I said it early and I said it loud, but I never said it better than dNa. Even I never expected the Clintons to disgrace themselves to this degree and to devour their own legacy. It was bad enough to run a deliberately racially polarizing campaign. To actually finish on an explicitly racist note? How sad.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
or win a bet that she can get 0% of the A-A vote?
so I wonder if she’ll run as a 3rd party candidate. Clinton/Barr 08!!
Barr wouldn’t go near her.
Like someone said earlier, anyone who runs with Hillary will need a food taster.
yesterday clinton surrogate/chief strategist geoff carlin was spinning the NC shellacking as a sign of “progress” using the same line:
talk about sore losers…it’s over hillary, give it up.
and, imo, it’s not sad, it’s the natural conclusion to one of the most divisive, and bitter campaigns in my memory, and a predictable coda.
Robert Parry at ConsortiumNews talked about Clinton’s “oppo research” that they had back in December: Rev. Wright, Ayers, etc. They even have some stuff that Obama’s dead mother was a Red. That should be sweet when that comes out, eh?
This suggests to me that all of these “scandals” and attempts to divide the Dems were all part of a campaign strategy before the voting started. This just suggests that, like the rest of the Clinton campaign strategy, they did it, but badly. At TPM, I think, there was a mention that last year Penn thought that Hillary would win California and get all 370 delegates. That is, he developed her campaign strategy based on Republican primary rules. There is a moral in there somewhere, and it’s not the, “Gee, if we were Republicans I would have already won!” moral.
Though it’s also worth highlighting how undemocratic the Republican Primary rules (and the Electoral College rules) are. While splitting delegates has kept Clinton in the race, it’s also what allowed Obama to make his come-behind victory. McCain basically won by edging out small wins in huge states and getting a massive delegate advantage from them. (Florida, Missouri, California) There’s going to be a lot of pressure, from the DLC camp and others, to change the Democratic primary rules so “this can’t happen again”. While there’s room for improvement, the principles of democracy (IE, proportional representation) must be maintained.
Agree. The reason why the Democratic primary season takes longer than the Republican primary season is because it’s more democratic.
I honestly think that with any other candidates, this debate would’ve been a wholly beneficial process. The only reason its been so painful is because of the Clintons’ greed.
that “calling a spade a spade” article is about as low as you can go. I especially enjoyed the “David Axelrod as Hitler” meme.
Talk about your unhinged, shrieking! Those people are fucking nuts, total racists, and will deserve all of the scorn that’s going to be heaped on them in the next 4-8 years.
they deserve nothing more nor less than utter derision.
And I haven’t even READ the second link, which I’m sure is just as bad. It’s like watching an adult throw a temper tantrum.
Bull Connor progressives…the new Clinton support base.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
It’s really a sad day when I see something like that No Quarter post linked above, and think that it’s something I would expect from a right-wing hate site, not from a site where SusanHu is posting.
pretty well sums up what no quarter has become.
the level of vitriol and, imo, blatantly racist screeds, boggles the mind.
and frankly susanhu, has imbraced that mindset and jumped in with both feet.
This primary has had too many sad moments like that with people I thought I knew.
reading SusanHu’s stuff at NQ is like looking into a diseased mind. Didn’t she used to write a lot of high-quality posts at dailykos?
Every single one of her NQ posts might as well be typed entirely in capital letters with no punctuation. When I read her posts I imagine Liz Taylor in the role of “Martha” from “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”
versus: this, or this.
Johnson may be supporting Hillary but he’s still working for The Man.
Ugh, I followed the top link but I can’t finish it or I’ll lose my lunch!
Not that I should be surprised, given the title chosen by the author.
Somehow, she attacks Mrs. Obama (who totally rocks IMNSHO) for having lamented, as a college senior, that other students saw her as Black first and as a student second. To the trash-talking and sexist author (sorry PaganPower, Princeton grads aren’t “schoolgirl”s), MO’s concern about this means:
Um, if she did her senior thesis to address the concern you (PP) quoted, uh, that means that she’s promoting the idea of others treating her as a person first, hello?
