Huffpost has the scoop of Hillary on O’Reilly-Fox News.
She just could pass this up. And it’s a two-part interview to air Wednesday and Thursday in prime time EDT.
Shit stirer-in-chief.
Hillary Clinton On O’Reilly Factor: Wright’s Statement Are Offensive and Outrageous (Video at Huffpost link)
Fox News is releasing highlights from Hillary Clinton’s first interview on “The O’Reilly Factor.” ABC got its hands on a partial transcript (transcript also pasted below). Hillary says she believes Reverend Wright’s comments are “offensive and outrageous.”
Watch the video and read more from ABC below :
Hillary Clinton, in her first appearance on “The O’Reilly Factor,” matched Barack Obama’s declared outrage over Rev. Jeremiah Wright, saying she was offended by the pastor’s statements about America.In a two-part interview to air Wednesday and Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET, Clinton said it’s up to voters to decide whether the mounting controversy over Obama’s retired pastor should impact the race.
O’Reilly: “Some people say it’s not a big difference between you and Barack Obama, overall philosophy, overall outlook. It’s a democratic liberal line, he’s more liberal than you, but it’s the same thing. It’s a personality run, which is why before Rev. Wright derailed him, Barack Obama had some momentum because you are a more polarizing personality than he is. Do you agree with that?”
Read the transcript – courtesy of ABC.
ABC News’ Eloise Harper Reports: In an “O’Reilly Factor” exclusive, Hillary Clinton rebuked Rev. Jeremiah Wright in her strongest language to-date.
Sen. Clinton, D-N.Y., speaking exclusively to FOX News, called Wright’s comments “offensive and outrageous,” telling conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly that she going to leave the controversy “up to voters to decide.”
Here’s the full exchange between O’Reilly and Clinton, as released by FOX News:
O’Reilly: “Can you believe this Rev. Wright guy? Can you believe this guy?”
Clinton: “Well, I’m going to leave it up to voters to decide.”
O’Reilly: “Well, what do you think as an American?”
Clinton: “Well, what I said when I was asked directly is that I would not have stayed in the church.
O’Reilly: “You’re an American citizen, I’m an American citizen, He’s an American citizen, Rev. Wright. What do you think when you hear a fellow American citizen say that kind of stuff about America.”
Clinton: “Well, I take offense. I think it’s offensive and outrageous. I’m going to express my opinion, others can express theirs. It is part of just, you know, an atmosphere we’re in today.”
In an ABC News debate earlier this month, Clinton repeated the assertion she had made on the campaign trail that, if in Obama’s position, Rev. Wright would not have been her choice in pastor.
::go read the rest. Watch the video at the Huffpost link
My comment: make it end. put me out of my misery.
Update [2008-5-1 15:44:12 by idredit]:
This new video has a disconnect with Hillary and working class people.
Hillary: “Rich People, God Bless us, we deserve all the opportunities….”
Watch It:
remind me; where was Obama born? Isn’t he an American citizen?
Imho, this is more Clinton sleaze. This reeks of McCarthyism.
When did one’s religion become the be all and end all as qualification for the presidency?
Another low road to victory in Indiana, win at all cost.
I agree. This cannot possibly be over soon enough for me.
MSNBC just had a couple of polls up showing Obama in the lead in Indiana, although within the margin of error. Please $DEITY-DU-JOUR, make it happen.
Polls differ. If only Obama can eke out a win in Indiana I’d be comforted.
Fox News reigns supreme with Indiana audiences and I betcha that’s why Hillary agreed to a two day show for a meaningless outcome; doing as much damage as she can to Obama.
Not a team player her. Nauseating.
Have a little faith, mi amigo (amiga?).
The way I see it: Wright didn’t wreck Obama (see tonight’s WSJ/NBC poll), and that scares the shit out of the wingers. Only 32% of voters care (which is, I think, quite a bit less than polling done in March), and I’ll bet almost all who care are Reps.
Wright was their best issue, and they pissed it away in March. Now watch them squeal like the little pigs they are as the 527s and the DNC run the 100 Years remark nonstop to November.
that’s some good news. better we get the Wright issue behind us. Hillary did not have to go there -she’s stirring, is over playing and pandering b/c Obama is gaining super-delegate edge:
and here’s Ross Douthat
“Obviously I’m not rooting for Barack Obama to win the Presidency, but if he does take the election this fall, there will be some compensating pleasures – not only the thrill that will accompany seeing a man ascend to the Oval Office who could have been bought and sold in a different, more unjust America, but the pleasure of knowing that Jeremiah Wright’s attempt at self-aggrandizing sabotage fell flat on its face.”
That’s a good take on it. I have to confess that the conspiracy nut in me is still wondering if Team O and Wright didn’t plan the whole damned thing in order to kill the issue once and for all.
extra clever? If Wright got paid by Hillary, too…;sid=2008/4/29/93340/2145
Did I hear correctly this morning on ABC that Terry McAuliffe has endorsed Obama?
Not Terry McAuliffe. It’s Joe Andrew, DNC Chair under Bill Clinton, 1999-2001 who had endorsed Hillary. Not only has he switched he wrote a “lengthy letter” on his reasons to other superDs.
Nice pick up in Indiana and nationally. Gotta hurt the Clintons’ ego. I’ll welcome all defectors. Andrew’s letter to superDs may do the trick.
Joe Andrew, former DNC chairman under Bill Clinton tells why he switched to Obama–abcmews
Note to Clinton: pushing this Wright meme to hurt Obama could backfire.
Last night a 4-hr talk radio program, hosted by white folks, had a guest – Dr. Len Horowitz, Harvard U, author of several books on viruses,. stating Wright’s claims on AIDS is correct. This guy Horowitz has been aired on shows reaching over 10 million listeners nationwide …there are those on the fringe out there who see “corporate media in bed with the PTB covering up the truth.
It’s May Day.
via The Orange Palace, Slinkerwink, Daily Kos, posts:
Full text of the exceptional letter from Joe Andrew, former DNC chair under Bill Clinton, who has switched to Obama.
Hillary’s troops are throwing grenades. Send Joe and email.
Nothing to Add. Should have some recruiting effect.
Whoa! What a guy!
Anyone know where I can e-mail him to say how much his )obviously from the heart) speech means to me.
1301 K Street, N.W.
Suite 600, East Tower
Washington, DC 20005-3364
Phone: 202-408-5210
Ph.: 202.408.6400
Fax: 202.408.6399
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