Tired of Clinton’s death march to Denver? Me too. besides, there are lots of other news items flying under the radar which deserve some attention. Here are just a few that caught my eye today:

General Petraeus to be the new CENTCOM commander, replacing Admiral Fallon, the former commander who was fired resigned because of policy differences with the Bush administration over Iraq and Iran. So now we have General Pretty Boy in charge of our wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. You know, the guy who blames Iran for the violence in Iraq? Isn’t that just special?

Israeli spy in America caught. What did he give to Israel? Just America’s nuclear secrets is all.

We didn’t just use torture against the detainees in Gitmo and elsewhere. Apparently American interrogators also drugged them to obtain confessions to terrorist activities which likely had no basis in reality. Isn’t that just loverly?

Did you know being gay is the equivalent to an addiction to crack or alcoholism? (h/t to Pam Spaulding)

Progressive infrastructure? What progressive infrastructure? (h/t to Dave Johnson).

Guess who’s going to give George W. Bush $170,000,000,000 or so to play around with in Iraq and Afghanistan, no strings attached? Our lap dog Congress that’s who!

Bilal Hussein, an alleged Iraqi terrorist who worked as a Pulitzer prize winning photographer for the AP is released by the US Military after they held him in custody for two years, after an Iraqi court exonerated him of all charges. What do the war bloggers like Michelle Malkin and The Jawa Report have to say about his release by our military after they promoted this story so strongly, convinced that they personally had brought a terrorist to justice and exposed the AP as a traitorous organization that wants America to lose the war in Iraq? Crickets. (h/t to Eric Boelert at Media Matters)

Damn! Two people throw whipped cream pies at Iraqi war cheerleader Thomas Friedman and but do little damage. Oh well . . .

And finally, John McCain is a really friendly guy if you’re a wealthy real estate developer who needs a big favor. (h/t to Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast)