Everyone’s on notice. You drink orange juice around here and you’re banned.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Is the juice bitter?
at 5.30 A.M. today, in the barn, I had a double shot of over-proof rum, chased by a Coors. The cows mooed approvingly. Damn right.
Notice, I did not write booooooed.
Does this count?
I’m sober as I write this:
Just In: New Los Angeles/Bloomberg Poll
Clinton losing traction over Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana
I’d my quota for the day. It’s orange juice time with VT maple syrup and Peach Schnapps liqueur.
My rhubarb is up!
For the first time in 6 weeks I don’t have any parental caretaking. At all.
We have enough leftovers that I don’t have to cook.
The sun is out and the wind is not.
I planted strawberries.
My daughter has only one after school event requiring a chauffeur.
Does it count as orange juice if it’s more than half rum?
Sounds like you’re having the perfect day!
The other day we went out to check our planters in anticipation of doing some gardening this year, and found to our surprise that the strawberries we had written off last yesr are coming back. So, looks like we need to get in there, pull out all the old dead leaves and runners, and actually pay a bit of attention to them this year.
I’m lobbying heavily toward putting together a list of things we can (1) grow in a relatively small space and (2) eat. My wife is lobbying for a solution that doesn’t require us to do a lot of stooping and bending and is friendly on her poor arthritic hands. Anybody here have experience with square foot gardening?
I’m doing raised beds because the clay in Colorado stunts everything it doesn’t kill.
Do you have room for some old stock water tanks? Paint the outside, and start filling in with compost. No bending and great soil.
I think those might be hard to come by in the middle of Seattle. What I’m thinking we might do is what the author of Square Foot Gardening suggests — get s 2’x4′ bed, fill it with a compost/vermculite/peat mixture, section it off into 1’x1′ mini-plots, and then plant each plot. What I’m not sure about is what we’re going to grow. I think herbs will be part of the equation, and my wife likes the idea of tomotoes. My granddaughter wants some radishes. And of course it’d be nice to have some flowers.
Seattle? I thought all you had to do there was toss down a seed and stand back. Fast.
And I feel a little naive saying this, but I head that in Seattle… water… um, falls from the sky.
(Actually your plans sound great. I’m trying to do the same type of thing, but in the beds.)
Heh. Not everywhere, and not everything grows like that. My granddaughter is trying to get me to put some corn in the garden. I keep telling her it doesn’t grow all that well in a wet place like this. “But Auntie Jenny grew some corn in her garden!” “Yes, I know, babe, but it was little bitty corn, remember?” “Yes, but . . . “
Maybe we’ll do some anyway, if that’s what she’s interested in. I just want to try to supplement our diet with some edibles we grow ourselves, and to get the grandkids used to the idea that food doesn’t just grow on the grocery store shelves.
You have plenty of water… so melons would work. For tomatoes, check the label to see how many days of sun are required! (You don’t want mildewed fruits.) Root vegetables such as carrots and radishes are pretty reliable and fast growing. Strawberries do well in containers, but most berries spread everywhere, especially the thorny ones! If you have too much rain, try cranberries. ;^)
Many herbs produce attractive flowers: onion/garlic (allium), sage, etc., and there are ornamental lettuce/cabbages. Thyme usually stays small, and there are pretty ones. Marigolds repel pests, so they are a great choice for floral edgings. Several flowering plants are edible: all parts of the aster, nasturtiums, pansies (high in vit c), dandelions, just check out edible flowers to see what can be thrown into salads.
If anybody in your family is a dyer, coral bells is alumroot, a fixative for dyestuffs as well as a nice flowering plant.
Rosemary is wonderful: it grows large, but you can hack it back and throw the branches on the BBQ under lamb or chicken. Dried, baggied leaves last for months and can be crumpled into stew or sauces. Lavender also grows large and leggy, but it is hard to imagine a garden without something for sachets.
