My home is very quiet this morning. My children’s mother is in Maryland because her grandfather is gravely ill. My son has just left for work and my daughters are still asleep. In the few hours I have before leaving for work myself I’m cooking a big breakfast for the girls and trying to fill the void their mom’s absence has created. There is a void in my own life because I’m estranged from my own mother since the death of my father three years ago. And though the damage done is irreparable and I have no expectation of our relationship ever being saved, I still can’t help but feel some pride…still, and even love. Certainly gratitude for the woman who made me who I am and for the women I know who are so very much like her. She was and is a fierce antiwar activist. She never hesitated or wavered when it came to confronting the militaristic government of this country because for her it was about protecting her children and all mother’s children from the horror of war and from those in power who have always found it so easy to throw threats across oceans and continents while backing those threats up with the blood of others.
Arise, all women who have hearts!
Whether your baptism be of water or of tears!
Say firmly:
“We will not have questions answered by irrelevant agencies,
Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage,
For caresses and applause.
Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn
All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.
We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.
Julia Ward Howe
There are two women, mothers, in particular that I’m thinking of this morning. I’m fortunate to have met both, though whom through my own laziness and sad habit of taking some things for granted have neglected to contact lately. I beg their forgiveness for that. But despite not talking to or being with them for a long while I still think of each of them nearly every day and wonder how they are. Mostly I wonder how their adversarys are because I know that they, like my own mother, leave nothing on the field when confronting the enemies of peace!
I know that many of you here are relatively new to Boomantribune. I also know that this site is focused on elections now. Some of you might not be aware of the great burst of antiwar activism that existed here back in 2005 and 2006 or of the many people who found their activist sea legs through friendships and alliances made here. Those bonds are what have defined this place for me, even as we’ve mostly drifted apart, sometimes not on the best of terms. That’s a sad part of life, but it doesn’t mean those people’s influence on me is lessened in any way.
I think it’s important to take time to remember that great solidarity of purpose that existed then and personally for me, to pay a small tribute to two of the most influential women in my life. And also as a way to introduce them to those of you who never knew of them. There is a history of their commitment in this site’s archives. Their contributions remind me that it is the people who will bring about change in this country, not politicians and candidates. It’s mothers like Damnit Janet and
Alohaleezy are the real heroes in my world because in spite of their fears and the obstacles arrayed against them they stood up anyway and defended and still defend the children of all mothers and strive for peace defiantly and lovingly.
For my two friends and for all women who sacrifice all for their children,
Happy Mothers Day
I hope they won’t mind my republishing their work here. It’s done with love for them and hopefully to provide a little inspiration to wavering antiwar activists. They both certainly inspired me to do what small things I’ve done.
It seems that I’ve only dreamed of meeting alohaleezy :o)
How pathetic is that?! But there are many ways to meet and know a person.
Who spiked my coffee?! LOL! sheeshus
I have to leave for work now, but wanted clear up the mistake with meeting Leezy because I feel pretty bad about it now. I was really thinking of three women this morning. Two of whom I’ve met. But the third is one who I had a falling out with and mean to honor her request that I not include her in anything I write. So I won’t mention her name, even though despite that falling out I still hold her in the highest regard. As I do DJ and Leezy. And since Leezy lives approximately 5000 miles away it might take a few years of saving pesos for that kind of trip before I can write anything about meeting her.
So, either this explanation works or I have to seriously consider the possibility that alzheimers may be setting in :o)
Here’s hoping that you and your mom find a way to bridge the gap before too long.
It won’t happen. She’s also the most boneheaded and stubborn woman I know :o) And of course, I’m my mother’s son….
to woman that you feel have an inspired you. What ever happen to these writers/activists? I am fairly new here and am not familiar.
As with any ongoing community there was a schism of sorts. Some stayed, some left, some reduced their output, some lurked.
But the community and the contributions of many continue and help make this site what it is along with the yeoman’s efforts of Booman, Steven D. and TerrenceD to provide insightful, prescient writing and analysis along with some seriously great out of the box thinking. God I hate that term. But it fits them. 🙂
I’d like to throw out a Happy Mothers Day to Scribe, another former regular, who wrote some amazing and oftentimes very personal stuff.