(cough) On many I day I manage to prove that I can be a stoopid White girl, but even my pretty little Seven-Sister educated head is getting a notion that PaganPower is not Black. Just a guess.
PaganPower must not have checked in with the white-supremacy folks whose site Google delivered to me (not what I was looking for!) that alleged that Axelrod’s (reported) Jewishness was proof that Obama was a Manchurian candidate for a scary Black-Brown-Jewish alliance out to [give their grandchildren a better chance against skin cancer] etc. etc.
Thanks Boo and Cee and all! We definitely need to keep speaking against this madness!
Peace –
I have been going there to raise a bit of hell. Some of the people there are as nasty as I ever saw. (Correct that: I have never seen so much hatred in my life!!!!!)
Any uncommitted African American supers left? Shouldn’t this seal it with them?
It’s hard to believe that this isn’t intentional. The statement essentially is “There are more whites than blacks.” It presumes that whites and blacks have different interests too.
I stopped by at TalkLeft and my privileges have been restored, meaning that I can read the comments. I noticed a thread where someone stated that with Obama that blacks were taking over the Democratic Party. And as far down the thread as I could stand to read I didn’t see anyone challenge that or suggest that the comment was racist and paranoid. Yesterday Zandar was writing about the racism and I tried to play it down, but when I see things like that I know there is much more of the iceberg under the water.
An injury to one is an injury to all. As a shop steward I defended people of all sexes, ethnic and racial groups, and ages, using the language in our contract that demands equal protection. Ultimately, it’s the reactionaries that want to divide us up and conquer us.
You got that right about the reactionaries trying to divide us. + they never stop. Ergo, we must match their persistence if we are to prevail.
Local 2023, AFT
Bill Moyers said it well with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Paraphasing–
In the next 72 hours she faces a choice between her own ambitions or her country.
Would seem that even her own ambition and Senate career would dictate a quick and graceful exit.
Not holding breath for either.
She’s out in New York State in 2012, too. It’s slowly sinking in: Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are unpleasant. Bill Moyers says she has to chose between her ambition and her country. Really? For her, the distinction seems not to exist. The country is hers (theirs) and she is (they are) the country. Somehow she manages to keep rearranging and redefining the country according to her own mentality and demands. Now white people are swarming to her cause. The whole Clinton act is getting very primitive and destructive. I can’t envisage either her or her husband campaigning for Obama. Maybe I’m wrong. Anyway, they’re not going away without a stink and now we’re seeing only the beginning. It also appears they are planning to get as much as the can out of their grandstanding. As much money and power, I mean. They think they deserve it and demant it, and enough people seem to agree with them. Don’t ask me why. Maybe you can tell me.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again.
50 years of race and politics among Democrats has gotten us to Hillary Clinton today.
She’s basically saying “What are you going to do if I’m the nominee, vote McCain? You’ll come crawling back. You will support me in 2008 because you have no other choice.”
And she’s right. In the end I would vote for Hillary to keep John McCain out of the White House.
But you know what? Right now I have a choice, and it’s Obama.
She fails to recognize that a fair number won’t come crawling back.
Every four years I crawl back to the Dems, but this year I’m walking proudly to Obama. Don’t have to crawl anymore.
If she’s ready to screw the country because of her blind ambition then I would be more than willing to let the country be screwed because of her blind ambition – it’s not my responsibility to fix that which she intentionally broke.
Fortunately, this is little more than an intellectual exercise because at this point the deal is sealed – the Clinton campaign is truly in its last throes.
why are you surprised?
the Clintons are a fraud. they came out of Arkansas, had to have indulged in a tad of Orval Faubus, George Wallace.
A lot of us saw through them when they ran for the presidency in 1992, when they went into the black churches, courted black leaders because they knew blacks represented a large chunk of the Democratic Party base.
This time around, up against an African-American, they knew which group to court and they weren’t shy.
All a pretense. Too many slips of the tongue during this cycle.
One Drop- Too Sense
George Stephanpoulos suggested she’s negotiating for the VP spot?
