The Leningrad Cowboys & Red Army Choir do Sweet Home Alabama. Bizarre!
Arlen Specter is making sense.
Democrats Rule the Internets.
What’s frivolous in your life?
The Leningrad Cowboys & Red Army Choir do Sweet Home Alabama. Bizarre!
Arlen Specter is making sense.
Democrats Rule the Internets.
What’s frivolous in your life?
I’m a huge Bollywood fan and since I don’t speak the language, I often make up my own English transliteration words. It amuses me and impresses people who think I’m singing in Hindi or Punjabi (depending). Last week, I was showing my kid some Bhangara clips on YouTube and came across Buffalax:
I also don’t know if you guys have ever seen the Indian version of Thriller, but my 4 year old loves it–it’s been her top YouTube video of the past 6 months. It’s been Buffalaxed too:
Frivolous this week was my brush with jury duty. About 40 of us reported to the local town court. After signing in the judge came and told us that the case settled and thanked us for our service. With my roughly 20 minute visit I’m now safe from jury duty for several years.
Judy Tenuta talks to the pope(john Paul)
areln specter’s only talking sensibly.
we’ll see how he actually ACTS.
that reminds me, I have a really cruel letter I’m sending that old bastard.
Spectre can be suck a drama queen when he’s looking for attention but he always flops back. On the other hand, I can’t bear the thought of Chris Matthews taking his place in any committee much less the Senate.
Other good news, Newsweek nat’l pool just out and Obama LEAPING into the biggest lead of the campaign – 19 pts! national
well that was a Freudian slip. sorry
saw that. A good news day for Obama.
BTW, mainsailset here’s a handy, easy tip to embed your link. Embed saves the entire thread from spilling over to the ad copy on the right of page: let say you wish to embed:
Newsweek nat’l pool just out and Obama LEAPING into the biggest lead of the campaign – 19 pts! nationally
before the word Newsweek place this [
after the word national place the complete url meaning, the http:/……..rss
at the end of rss place this ]
to get this
Newsweek nat’l pool just out and Obama LEAPING into the biggest lead of the campaign – 19 pts! national
smoke’em if you got’em
barney franks has introduced a bill decriminalize personal marijuana use:
he’s calling it the “make room for the serious criminals bill”
h/t rawstory w/ video from bill maher’s show.
Okay, I admit I am addicted to comedy on you tube. LOL
Not sure I’m glad I watched that.
Very glad I checked Americablog headlines & found the Clinton-dissing-Moveon store, though.
Not being frivolous enough, clearly, but Check It Out.