This is the most disgraceful and dispiriting debate of all time.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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backlash for ABC Sports, Big. Time. Wait for the reviews.
Stephanewfaplous asks for a Read my Lips pledge. What an asshole.
did he get that ? from Newsmax or Hannity?
I think I just saw a terrorist peek his head out of Hillary’s pantsuit.
The real terrorist is in Bill’s pants.
the Clenis?
How’s the audience reacting? Yeesh, is it really as bad as y’all say? 52 minutes with no policy questions?
at 9:00 2 poilcy ?s
she’s lying, does it well.
and abc is disgustingly out of touch.
Please explain that low capital gains tax leads us to a speculative economy (short term investments) and higher taxes on Cap gains lead us to longer-term investments where we actually build stuff in this economy and employ people. Most people just don’t get that.
UGH – We all <3 the 1990s.
Unfortunately, I agree with TPM:
9:09 PM … Obama’s making a good point on the capital gains tax. But he’s making it in a very bedraggled, painful, drawn out way. This is not good at all. All the right points are there but just not put well.
They keep doubling up on him with the National Enquirer questions so she has tons of time to recover and get ready for the next question.
Exactly. this is such a travesty
No answer to cover her own ass.
Even Jonah Goldberg is disgusted:
Slammed her on lying about income tax cap.
Nice, pointing out that it affects 6% of the population.
And I guess we know what will be on youtube tomorrow
check out comments at ABC
The hilarious thing is that after a week of having these media-dorks tell us how out of touch and elitist Obama is, they do this as if they have the pulse of America. These debates, only prove that they’re the ones who are out of touch.
The whole debate is making me nauseous.
ABC should be excluded from hosting any more debates in 2008..
wait for the review. they’ve been GOP water carrying.
Ad nauseum. no real info over 65 mins.
I want to know why Snufflufugus is a moderator given his past. What a little bitch.
He’s demonstrated the loyalty that is required of him. Unlike, say, Bill Richardson.
What’s the deal with “divided we fail”?
It’s an ad campaign put out by AARP with a goal of addressing healthcare and issues that affect workers. A good campaign.
Cool, thanks.
Well after reading y’all I guess the best news will be for CBS that with this kind of shit from ABC they still have a chance at a ratings boost. Glad I went for a walk instead.
And also… is everybody who watches debates constipated?
When they air it on the West Coast I’ll mix my vodka with prune juice.
On second thought, I’ll just have some Irish whiskey and skip the debate. I’m getting enough of it here.
Heh. I’m on the west coast, too. It’s not too early to drink, right?
BTW, there were like 3 laxative commercials during the debate….
You two read through this entire thread and you still want to watch the debate when it comes on over here?
Masochists, that’s all I have to say.
debate?! that wasn’t a debate.
to quote anita hill: that was an attempted “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.”
what a charade.
don’t waste your time…just drink.
No, actually, what it was was an event touted as a boxing match between a would-be Rocky Balboa and an already-is Apollo Creed that suddenly morphed into a steel cage death-match with the referees swinging baseball bats.
What kind of nerd do you think I am? I watched the whole thing live on the intertubes. NO WAY would anything persuade me to watch it again. 😉
what a COMPLEAT ASSWIPE Charlie Rose is.
What a fucking asshole.
Obama’s suggestion to raise the cap on taxable income is very sound and sensible. why shouldn’t Bill Gates and Warren Buffett pay more SS tax? Yet that COMPLETE MORON Charlie Rose is treating it like the end of the universe.
And Rose’s COMPLETE STUPIDITY about capital gains taxes has made me gag.
Where is my vomitorium when I need it?
You mean Gibson?
shows working class and middle class voters who the elists are includes MSM pundits.
Rose, Gibson, all white folks look the same.
LOL, Booman.
I had to leave mid-debate from work – just catching up now. Gawd, this really is awful. And they both look sooooo tired. But Obama is holding his own, and handled the Weatherman thing well, and the patriotism question too.
These are so silly though. The real loser is ABC and the American people.
oops, forgot to say my prayer for Virginia Tech. WTF, could he be more cloying?
a good night for the GOP…thanks to Gibson and George and abc.
This is the most disgraceful and dispiriting debate of all time.
That good, huh?
Great, what I’m hearing from Hillary: scary black people in cities won’t get guns, but nice rural white people will. Am I being a bit touchy? Perhaps.
no she’ll say’s desperation time.
no more than she is LOL
when does this end?
Hopefully Wed. morning after Shillary loses.
Not soon enough.
after this display, Obama’s message of a new vision of politics looks very attractive.
Cable Networks did a much better job of these debates. ABC booooombed.
The hills have eyes.
Nope. I thought the same thing. She mentions nothing about economic development as a reward for the street money she’ll be spreading around to Nutter and his crew.
Actually, once Obama provided her with cover, she decided she wouldn’t pay street money either, with the excuse that her campaign can’t afford it.
