I suppose she has no choice but to call the witnesses ‘liars’.
In January 1995, as the Clintons were licking their wounds from the 1994 congressional elections, a debate emerged at a retreat at Camp David. Should the administration make overtures to working class white southerners who had all but forsaken the Democratic Party? The then-first lady took a less than inclusive approach.
“Screw ’em,” she told her husband. “You don’t owe them a thing, Bill. They’re doing nothing for you; you don’t have to do anything for them.”
Interestingly, Bill Clinton had a more charitable view than his wife.
“I know how you feel. I understand Hillary’s sense of outrage. It makes me mad too. Sure, we lost our base in the South; our boys voted for Gingrich. But let me tell you something. I know these boys. I grew up with them. Hardworking, poor, white boys, who feel left out, feel that our reforms always come at their expense. Think about it, every progressive advance our country has made since the Civil War has been on their backs. They’re the ones asked to pay the price of progress. Now, we are the party of progress, but let me tell you, until we find a way to include these boys in our programs, until we stop making them pay the whole price of liberty for others, we are never going to unite our party, never really going to have change that sticks.”
If you strip the southern specific context, didn’t Obama say kind of the same thing?
Were the Clintons playing good cop/bad cop here? Bill is so calm and judicial in his response almost sounds staged. Regardless, the sound bite, “Screw ’em” is going to be harsh and I noticed that the HRC campaign had no comment when Sam called to ask for one on the article.
Bill is a true southerner, born and raised in AK
Hillary is a northerner, a Chicagoan.
So I’m not surprised at all.
BTW, on this I agree more with Hill than Bill: Tecumseh Sherman had the right idea.
The “mother of all hypocrisy”
give the woman a double shot of Crown Royal.
let’s spread the word. Door swings both ways.
By Harry Boyte – January 14, 1995 (pdf file)
This polling data complemented a recent piece by Dennis Farney in the Wall Street Journal, which Clinton had apparently found very compelling: the country is increasingly split between a liberal professional grouping (the “NPR audience”) and blue collar, ethnic and other groups which feel invisible and to which liberals often condescend.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
As problematic as Hillary is, she ain’t nothin compared to what the Rep’s have to work with. John McCain’s latest
Those earmarks he wants to get rid of, yeah, well Israel might have something to say about that.
Add some salt to Hillary’s duck…the one she shot when she was a little girl.
RAWSTORY: ‘Hunters & Shooters’ endorse Obama, group says he supports gun rights
We now know why Obama shot back at Hillary. He knew he had this endorsement.
Pretty much. And is it time for me to quote Jim Webb again? How about this instead?
I wanna see somebody call Jim Webb an elitist. To his face.
…just remember the last time somebody tried to get smart with him to his face.
Who would have thunk it? Just came across this story on TPM.com. What goes around comes around.
I wonder if Obama will use this quote when Clinton gets going tonight in the debate? That would be priceless.
given the toss up of ‘..gates’ available to viewers which one do you think people will tune in for – ‘bittergate’ or ‘screw you gate’?