
Was that the one at 11:15 EDT because there was one I felt then — I checked at the usgs and that one was a 4.6.
I’ll bet I could save even more money if I went with the school band at the nearby grade school. Or go the .99 cent route and download a souza march from itunes.
You folks stay safe with the earthquakes. I still remember my first one in San Francisco that was more than a tiny bump. Sitting at a friends playing cards and hearing a train roaring( no train tracks anywhere near there) and watching the chandelier swing back and forth. Took someone screaming at me to get me in a door way. There was no damage but once it was over and they all wanted to start playing cards again, I was too much of a basket case to play cards and went and sat outside chain smoking. LOL
Not to worry RF. The quakes were just rumbles that rattled things.
Good morning, refinish!
Morning!!!! I just posted a new diary on my blog about mad libs.
Fun post! We used to keep a book of those in the car for long rides.
I thought it was hilarious. The Capital City Men’s Chorus does one with a song at their Midnight Cabaret that is hysterical. You have to hear the musical director who is a professional tenor sing the weird stuff phrases we buy to go into a song. LOL
Good morning all. A beautiful day here in the Valley. Shame to waste it here at work.
or as I like to think of it — the annual gorging on my sister’s haroset (a yummy mix of apples, walnuts, cinnamon, and sweet wine).
Good morning!
And Happy Passover to you too.
No big celebration here this year, no seder tonight – just a simple get together with a few friends tomorrow.
The fantastic weather is a great mood booster.
The weather is going to be crappy here but I’m actually looking at that as good news — that way I won’t feel so bad that I’m going to be gone almsot all day.
Just watched the forecast and see that a couple of cool, crappy days will kick in tomorrow.
Do you have a long drive?
About 80 miles and 80 minutes, so not bad. Though we’ve got a bunch of errands to run beforehand (gotta take advantage of going to the big city) and then we’re helping my mom get everything ready, so we’re going to go for an early walk now and then take off.
Hope you enjoy your beautiful day.
Have a great time Miss Andi!!!!
Morning Ask!!! Happy Passover to you and yours as well. A quiet evening with friends sound like the perfect thing to me.
Good morning, rf!
It will be interesting; two Israelis and one (American) convert to judaism, and yours truly, the atheist.
LOL!!! I bet. I don’t celebrate anything anymore except by spending time with friends. I’m not an atheist but I am not sure what I am any more. I have studied so many religions and when I was much younger actually thought about becoming a minister but could not see living a lie since I knew of no churches where I could be out.
I will be spending today at the State of The State Conference dealing with GLBT issues for the upcoming legislative session in Texas. Should be interesting.
I also got up way too early to do a couple of new designs after gearing about Hillary’s comments about Democratic activist.
Democratic Activist for Obama
Bloggers for Obama
On less cynical days I may be an agnostic…
Great designs, rf, I will order a couple.
Thanks!!! I think I have become more cynical as I have gotten older but still have moments of wonder and awe where I believe there has to be something out there working I don’t understand. LOL
Well, I have to go shower and get ready. Have a great day!!!
Happy Passover to you and yours!!!!
Good morning to anyone still around – and Happy Passover!
I’m beginning to believe that spring is actually going to make it. Thar be growing thing out there.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
Beautiful image; sunrise or sunset?
Looks like you survived yesterday’s celebration.
It’s sunrise.
Yep, survived. We made it all the way through the seder without crumbling into chaos which counts as success in my family. Also, my sister’s haroset is the best. Yum.
That’s good. We skipped yesterday and are doing a low-key one tonight.
Young asklet is here with me, swimmer called from Maine yesterday. She seems to have made up her mind on college choice and will go small, though Brunswick is quite a distance from here.
Good to hear that swimmer has been able to decide so quickly. I’m a big fan of smaller schools. I think they give kids a much better education because they are much more aware of what is going on with their students, their profs are much more likely to really care about being good teachers, and the class sizes are much smaller.
Well, that was her argument as well.
She visited Cornell last weekend, but found it ‘cold’ and impersonal. So, she is choosing small Bowdoin with 1,750 undergrads.
I think swimmer and I are right — I went to a small school and worked at a large one so I am basing my opinion on actual (albeit limited) experience.
I think that sounds like a good choice. And it sounds like a fairly easy one to make in the end.
I know I’d pick small and personal over vast and impersonal any day…
We had a beautiful summer day yesterday, and now we’re back to gloomy-ish and cooler.
Glad you survived the holiday, Andi.
Looks like we might need a new cafe, huh?
Yesterday was very blah here, today is only somewhat blah and we’re heading for a week in the 70s so I’d say we’re on a upswing.
Probably need a new cafe, definitely need a walk (or so say Sniff and Giddy) so I’m outta here.
See ya later.