Rendell said. “We barely have enough to communicate on basic media.
is good. We need one law for NYC, another for Montana.
She did well on that question.
Somebody check for membership in NRA. What a crock of bs.
The American Hunters & Shooters Association endorsed Obama today-RAWSTORY
Good question on Affirmative Action. Base it on socio-economic standing, not necessarily just race.
Great answer from Obama
Could have been worded better though. He stumbled a bit but got the main points out there.
on affirmative action.
But Hillary did. She changed affirmative action into disadvantaged action.
So far, Obama is not doing as well as I would like to see.
was this debate planned by the Hillary campaign completely?
No, of course not. They just got to write the questions and choose the moderator. Everything else was a completely independent development! Really!
It does seem that way. Why don’t they interrupt what she’s saying the way they do with Obama?
it’s being seen as ABC biased, anti-Obama and water-carrying for the Repubs. Not a good night for Dems.
It sucks!!!!
Did they have to turn of the audience meter because people stopped paying attention?
Not a good night for the Dems, or not a good night for Hillary?
Er, I hate to say it, but I think it’s been a worse night for Obama, at least in the second half of the debate. 🙁
yep. but he’ll recover. You need to look at the questions he got. Dispirited. Disgusted.
It’s unanimous. ABC will have a backlash. Look at the reviews after…not just lefties, conservative, GOPers too.
I already sent my nasty gram to abc, did you?
I did.
How would you use Dubya in the future? I’d hold fundraisers and put him in a “dunk machine” carnival event. $100 a ball and you can try to dunk Dubya in the water.
How about a thousand a ball and a tank full of bullshit
As a case study in who should be tried by the ICC in Den Haag.
Obama: Won’t ask Shrub but will ask his father. LOL
Hillary Clinton, do you drink coffee or orange juice with your egg mcmuffin?
and do you supersize your fries. LOL
I had to eat lots of chocolate.
If I gain five pounds I BLAME ABC.
I have smoked almost a full pack of cigs. LOL
DAMN YOU ABC for his lungs and my thighs!
I have smoked almost a full pack of cigs. LOL
When this campaign started and I criticized Clinton I thought it was unfair that people accused me of ‘hating’ her. I didn’t.
Right now, though, the emotions I feel about her come close to hate. I just detest her campaign with every fiber of the my body.
YES. Me too. And I am just going to go ahead and jump on the “I hate her voice” bandwagon.
Gawd, Obama sounds tired. And kind of defeated. 🙁
I use to say she was a good senator and should stay a New York Senator or run for Governor of New York. ( thank god I don’t live there) Now I say maybe she needs to be voted out of the senate also.
Almost universal denunciations at ABC’s blog. Needs to be followed with phone calls.
One word: Hamas. I had absolutely no idea what the hell she was talking about. I’m sure no one in the audience our out there in TV land new either. She just wanted to put “Obama” in the same sentence as “Hamas.” DESPICABLE.
Wes Clark is a douche bag for endorsing Hillary
I still like Wesley Clark and hope that Obama will reach out to him once he has the nomination.
Clark will be a great asset to us.
let ABC News know how we feel about this
“debate”set up for lynching the Democratic Party.GOP water carriers.
here’s the link
Thank you!
Here’s what I wrote:
That was the worst debate moderation I’ve ever seen. Some apropos comments I’ve read:
“When gas hits $4 a gallon will the average American making $250,000 a year be able to afford to drive to work?”
“I like Stephanopoulos. But using former presidents? Is this a major issue?”
This debate managed to hit major Republican concerns (guns, affirmative action) and skipped over major Democratic concerns (healthcare, education). WHAT THE HELL?
thank god it’s over and I don’t need to use this assault rifle on my cranium.
Olbermann’s doing a show on MSNBC about this debate now or in a few minutes.
Yup. Now.
I’m stilling over his “With all due respect, I don’t think we’re going to get an answer from Sen. Obama, but I’ll ask anyway…” line. WTF was that about?
That should say, “still reeling”.
Missed that. Which question did it relate to?
I think it was Iraq…right after Clinton gave her answer, he said that and then went on with his question.
Clinton had said that white men should be allowed to have guns, but “others” with their machine guns, shouldn’t:
He actually directed that to Clinton. So he got in this dig at Obama without letting Obama respond to it.
Ugh. What a waste.
Our local abc news is showing the results of their audience meter. Apparently 50% of the people thought Hillary won; when they went to show a high point for Obama after showing Hillary’s high point, they cut to the next reporter and never showed it.
Winner: John McCain, then Clinton who is no Democrat.
Loser: ABC from a professional media standpoint. The New National Enguirer. We need to defeat this kind of display. Gibson complaining he’s being heckled. He has no idea.
Obama: exhausted and shredded by the Clintons.
He’ll recover.
Time. is. against. the. Clintons, and I do not mean April May and June. It’s over for Clinton.
Obama will be the next President of the U.S. of A.