In Philadelphia, only suburbanites and elitists read the Inquirer. Everyone else reads the Daily News. And the Daily News says that we should vote for Barack Obama. I think I will.
What’s up with you this morning? Have you worked off that debate hangover yet?
The reaction from the press online seems to be universally one of denouncing and rejecting ABC. Anybody know how it’s being portrayed on the cable news channels?
I was hoping to get some reaction this morning from MSNBC this morning at breakfast, but they chose instead to fill my entire viewing time with the Papal mass from Washington. Now there are a lot of Catholics in this country (last I checked it was our biggest denomination, with over 25% of the population, but that was some time ago), so I’ll admit this was of importance to quite a few people. But I’m not, so I didn’t much care, although I enjoyed listening to Placido Domingo sing.
I’m a catholic – went through years of catholic school and thousands of Masses….still will never understand the collective fellating of the Pope…it’s pure idolatry.
This one especially creeps me out. His eyes …
But I’d tune it to watch if he would dress in sackcloth and ashes and crawl on his knees up the steps of the National Cathedral saying mea culpa and an Act of Contrition on each step, while being whipped with Palms by liberal Catholic women, as a symbol of atonement for the child molestation and oppression of women over the years. THAT would make great television.
I would actually pay to watch that. He does creep me out. John Paul the whatever number he was at least looked benevolent. This guy scares me.
Speaking of liberal women–or kinda sorta liberal women, even though the rethugs think anyone from San Francisco is an elitist liberal–did you see the picture of Speaker Pelosi kissing his ring?
Oh. My. God. I just recoiled. I think it a sick gesture to kiss the ring. You’re supposed to be submissive to God, the trinity, not some guy. And if you walk this earth with a penis, you are just some guy.
I know this is her religion, but it was just a jarring image for me. She’s our Speaker, she doesn’t bow down to anyone.
Or at least it works that way in theory. 🙂 No, seriously, she has a regal presence…I’ve always thought so. Maybe that’s why this bothers me. I just can’t get that image out of my head, though I know it was probably one of the best moments in her life, to greet the spiritual head of her religion.
Of course, she kept her dignity when Shrub could not. I watched some of the ceremony, and I just thought, Damn…I’m not Catholic, don’t agree with him on some fundamental issues, but can junior at least pretend to have some dignity??
Sorry–just had to blow off some steam b/c I’m still at work. But it’s for a good cause!
I’m with you, but I find the idea of kissing anyone’s ring — real or metaphorical — to be disgusting. I blame those silly Enlightenment-era ideas about equality that I’m stuck with, I guess. I’m not Catholic (or Protestant or Muslim or Jewish or atheist), so I don’t really understand the whole thing. It’s other people’s church, and good for them if that’s what they like, but I find it very strange.
On hindsight I don’t think Obama did that badly. He seemed tired and the questions were “elitist”, jejune, and out-of-touch but what do you expect from ABC and its crackpot moderators, Gibson and Stefanoupolos? Hillary was somewhat grating and tried too hard to be sincere. Overall, though, Barrack demonstrated his concern for a change in the way we do things and I think his sincerity came through.
He will do far better when he gets the opportunity to go one-on-one with McCain the Insane (as the Democratic candidate.)
Viva Obama!
You won’t locate your sandals, if you wore sneaks.
Actually, I missed the very beginning. People said he was impatient toward the end. I thought he was great on social security.
If I were Obama, I’d say today: “Yes, I may have seemed a little frustrated last night. I came to talk about issues that were important in Pennsylvania and they didn’t let me…”
Wow. That was great. This line struck me, most of all:
He would adjust his views to reality rather than trying to adjust reality to his views.
That would be a great change, yes? But is that what we really want? We’ll see.
I feel slightly hung over, but not because of the debate (we watched hockey last night, not the debate – we apparently didn’t miss much).
My problem is that the cat wouldn’t come home last night. He really likes it when the weather is warming up like this, and he goes off into the woods to do whatever it is that he likes to do. I finally went to bed at 12:30 – a lot later than I would have liked. My fiancee woke up about 3:30 and opened the door, and there he was.
No doubt swishing his little kitty tail and giving your fiancee that “Well? Where were you?” look.
did they target Obama?
Obama doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin
McCain doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin
Clinton doesn’t wear a flag lapel pin
so, who gets attacked for not wearing a lapel pin?
if that simple fact doesn’t say something about this lynching party,
what will?
No, I haven’t got over it. I’m still gnashing my teeth about flag pins. Mrs. Clinton wasn’t wearing one either but not one thought to ask her why not. As far as I know, no one has ever asked her any or other woman why they’re not wearing one. Enough of them go around fully lapelled. Otherwise they can have pendants, bracelets, buckles, earing, diamond and ruby studded. I think flag pins are stupid, don’t get me wrong. But the I am woman and you are man bit makes me sick. It’s the basis of the crap between Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Clinton as they play their cheesy soap out in public. Now I propose that, like men, women be held to account on this matter. They can liberate themselves from a thick layer of sexism by stepping up to the plate. Up to now, men have been considered unpatriotic until they flashed their lapel pin, and women have automatically been considered patriotic. As of today, they are also suspect until they prove their patriotism everyday.
Set the example, ladies, starting with Mrs. Clinton, Mrs. georgie 2, Mrs. Vice President and, last but not least, Miss Rice!
shouldn’t she be wearing a bracelet dangling with USA flags and a necklace bedecked with flags from USA, NY, and Arkansas?
that was for showb/c Hillary knew before hand the set up. And people read thru the dishonesty.
Obama was ambushed. It’s become a scandal.
This fall out is a plus in Obama’s column. The freak show was not on a level playing field.
My school’s (Penn) newspaper endorsed Clinton. Aside from revealing the editorial board’s true allegiances (which I already knew tilted more towards Clinton), it is a masterpiece of how gullible some people can be when buying the spin about Clinton’s ’35 years of experience’.
No endowment from you when you become a wealthy alum ..
What’s even more hilarious is the Politico linked to it. If he knew how much influence the Daily Pennsylvanian had on-campus (that is to say that most people pick it up to do Sudoku and the crossword puzzle), maybe he wouldn’t hype it so much.
Has she ever said how she arrived at her magical 35 number? Is this from time she became first lady of Arkansas or is this one of those pulled out of your ass numbers?
After reading a couple things about the debate this morning I’m glad I missed it and didn’t lose 2 hours of my life watching it.
I asked around my office. Not a soul watched more than the first 1/2 hour of it. Not even the most political of them. The ones that started watching said they turned it off because the questions were so dumb.
so far I have:
gotten someone in the ABC newsroom to claim that no one has called complaining about the debate, and after I reminded her that I had just called 20 minutes prior, she handed the phone to someone else;
left a long message for george snuffleupagus, which got cut off, and when I called back to continue my message (he wasted my time last night, why shouldn’t I waste HIS this morning) the secretary kept hanging up on me;
filled up the voicemail for one of the executive producers at ABC;
and sent out a good dozen emails to ABC staff making fun of them and comparing them unfavorably to retarded children (which is actually true: I’ve worked with many retarded adults and children, and the staff of ABC doesn’t hold a candle to them).
so yeah, i’m feeling a little better.
Favorite part: When Charlie “Mister History” Gibson tried to get the two candidates to pledge to choose the other as a running mate because it was “good enough in the colonial days.” Wrong in so many ways, but why not start with in colonial days we had no vice presidents? We had a king. Duh.
After the revolution me and Bill Ayers are so gonna kick Gibson’s ass around the quad.