The Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating John Yoo to determine if he wrote his “torture is legal” memos in an ethical manner:
It is far short of a criminal investigation. OPR’s job is to police whether the Department’s lawyers behave professionally, and so in this case, OPR’s chief Marshall Jarrett has informed Congress that the investigation will be covering “whether the legal advice contained in those memoranda was consistent with the professional standards that apply to Department of Justice attorneys.”
So the question for OPR will be whether Yoo came to his roundly-denounced conclusions in a professional, ethical manner. OPR’s investigations are usually not publicly released, but Jarrett wrote that “OPR will consider releasing to Congress and the public a non-classified summary of our final report.” There’s no telling when that would be.
How can you parody these people?
It’s impossible:
I don’t know, but I see Yoo as a scape-goat. He wrote these horrible legal memos..which the White House relied upon to approve torture. I can hear Dana Perino now “If we “had known” torture is illegal we would never had approved it.”
However, it should not work at the Hague.. as it didn’t work for others who were “just” following orders.
actually, jon stewart, stephen colbert, bill maher, lewis black, etc, etc, seem to do just fine. i suspect it takes a certain professional detachment not everyone has or can spare.
The OPR wants to know if John Yoo wrote about torture in an ethical manner? When idiots prevail………….