Thanks for mentioning scribe. She should be honored as well. I thought for awhile this morning about how many great women I’ve met or read here and that DJ and Leezy and scribe too are just a few that I could mention. If I got started I could make such a list :o) I wonder about Kahli. I think of susanw, Indylib, Iowa victory gardener, Anomalous, moiv, and on and on….
Don’t get me started! :o)
Yeah there was an amazing contigent of strong women diarists here for quite a while.
They’re missed.
It’s not nice to make an ol lady get all misty eyed this early in the morning, guys! Thank you both. We did have some wonderful times here that I’ll remember forever…
Come back now Scribe, we miss you. Us crones can’t let those impetuous young men have this lovely pond all to themselves.
Supersoling did it, so can you.
It’s good to see you!
One of my best memories among the many here was the Alito fight–when we wrote daily diaries about his rulings on everything from reproductive rights to employment law. THAT is one thing I’d like to get back to doing once this really-too-flippin’-long presidential election ends.
It was educational, and really engaged folks by their willingness to research and write and work together. (My partner was just SUPER!!) That’s one of the strengths of blogs.
I understand that time and priorities change, but there are lots of folks I’d like to see come on back home. Of course that does not in any way mean that the newer folks haven’t been fabulous…it’s just that everyone brings their insights, and we can learn from all of them.
There’s one serious problem wth that though, Alice.
Some of these amazing people can’t come back. Even if they wanted to. And that sucks.
I wanted only to pay a small tribute to some of these women because they surely deserve it. It’s my small way of saying thank you for all I’ve learned, all I’ve experienced when I was with them or talked with them or became friends with them. And for how much better I am for knowing them.
You said we’re evolving, and we are. that means that we’ve said goodbye to some of them for good. And I guess that needs to be alright. though it doesn’t feel alright to me. It’s just the way it is.
when someone is banished as you have said they just may be lurking in another way. I am sure these fine women know that you have thought of them so kindly through other friends. One would hope. If this were written for me I surely would have been brought to tears. What a dear man you are my friend.
I can be a real contrary ass somtimes too. It all evens out in the end…I hope :o)
thank you
be an ass from time to time? That my dear is what makes us human beings.
thank you :o)
I haven’t spoken to either of them in months…and you know, more months. But I think of them all the time. They’re no longer posting here. But I often remember them as I came to know them here, among so many other women still here and not, and all the great sharing of their experiences that I at least came to treasure. I think it’s important to shine a light on them instead of letting their time and work here languish in an archive.
Funny you should mention Aloha, I just got email from her Friday, she is doing well in Hawaii, and she ended with mention of a meetup over there. I am even considering breaking my long standing, “I won’t leave this area, or fly or leave the county,” and say maybe, just maybe I could consider leaving to go to Hawaii.
Having lived there in my past, that thought has always been one of going home as I’ve always felt my roots in that most beautiful of all places, so if there is anywhere I could give up my “can’ts” for it would be there. So I’m thinking maybe in a couple of years as I save my money.
I have no contact with 2 of my children so I know what you go through about your Mother, it’s never easy.
Happy Mother’s Day to you Super as I know you have often filled that role in your children’s lives and you deserve the happiness of this day as well.
Mine has been pretty happy and busy so far and before it’s over I will be with most of my clan in a new home for 2 of my chilren, so that will be fun.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers who read this site, you/we deserve this day of celebration.
I’ve saved you for last, Diane :o)
Thanks so much. You and shirl have for sure left a mark or two on me :o)
Thanks for remembering, Super. I do miss them all. we are certainly evolving despite the mists of time obscuring some of our senses.
Well, you never know do ya? Look, here’s Diane. Leezy & DJ are not far behind. I tell myself that someday we’ll all get together.
This evolution stuff ain’t all it’s cracked up to be :o) Special people become embedded in who I am and it’s hard sometimes when they come and go out of your life. Is it just me?
I do hope to get together before we all go off into the west! And you know, Leezy will be surprised to know we’ve gotten together already :o)
Hi super, I wish this diary would get frontpaged. Yes it is hard when people leave here/move on for whatever reason especially after they may have touched us with their words so personally. Makes me sad yet also feel good because their words(and actions)helped me form opinions and believe that there are good people out there fighting for us all…giving me hope.
Speaking not of mothers but people here who touched us in various ways but left this site, I found out last week the Ductape had passed on-someone I never met yet finding this out just made me feel a great emptiness and sadness which continues.
