Joe Klein is a piece of work. Does he realize that by allowing us to peer into the inner sanctum of his bifurcated reasoning process he is admitting to every sin he, and his generation of pundits, have been accused of committing?
If he wants a solution to the media problem, he should take his scintilla of self-awareness and apply some leadership by example. Abstinence starts with a strict no-wanking policy.
Joe Klein dumb to dumber.
Mark Penn the super dumb – via TPM; the Memo that failed Clinton
“Abstinence starts with a strict no-wanking policy.” Yeah, and it will keep you from going blind, too.
Fantastic post, and one that should be archived, so it can be sent repeatedly and throughout the campaign to the usual suspects.
How am I supposed to read someone who opens a sentence with these words:
My high-minded policy brain was………..
Call me a cynic, but I don’t have any hope that the tv chatterers — the Russerts, the Matthews, the Scarboroughs — to name just the MSNBC silly talkers, will join some 12-step program for tv personalities, and start acting responsibly, laying off the sleaze for the GE. Nope, these guys think they’ve mastered the art of being political entertainers and they are immensely proud of the celebrity they’ve achieved and the status they think they have among the Beltway elite. They have become so deluded that they seem to really see themselves as responsible journalists, instead of highly-paid hacks.
Will they get serious? Not a chance.
Yeah, it’s a good piece. Problem is, we readers always expected the “high-minded policy brains” to be dominant in the brains of reporters. We always wanted reporters to put their intellects above their desire for showmanship.
This immature, idiotic desire for showmanship n the part of candidates is precisely what we don’t want from our press corps!