Lost in the uproar over just how immensely craptacular the ABC News debate was, is the fact that Hillary Clinton flat out admitted lying repeatedly to the American public. At least, she admitted to doing that if you can define lying as saying something that you know not to be the case.
From the transcript:
Here’s Tom Rooney from Pittsburgh.
Q Senator, I was in your court until a couple of weeks ago. How do you reconcile the campaign of credibility that you have when you’ve made those comments about what happened getting off the plane in Bosnia, which totally misrepresented what really happened on that day? You really lost my vote. And what can you tell me to get that vote back?
SENATOR CLINTON: Well, Tom, I can tell you that I may be a lot of things, but I’m not dumb. And I wrote about going to Bosnia in my book in 2004. I laid it all out there. And you’re right. On a couple of occasions in the last weeks I just said some things that weren’t in keeping with what I knew to be the case and what I had written about in my book. And, you know, I’m embarrassed by it. I have apologized for it. I’ve said it was a mistake. And it is, I hope, something that you can look over, because clearly I am proud that I went to Bosnia. It was a war zone.
It’s unusual for a candidate to flat-out admit to lying. In a case of false heroism, it is particularly noteworthy. Let’s not let this admission get lost in cacophony over how lousy the debate moderation was.
On the subject of Hillary the liar, Jed put out a new trailer today, in case anyone missed it:
I love that trailer. Jed Report is one of my current faves.
You know what else that trailer reminds me of? Listen carefully to the Hillary Clinton of 1992. Notice that little Suddun twang in her voice? How she drops her g’s and broadens her vowels a bit? It should be hard to fault her for that — after all I picked up a bit of it when I lived in Texas — but somehow on her it just seems like another manifestation of Hillary the Chameleon, especially when you contrast it with the standard middle American speech she exhibits today (and no doubt did before she moved to Arkansas).
Well, I had an opportunity to tune in for a few minutes about halfway through. A woman was posing a question to Obama that went something like this:
“Are you willing to state publicly that you love the American flag, and why should we believe you if you say you do?”
I don’t know about the moderation of the debate. After seeing that my brain instantly fried and it was all over for me. I went downstairs and started reading the new Glenn Greenwald book that came yesterday.
was to Charles Gibson:
“I am extremely concerned that you were not wearing a flagpin at the Democratic debate. Now I seriously doubt your patriotism.
It has become a huge, huge issue for me. I think this is something you should address on the nightly news; an apology is in order.
(And while you are at it, apologize to the American people for wasting two hours of their time discussing inanities and insulting their intelligence.)”
You know, I’m geting really tired of that shit, I really am.
Point blank–can you eat a flag lapel pin? Does it put gas in your car? Will it give you health care?
I am sick to death of it. If we’ve got a damned loyalty oath in this country, just let us know so we can get on with it. Otherwise, can we talk about some issues?
It makes you wonder how many times Obama has to say, “You know, I wouldn’t be running for President if I didn’t love this country. I have shown my love for this country in a thousand different ways over the years rather than pretending that wearing a piece of jewelry shows that I’m a patriot.” Or words to that effect, before people catch on that you know, maybe love of country means being willing to do something rather than standing on the sidelines and cheering, and denigrating anyone who isn’t on the sidelines cheering with you.
If he didn’t give a damn, he and Michelle would have cashed out a long time ago–and would not have looked back.
On the way home last night I was listening to Talk of The Nation and Neal Conan was talking with Bob Schieffer and Roger Mudd about the state of today’s media. While Schieffer is still pretty much an insider at CBS and mostly tried to straddle the fence on the modern media’s difficulties, Mudd was more pointed in his comments about the state of the media, especially the TV News media. And his opinion was that the quality of today’s television news was both shameful and a disservice to the country. It is, in his opinion, dying. With their primary focus now being to make money and maintain ad revenue, they have no vested interest in being watchdogs of government and acting as the eyes and ears for the American public. They are now nothing more than a news summary service with the majority of their coverage being features, feel good stories and lighthearted banter. Real journalism is almost non-existent. His disgust with the whole state of affairs was pretty evident.
No one with any shred of intelligence or public awareness could look the travesty that occurred last night on ABC and feel anything but rage and frustration at how irrational television news has become. Is it any wonder that the rest of the modern world looks down on our country with shame and disrespect. Things like this just confirm how we as a country have become so easily moved to support and condone irrational and illegal behavior by our government.
Just another reason today to be embarrassed to be an American.
The performance last night by the media representatives show once again just how far down the slope the media has willingly fallen. I have coined the term – the Titter Facctor to describe the media show. For the stooges to not only bring up the Flag Pin “Scandal” and then to hammer away- even using some poor “citizen” to try and infer that the issue was of major import just clearly displayed exactly where the media stands in this insanity.
Hill lied and so what! They all lie. Sure she did. she was polishing her apple cause no one else will. She knows that she has approved what will be considered one of the poorest campaigns ever. In a population consisting of more more that 52% women and a citizenry of both genders screaming out for change, she chose to surround herself with the scum of the past. So, she lied.
Now, given the simple fact that the media has been ordered tosupport the gop, her choices have failed to overcome this handicap. Obama on the other hand, realized that his only chance for victory in the primaries and in the general election would hinge on his ability to harness a voting block that was “MODERN” enough to understand the power of the INTERNET! And that is why he is probably goingto defeat Hill.And that is why, if he can retain his concept and not let the fucking “Party Regs” to shift the campaign away from his success re the net, he might just pull off a victory in November.
Flag pins my ass. Tuzla my ass.
One last point in this rant. The other day the piece of garbage in the wh, responding to the House position re the Columbia bill, used a slag term regarding what it would be considered if the House dissed this great friend of the US. And Rep Pelosi came right out and ram the slang term right back at him. Now, that is what should be done EVERY SINGLE TIME these bastards try and pull off this kind of crap. And don’t forget for a single second that the press won’t cover it. They will jump all over it. So, I guess that if Hill lied, in the total scheme of things, BIG DEAL.
But she was tired. < yawn >
She did admit to lying in the most verbal way. Gibson looked at her like, “Well, we’ve all been there.” Meanwhile, Obama is being pinned down on subjective things about other people and Gibson acted as if he was being shady. I bet you nothing that not one media outlet will touch the fact that Clinton admitted to lying.
Your link doesn’t take you to the transcripts.
thx, fixed.
I guess nobody asked Hillary the hard question..why she lied about Tuzla and what did she expect to gain from making that lie.
Well, you know, one of the questions I would really have liked to see them ask was, “Senator Clinton, you claimed to have landed in Bosnia under sniper fire when the record clearly shows otherwise. You claim that you were opposed to NAFTA from the beginning when the record clearly shows otherwise. You claim to be a shooter but when asked, you indicated that you have never had a gun in your residence in your adult life. Simply put, Senator Clinton, at this point, why should the American people believe anything you tell them?”
add: “Ms. Clinton, you agreed to rules that stated Florida and Michigan would not count and now you want them to be counted.