Mint will love your water, but it is a weed. Harvest ruthlessly and dry the leaves. The mint tea will help next winter.
What am I missing? What’s wrong with orange juice? Now I know I am way over the hill. (sigh)
Relax. Rejoice. Go barefoot!
Here’s a hint. 🙂
Shades of Karl Rove. Here are these two feebleminded commentators trying to force Obama into the role of an elitist by citing his preference for orange juice over coffee. Why this is the theater of the absurd. Lordie, take their micraphones away before they afflict us all with their terminal stupidity.
Thanks Brendan, Cabin Girl and others for your kind help. Guess I’ll have my Bombay on the rocks now. It’s OK, it’s not orange,
Happiness is contagious — smile.
Brendan Nyhan
Proving once again that Chris Matthews is one of the shallowest commentators in history. Maybe he’ll make Keith’s “Worst person in the world” list for that bit of inanity!
talk about stupidity on Television, maybe Matthews should update us about Britney Spears.
Damn..common people make substitutions to the menu all the time. Two mashed potatoes no coleslaw; Water and a Diet Pepsi.
Ben Smith has it: LAT/Bloomberg Poll to be posted at 5:00 P.M. EDT Obama is doing more than just OK– rumored up 5-points in Indiana.
Obama is on the attack in PA: here
MoveOn has white haired seniors for Obama.
One of Obama’s Campaign PA Ad features Hillary
Watch Video here
Gimme a tickle.
oops!! repaired LATimes link
I’d like to say this is the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while, but it has lots of competition. What’s the problem with asking for orange juice instead of coffee? Even McDonalds lets you do that.
I don’t drink coffee. Never have, and I’m not likely to start. I’d have asked for an orange juice or milk just as a matter of course. I don’t think I’m elitist, I think I would just rather have something I can drink without gagging.
I thought about writing about McDonald’s breakfast meals, but then I thought, “why demean myself?”
It’s not like they’re food or anything. Or is that elitist?
Were they serious? You wanna know why our national conversation is debased? Chris Matthews and David Schuster. The fact that it’s a topic of conversation says a lot, but we should be more disturbed that they think it’s Important.
Hillary should be relieved that they’re not going to revote Florida after all. That unsolicited plug for Orange Juice should give Obama even a few more approval points in the Sunshine State.
Matthews is grasping at straws.
So I guess a mimosa is out of the question also?
Oh but does THAT sound good right now…
First Nancy Pelosi now Reid.
Is Sen. Harry Reid sending Hillary a message?
Ben Smith
look for “It makes me bitter” to be trademarked.
So I guess that I shouldn’t ask for cranberry juice.
Cranberry juice is OK. Now if you ask for it with one of those little paper umbrellas in it, then you might be called elitist. Or maybe just plain weird.
But a cranberry mimosa is fine LOL
what if Obama asked for Tea? Fox News might have imploded in excitement.
Just think if he had asked for green or herbal tea. LOL
or even better : a latte!
Now let me get that order right, You want a half caf/half decaf/low fat soy latte with no foam?
No worries, Boo. I don’t eat/drink citrus anyway. Are we cool?
make your favorite candidate “finger puppets” in lieu of orange juice
click image for patterns
available in hillary and st john too
no sock puppets allowed
after this god awful commercial in 2006, I hope never to see a sock puppet again as long as I live.
Oh Boo hoo! I just ate an orange. It was self-serve, so please don’t ban me. Even if you do, I’ll still lurk.
Here’s a great ad from an independent group:
I hear the orange juice in Philly tastes like Tang anyways…
This person
does not approve.
The memories of that bigot just about made me spit my dinner on the screen.
The Wikipedia article (click the picture) says she has apologized for her anti-gay rhetoric back then; but I can see where it would be hard to forgive her for the damage she did.
Sorry to make you spit your . . . Hey wait a minute! Teacher! Teacher! Refinish is drinking orange juice!