If we wouldn’t vote for her as a candidate how do you think we’ll vote for an Obama-Clinton ticket?
The betrayal would be complete!
We do have long memories too.
Her broader base is white people. That’s what she said. That white people vote for me because they are white and…
You see, if you follow the logic, it can really mean nothing else but a call for racism.
After reading these posts, I’m going to send Barack some more money. Because, if Hillary is going to stay in the race maybe he can bankrupt her financially…i.e. she will have to continue to loan her campaign money.
I just read this comment on Talk Left. I had to share in its pure delusional dishonesty. I should not respond but this is their state of mind and it is entertaining. From Talk Left, My comments in ()
What they don’t get was that it was not a win. It was a strategic maneuver within the Democratic party parameters.
1. Took away with the race card game the AA voters.(HRC and Bill pissed of those voters (Jessee Jackson, Cocaine, Roll the Dice, MLK comments) and never tried to get them back. BO earned their vote and not just by him being black. He is half white by the way.)
2. The Caucus Strategy. (Would they be complaining about caucuses if they were not out organized and lost them? Al Gore and John Kerry won caucuses)
3. Shutting out Fl and Mi took away Hillary big state momentum. (Hillary and her advisers agreed to the rules of MI&FL. Every dem prez candidate took their name off the ballot in MI but her. No candidates campaigned in FL. The FL/MI argument is just sour grapes and they are pissing off the voters in their state by complaining about it.)
4. If you looked at the numbers, it was a squeeker. (Yes, a close win is still a win)
5. He never got above X % on the white vote. ( I do not know what that means but Gore/Clinton/Kerry never won the majority of white vote in the General. BO on average won 4 out of every 10 white votes and almost over 50% of white voters under 65.)
6. The Dem primary rules were played, and played well, that does not translate into a GE win. (Yes, according to the rules, winning the primary does not give you the presidency. I thought Clinton supporters hated applying facts and rules.)
7. His race transcended and unity guy has been broken. (I see way more things broken than his unity appeal. HRC supporters dream of her being president and current US domestic/foreign policy.)
Just read the comments on this board. Talk about poor sports/losers. I am done posting about talk left.
HRC’s bigot comments are deplorable. Maybe she can go chug some moonshine this weekend in WV. HEE HAW.
Scary, eh?
Well, I tried to log in over at TalkLeft but my ban is still permanent apparently. I’m trying to figure out what specifically caused my banishment. I’m pretty sure during one of Jeralyn’s posts about Michigan and Florida when she was saying that Hillary never agreed that those primaries didn’t count I said that the candidates signed pledges in the context of the DNC declaring that the primaries WOULD NOT COUNT. And the pledges, as Jeralyn was so nice to reprint, said that the undersigned would not campaign or participate in the primaries. And I said to Jeralyn that nothing said “participation” like demanding delegates. I concluded that H. Clinton has lied to the Democratic Party.
The people who now camp out at TalkLeft are truly delusional, and Jeralyn has lost all my respect. If I am banned because I point out Jeralyn’s bullshit and she allows racists to flourish there, she deserves the hell she has created.
Not only did Hillary sign a pledge
In an interview on New Hampshire Public Radio last fall, Clinton explained why she was the only candidate who did not agree to New Hampshire’s request that she take her name off the ballot in Michigan.
“It’s clear: This election they’re having is not going to count for anything. I personally did not think it made any difference whether or not my name was on the ballot,” she said.
I wish this were the end! I don’t blame Clinton for being the freak she is – why not if she is allowed to. She is mostly staying in this race because of vague considerations of fairness – all the states have their say… the majority matters etc. And at the same time she is all but cynically exploiting this leniency by being as unfair as possible – a rabid fox in the chicken barn of the Democratic party.
It would not be alright for Pelosi or Dean to say they prefer Obama without the Clinton camp screeching, but no problem with Clinton pulling the race card, the patriotism card, the commander in chief card, the break the rules card… With these many in her Tarot deck one should not be surprised at her penchant to predict future!