I just watched about 10 minutes of cable news while I was eating my dinner and the stupid almost killed me.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I really liked Obama’s quip on Hardball…about how he heard something crazy every day until he stopped watching cable news.
On another note, I took the last exam of my college career this afternoon. I am officially finished, and graduation in a couple of weeks is a mere formality.
My daughter just graduated in December with a degree in, erm, anthropology. So she’s a banquet server…
Congratulations! Things like this sometimes make me wish I still did social blog stuff because I would have hosted virtual graduation party for you. Then you could have gotten virtually drunk.
What’s the 21st century equivalent of “.. plastic.”
Ah, the chew and spew (not a good combination IMHO).
Hillary is a warrior fighting for the working class.
a repost b/c it’s hill-arious.
This morning it was the Wall Street ‘money grubbers’
This afternoon it’s the Gulf States:
via Ben Smith
somebody throw her a life ring…she’s run to the deep end of the pier and jumped off.
$200/barrel…here we come. I said Hillary was dangerous.
There is a method to Hillary’s madness.
She has no intention of being percieved as a sane person but as one who would kick the brown assed Muslims/Arabs if need be.That perception is vital for her to beat Barack Obama with the kind of voters she is trying to reach.
In a way Hillary is morphing into Ann Coulter.Invade their countries, steal their oil, kill all their men,fuck all their women and convert the rest to Christianity.
there’s no method here…these are clearly acts born of desperation, and a serious disconnect from reality.
l’m not sure who’s crazier anymore, chimpy, st. john, or hillary.
It’s working, though. Dimwits who don’t consider that Bush would surely veto an excess profits tax, think she could deliver lower gas prices right now and Obama won’t because he doesn’t care. So Hillary rolls bigger and bigger numbers of ignorant Know-Nothings who are cutting their own throats. These are the same people who think Detroit has suppressed the magical 90 MPG carburettor.
I posted that at your diary.
Early in the season Hillary attacked Obama as naive, too inexperienced. Who is the naive one?
several oil producing countries are not OPEC members. I guess she’ll also suspend oil futures trading?
meanwhile, 200
members of the elitist clubeconomists, including four Nobel prize winners, signed a letter rejecting proposals by McClinton to offer a summertime gas-tax holidayBomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.
“We’re going to go right at OPEC,” she said
Her and what army?
Unfortunately, her and the long suffering US Army.
But the army is falling apart!
Wait…no need! We don’t need no stinkin’ army!!!
Why, the Queen of Tuzla will save us, with her trusty Mauser 66 rifle.
Ya. Hoo.
She is now
approachingbeyond delusional territory. OPEC’s share of the global daily production is ~ 37%, not exactly a monopoly.Go after OPEC; remain the bully in the playground; secure lower crude prices…/sn
Take a look at her advisers.
She is off the rails.
Today Hillary has a lot of undecided super-delegates ticked off.
my diary on the topic scrolling off the page
a very important date ahead – May 31, 2008.
Hillary says she’ll use the nuclear option and Superdelegates are pissed.
Howard Dean was on the Daily Show and said that MI and FL would be seated. We won’t carry SD, not even this year. But we can win MI and FL.
Daschle, wrong in 2002, wrong in 2008.
And IIRC, totally cleaning up the shit His Heinous, Bill, left behind.
In fact, I DO recall correctly. He did more for the party than this narcissistic nightmare pair.
But I guess that is the job of the party…clean up after their bullshit and to lie prostrate before all that is the greater Clintonian glory.
I turned it off too.
I watch MSNBC Race to the White House only to hear Rachel Maddow. She was not on and they did an Obama hatchet job. First they ran a tape which caught him looking tired and played it against one of Hillary’s manic performances so Scarborough could show how on her game she is. THen they quoted the outlier IA poll and feasted in mock horror about how she has Obama down to 3 POINTS in NC!!! Earlier on MSNBC my husband said they were showing a helicopter view of Wright’s 10.000 sq ft house his congregation is building for him. (a tip from Wright? Hillary?).
I swore off cable except for Countdown.
Oh and one last touch. I caught the end of Hardball. Chris M was on a rip that essentially asked his panel if McCain and Hillary had been getting a free ride recently because the MSM was so entranced with the action in center ring on Obama/Wright. He sounded SO concerned but he had been the ringmaster all week long.
That was precisely what came on at dinner time here…click.
I figured that Under the Tuscan Sun was more edifying. And I’ll be on a cable “news” diet tomorrow.
Our cafeteria at work plays MSNBC so for reasons I have yet to fathom I’ll park myself close enough to see what’s going on when I go over for lunch or breakfast.
Honestly, I am no longer sure why. I work at a job that requires a smart person and I could swear the radiation from the monitor is killing brain cells.
Media Matters, Bob Somerby and Duncan Black watch cable news so I don’t have to.
When I watch the excerpts on The Daily Show, I can hardly believe my eyes. It’s like North Korean news only with high production values.
Precisely why I don’t watch cable news. (sometimes I look in on KO, but that is it)
I don’t usually recommend dairies at Daily Kos over her but this is an exception. They are organizing food to be delivered to Obama offices in NC and Indiana and anyone who can help…..
Yes, it was interesting when we worked election day for Obama. Every time we went to local headquarters, someone would appear to offer a plate of brownies or a bowl of cookies. And it isn’t like I look undernourished.
Ward Connerly failed to get enough signatures to get his anti-affirmative action initiative on the November ballot in Missouri.
So no big race-based wedge issue for Missouri in November. That’s very good news.