I wish I had some great wisdom to impart super that would help bridge the divide between you and your mother but I don’t. I can only hope that your relationship with her becomes more what you hope it to be. Reading over this post it seems ‘hope’ is the operative word overall-Obama’s message of hope I guess has infiltrated my brain. Hope is bumping up against my cynicism.
Wow. That news makes me feel worse than anything. Guess it shouldn’t. We all live and die. And damn glad to know him, I was.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the feminine types that nurture the earth, and us all. And to Super. And you CI.
I almost missed you in here!
Try not to be to down about Ductape. I had the sense he was about 2000 years old :o) and thats a good long life.
Hi :o)
Obviously my mom was on my mind this morning, even if I want to trick myself into believing she isn’t. But I am comfortable with it as it is because some transgressions really do become unforgiveable. That doesn’t mean that she isn’t owed her due for her struggles and for her efforts to make a family out of nothing. And she’ll always have my complete respect for how she’s thrown herself at this monstrousity of a mindset that sends children off to kill and die for nothing. In that regard, the world is a better place because of her. I’m a better man because of her.
I do find it hard sometimes when i think of some who’ve kind of slipped away unnoticed. My thoughts this morning were to signify that I do notice. that my life has been altered, for the good, by these people, and I wanted it to be known. Even if, in the end, it helps only me to remember :o) You should know that I count you among those women who’ve altered and enriched my landscape :o)
I found out about Ductapefatwa a pretty long while ago, even as his absence left me suspecting that he was actually gone. Talk about larger than life! Skin and bones and graveyard stones could never contain that man :o) And so I wish him well and carry his lessons with me as well.
I feel sad that we’ll not hear from Ductape again. What a truly unique individual. Another turn of the wheel for good or ill and all we puny mortals can do is face it as best we can and move on.
Peace to all of you.
Wow…I had assumed about Ductape, but was never sure. I continued to think about him long after he left the pond.
I’ve been happy to meet some who are being discussed. They are all fabulous women and mothers. While some have left, some more have returned, so I am happy. I may not post a lot here anymore, but I read it daily and I have no doubt that I feel closer to many of you than you realize.
It turns out that i feel closer to a lot people here more than I realized :o)
To all the Moms who influence me, thank you!!! We might not always agree but this son recognizes the all great gifts and lessons he has received through the years.
yup :o)
I just got back from Long Island visiting my mother. Nicely done, super.
Hey! Wouldn’t you know it, it turns out I live on Long Island too! ;o) And here you are neglecting to trip out to see me :o)
Ha! I am neglectful. But it’s a pretty good trip from Lynbrook to Greenport(?). 😉
I was once a Garden City resident, but its been quite a while.
don’t broadcast that fact :o)
Garden City has nothing to do with any gardens, if it ever even did :o)
I’m from Freeport, but i couldn’t see myself ever living there again, or even visiting. You’re wise to stick to Indiana!
Happy Mom’s Day to each of you dear friends. May the luck of the green Irish Frog be with each you as we continue down the road of friendship online and in real life. Mom’s heart are always with those she gave birth to, Super. Even tho there is a distance between you two, there is and will always be a space in her heart for you, and it seems visa versa….:o) BTW, it is always good to see and hear from you.
Great Big Hugs to each of you….
You’re one person who’s knowledge of things I could never doubt or question. So, I’ll leave the door ajar for the possibilities.
To all the ladies out there whether they be moms or not, they all have/had one.
Hey Super, very nice of you to honor those you love or respect.
Good luck in all your endeavors.
Hey Knuck,
I found a four leaf clover a few weeks ago that I’d put between the pages of a book I’ve had for some years :o) I can’t remember when I put it there but I’m glad I did.
I count myself very lucky.
What a lovely tribute to those who have touched your life. But then I would expect no less of one with such an encompassing heart.
I miss you although you are in my heart and thoughts always.
Truly there are and have been some amazing people here on Booman and the few of us that have had the great joy and privilege of meeting face to face will never forget each other or the great time we shared together.
Life takes us in different directions sometimes and for many reasons. I hope you and the others here will know that we are not really that far from you. Many read here most everyday, as I do. We may not comment as often as we once did or offer our own writings as we once did, but we are here.
As always, I love you beyond your deepest imagining. I respect and admire all that you are.
Big Hugs
All I can say is thank you, Shirl.
Funny, I was thinking about all of you day before yesterday. It is good to hear from you Super.