Dunno if BooMan saw my comment last night, so I’m kinda elated to login and see his post, ABC News Lost the Debate.

-essentially confirming my immediate reaction last night. BooMan gave me a tickle and I’m honored we’re on the same page.

With no disrespect to real male mice, the little mice –  mr. mousy George and mr. mousy Charles, in an appalling display of yellow journalism, – lost their tails and integrity in what is dubbed as “The ABC News Freak Show” – Andrew Sullivan and an “a unmitigated travesty” -Josh Marshall

Get that? The falsely advertised “debate” is over and we’re agreed that the network lost the debate – blew America away in what will be known as The Mother of all Freak Shows…an unmitigated travesty.

George and Charles lost among their peers. And that gotta hurt. It’s become a scandal. Audio and Video link below.

The Mickey ABC Network’s stock has no more value than a dead rat’s ass.

Winner is John McCain because ex-Clinton aide George, (he should have recused himself) and elitist Charles water carried for the GOP.

Jonah Goldberg, NRO

I’m no left wing blogger, but I can only imagine how furious they must be with the debate so far. Nothing on any issues. Just a lot of box-checking on how the candidates will respond to various Republican talking points come the fall. Now I think a lot of those Republican talking points are valid and legitimate. But if I were a “fighting Dem” who thinks all of these topics are despicable distractions from the “real issues,” I would find this debate to be nothing but Republican water-carrying.

(bold mine)

I read that Jonah piece last night and my blood pressure rose to dangerous levels. I’m so, so, livid. Words fail. WTF.

My rant wouldn’t be complete without a side bar on the candidates, Hillary and Barack. Allow me to digress.

As for Hillary Clinton, her negatives will fall off the charts. That’s all she has left. Negatives. I repeat very confidently since last summer: Hillary’s campaign will implode.


Hillary’s attacks on Obama were meant to appeal to undecided super-delegates….”see, see Obama can’t win.”  

Hillary Clinton needs to give up this quest for more power and money. Her time chart is negative. She will not become the nominee, unless by a fluke.  And if by fluke she claws to become the nominee, Hillary can’t win in November.

Tawdry best describes her.  Not my words, but the words of a professor in California- not connected to either camp; he was interviewed by BBC News, World Update, aired on NPR at 5:00 A.M this morning. I tuned in too late to record his name, but he said (in part, paraphrased):

 “This campaign has gone on too long and has become tawdry and negative. Sen. Clinton went on the attack… and his lead is insurmountable.”

As for Barack Obama, today we are in pain for him. On reflection, win or lose, I see this as a great blessing or karma for Barack. Take your pick.

Americans are a caring people. This debate will garner for Obama a lot of sympathy from both men and women –  not that he needs sympathy. He’ll recover.

This ABC News ‘freak show’ is seen as Obama having been treated unfairly. Just imagine 5 against one man? As I write, donations are pouring in from people who never thought of giving to his campaign.

Here’s the essence of what Josh Marshall called The travesty of ABC News

The more damning is this: The collusion was in and fixed against Obama:

“First, when Hannity is feeding Stephanopoulos ideas for debate questions, you know there’s a problem. Second, for what it’s worth, Obama actually had a pretty compelling response to Hannity’s question.”

There’s no doubt on Hannity’s role in this freak show.

Listen to Hannity’s marching orders – Thinkprogress has the Audio and Video.

Obama entered this debate at a great disadvantage. He prepared for policy issues. He could not have imagined an ambush awaited. Up against two networks!!

Indefensible. Who’d have thought? If only he had known, it’s doubtful that he would have agreed to this debate. I’ll betcha Hillary was prepped through her connection to mousy George Stephanopoulos.  She was just so on the attack. Ya think?

It’s the morning after and as a biracial person, I’m still in pain for Obama. Ashamed a leading Network could be so dishonest. Rampant dishonesty.

Here is

  • A Man who had his hands hog-tied but is expected to defend himself. How Unfair. He could not respond without stepping on his message.
  • A black man who had to restrain himself, less it be seen as ‘a black man attacking a white woman.’ Yes, we have rednecks – they have not gone away.

The Mice men decided to nibble at cheese curd twisties, (not real cheese as we say around here). It robbed us of the real last opportunity to hear the candidates debate the pressing issues of the day: an economy that’s in meltdown with a war that’s pushing the country into bankruptcy; torture approval in the Oval Office that are high crimes and misdemeanors. They just don’t want us to know so we can prepare.

What did we get? Once again, a royal “Screw ’em”

More paramount:

flag lapel pins are evidence of patriotism.

a black pastor with a history – his honorable service to his country dismissed.

guilt by association – more stereotyping.

Remind me again. How did we display patriotism before 9/11? The ABC mickey mouse display last night gives credence to those who chose to tune out the lame, lazy, rich fat mice media. Fat mice that nibble away at the fabric of America.

Oh, Does ABC News hate America? – Chris Bowers observed. He was there.

A collection of readers comments by Andrew Sullivan –The ABC News “Freak Show”

If you are any guide, this was a debacle for the network.

One reader:

    This debate was disgusting. But, it only motivated me more and made me realize how very important it is that Obama and the politics that he represents wins this election. I don’t make much, but ABC just convinced me to make another small donation to Senator Obama.

    And, as a side note, it seems like it would’ve been better to have had George Will moderate the debate. I have much more faith in his fairness and concern with policy than what these two just put forward.


    This debate was the biggest sham I’ve ever seen. The first hour was nothing but substance-less nonsense, soft ball questions and prattle.


    The best part of this “debate” (likely the worst I’ve ever seen) just occurred a few minutes ago when the audience booed Charlie. I can’t believe I just sat through 2 hours of that.

AS: How many debate moderators actually get booed on live television? That’s how bad it was.


    You can tell Gibson and Stephanopoulous are out of touch. They both don’t have to worry about health care. It’s why not a single question was asked about the issue that I care about so deeply, and instead hours were spent discussing the inane and insane. As an American who can’t find a job because of my health care problems, I’m ashamed of ABC News.

AS: Stephanopoulos was schooled in Morris-Rove politics. Under the tutelage of Hillary Clinton and James Carville. I repeat the obvious:

    “No questions on the environment, none on terror, none on interrogation, none on torture, none on education, none on spending, none on healthcare, none on Iran … but four separate questions in the first hour about a lapel-pin, Bitter-gate, Wright-gate and Ayers. I’m all for keeping candidates on their toes. But this was ridiculous. And now we have affirmative action? Again, it’s not illegitimate as such – but the only reason it is asked is to try and trip these people up and make Gibson and Stephanopoulos look smart.”

AS: Yes, Clinton narrowly bested Obama. But all you could see was the trainwreck of the network. Don’t you miss the League Of Women Voters?

Yes, this is“The trainwreck of the ABC News Neetwork.” Normally, after a debate we discuss who won, who lost.

In this “freak show”

America was the loser…sponsored and underwritten by The Mickey Mouse Network’s two blind mice. Also losers.

Betcha Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos are wondering what the outrage is all about.

They have not a clue; that they’ve seriously damaged future political debates.

They have not a clue; that a tsunami wave of change is sweeping this country. They too will be swept aside.

They have not a clue; that you can’t kill the concept of Hope. It will always return.

Take comfort Obama. More than 8,000 comments at last night’s count when I logged out, plus thousands of  emails and phone calls are registered with ABC News.

The collusion has failed. Shoddy. Tawdry. Despicable.

A pop just went off. That’s the backfiring you hear directed at the MNN – Mickey News Network..

That’s quite a fall out, never before witnessed.

Continue to express your outrage by email, at this link.