Shirley Golub is running against Nancy Pelosi in the California-8th June primary. She has produced a radio ad calling the Speaker of the House of Representatives what she is: a coward.
Let’s help her get this ad on the air. Go to the following web site:
And donate what you can. Pelosi has been a disaster as Speaker. She has been among the biggest obstacles to impeachment, has allowed funding for the occupation of Iraq to continue unfettered, and failed to enforce Congressional subpoena power. The coward needs to go, lest her cowardice and complicity in the crimes of the Bush regime further drag down the Democratic Party.
And while we’re at it, let’s help Cindy Sheehan as she seeks to unseat Pelosi.
The only way we can get Democrats (and every other representative) in Congress to listen, to do as they’re told, is to put the fear of something greater than the shrub and his gargoyle into them: electoral defeat. This is a proven tactic; Iowa’s Leonard Boswell, one of the most shameless Bush dogs in the House, signed onto Robert Wexler’s impeachment efforts after fellow bootlicker Al Wynn lost his primary race in Maryland to challenger Donna Edwards.
So let’s give Shirley Golub a hand up, and send a message to Nancy Pelosi that cowardice and complicity shall be punished at the ballot box.
is true. “Cowardice” and “complicity” should be on her birth certificate.
But you’ll have a hard time getting support for her ouster around here as long as the perception is that she supports Obama. She could give Bush a blow job in the Rose Garden and the blogospere would let it pass without comment.