The Atlantic hires warmonger Jeffrey Goldberg to be one of their bloggers and Atrios says:
It appears the Atlantic has hired a pretentious commentless blogging git whose gullible advocacy led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. How he manages to live with himself is a mystery, and why The Atlantic thinks we should live with him is a deeper one.
To which Armando replies:
Surprisingly, Atrios is not discussing Andrew Sullivan. With Obama love, all is forgiven.
Coupla points:
1. Atrios probably is secretly, quietly, an Obama supporter, but he hasn’t endorsed anyone and has no animus for Clinton or her supporters. At most, he has been mildly critical of some Clinton campaign rhetoric…like calling whole states irrelevant.
2. Atrios is responding to the hiring of a new blogger, so it stands to reason that Andrew Sullivan’s employment at The Atlantic didn’t come up.
3. If Andrew Sullivan has gained a measure of redemption, it is more for recanting his prior support for the Bush administration and for becoming an articulate and impassioned opponent of torture. His endorsement of Obama is a minor consideration in comparison.
4. Not to pin this on Armando, but it’s more than a little unseemly to see how often Clinton supporting commenters refer to Sullivan as ‘Bare-Back’.
5. When you stoop to slamming Atrios, your well has truly run dry.
Update [2008-4-30 12:48:39 by BooMan]: Apparently, Atrios did disclose that he voted for Obama in the Pennsylvania primary. Nevertheless, he keeps his front-page impartial.
I think few of us have failed to notice the not- insubstantial smell of what I would call — for lack of a more satisfying word — bitterness drifting out of Hillaryland. They’re scratching. Obama’s recent travails aside, barring the apocalypse or something worse, Sen. Clinton has been vanquished.
I thought I remembered reading Atrios voted for Obama, but whether he did or didn’t, he’s pretty much the coolest cucumber around about endorsing.
And I thought Sullivan had long ago turned on Iraq, anyway.
Boo –
The link to Atrios is bad.
And yes, he did write (very offhandedly) that he voted for Obama.
well, I was pretty sure he voted for Obama. I didn’t know that he posted about it. But he’s not a big Obama booster and intentionally avoids taking sides on his blog. Link should be fixed.
Well… He did endorse an Obama delegate ;), but I think that was independent of his presidential vote. I was surprised to see him mention him vote, but not surprised at how he voted.
Same here. Even talking to him, he rarely expresses an opinion either way. I suppose his endorsement for Luam as a delegate was also an endorsement of Obama. Although he probably would have endorsed Luam as a Hillary delegate, too.
“Surprisingly, Atrios is not discussing Andrew Sullivan. With Obama love, all is forgiven.”
Armando needs to go to the intellectual honesty store and buy some intellectual honesty.
Anyone who has ever read atrios’s blog or spoke to the man personally knows he has a deep and abiding disgust for Andrew Sullivan. In fact, I remember talking to Atrios a few months back at DL and mentioning Sullivan’s recanting his war support: Atrios was quite clear that he’s not impressed. You can search his archives and you will never once find anything linking to sullivan approvingly (if at all).
This past March, for example.
Or this one from february, which specifically refutes Armando’s “premise” months ago.
But really, all Armando had to do is use the fucking Google, and he’d realize that he was simply pulling stuff out of his ass, which suggests that his accusations are little more than a big pile of shit.
Too bad none of the TalkLeft readers are capable of using the google these days…
This is just another pointless fight that Armando has chosen. I get that he gets “passionate” about things and will argue them to the death even when he’s dead wrong (a lot of the time). It’s just that it takes away from those few times he really, really knows what he’s talking about and is good and helpful.
But with something like this, his standard M.O. is to ignore those small facts and shift the argument to something entirely different from his own premise. Scores of typo-laden “arguments” on DailyKos can be mined as proof of this.
is truly a hack. IMHO.
Just re-confirms my decision to cancel my Atlantic subscription a few years back.
armando’s well’s been dry a very long time.
the last insightful writings, that l can recall, were his arguments re: SCOTUS from several years ago; before he became persona non grata at the orange.
l’m amazed that he still has a following…l truly do not understand the dynamic at work over there.
It’s laziness…he’s fighting “them” for the people who follow him. It’s like for me, besides absolutely detesting her radio voice, Amy Goodman drives me nuts because many of the people out here in Los Angeles who are her biggest fans are some of the most apathetic people I’ve ever met. They can tell me all about injustices in this country, but the thought of doing something more than buying a book or going to see her talk is just not happening. I think Armando (and MSOC, for that matter) has a similar following; people who don’t really do much beyond absorb the passion, but don’t do anything worthwhile with it.
I’m very apathetic, but decidedly not an Armando fan. 🙂
Eschaton is one of the very few blogs where enthusiastic supporters of Clinton and Obama can meet in the comment section without flaming each other. It is a testament to the tone which he sets.
I didn’t like Armando back when he was front page at the Orange Frat House. He shares Kos’ know it all attitude.
or maybe armando’s going pee-pee in his pants because atrios is linking to this:
I can imagine a vocal Clinton supporter might get a little pissed off when people like Atrios bring up these inconvenient stories. Not that I know Armando’s motivations of course.
How comes Women’s Voices is run by men?