According to Rush Limbaugh, master economist as well as the smartest man in America, Democrats are to blame for high gas prices. And he’s right you know. I found this story about rising gas prices from March, 2000, the last time a Democrat sat in the Oval Office (though – cough, cough – the Republicans did control Congress back then):
March 14, 2000
Web posted at: 11:26 p.m. EST (0426 GMT)WASHINGTON — Gas prices have surged in the past 12 months, experiencing their biggest dollar increase in the past 30 years, according to a survey conducted for AAA.
Self-serve regular, unleaded gasoline averaged $1.54 per gallon nationwide, according to AAA’s March Fuel Gauge Report released Tuesday.
Damn those Democrats. They’re to blame now that gas costs, on average, around $3.72 a gallon*. It sure can’t be George W. Bush’s fault. If it’s one thing we’ve learned since 2001, it’s never Bush’s fault (or the fault of any God fearing, flag waving, yellow ribbon bumper sticking Republican for that matter).
Not 9/11. Not Iraq. Not Katrina. Not the Federal deficit. Not the rise in business bankruptcies. Not the corruption by US companies with government contracts. Not inflation. Not the health care crisis. Not unemployment. Not the incredible shrinking dollar. Not our sullied moral reputation around the world and the loss of our influence and power. Nope. You can’t blame Bush for that. Not the man who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave up golf for the duration of the War on Terror.
I’ll tell you who’s to blame for all of America’s woes: Barack Obama.** Just wait, you’ll see I’m right. As soon as he wins the nomination it will be finally be reported in the liberal media how this America hating, terrorist loving, Israel bashing, Muslim Manchurian candidate with the name only one letter removed from Osama single handedly wrecked the American Dreams of millions of Americans. Well, he and his tree hugging buddy Al Gore, along with the secular humanists, the gays, the feminazis, Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, illegal immigrants, scientists, college professors, liberal effete, elite snobs in New York City, and the defeatocrats in Congress led by that Dragon Lady, Nancy Pelosi.
Just wait and see. The truthiness will out.
* Adjusted for inflation, that’s roughly a 185% increase in the cost of a gallon of gas from March, 2000 to today, or an average yearly increase of 23.25% over the last 8 years. Damn those Democrats!
** Should Hillary Clinton’s fondest fantasy come true, and she becomes the Democratic party’s nominee, just insert her name in this sentence in place of Barack’s.
It has to be the democrats fault since we all know the republicans have unlimited compassion for the common man. Just ask the GOP-ers and they will tell you. As a matter of fact, they will tell you anything.
(Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Saddam and Osama are bosom buddies. People can do better investing their own social security monies. There really is no problem with global warming.)
What I wonder is how long will it take rethuglican leadership to utterly destroy this fine nation of ours?
Perhaps, McCain, the Insane, can give us the answer, if, God forbid, he makes it to the White House in 2009.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld = an American axis of evil.
Republicans to blame for Global Instability and Chaos.
I’ll buy Rush’s gas analogy if he swallows my blame above.
In 1980, I thought gas should have been $4.00/gal. That would have changed the ecological landscape almost 30 years early.
In fact, my 8th grade Science Fair project in 1974 was about alternative energy generation, which included geothermal, wind, tide, solar and nuclear fusion. The presentation was a call to get away from coal and oil production and burning.
The only thing Rush swallows are little blue pills (and probably little white, yellow or green ones, too).
While the rise of China and India are in part to blame for high gas prices, most of all, speculation and the falling dollar are to blame.
Much of the sharp rise in oil prices is pure Wall Street speculation. And much of it is being done on borrowed money (surprise!). Future traders are typically highly leveraged.
Were the federal government to change margin requirements (the amount a speculator can borrow), oil prices would plumment. Not to mention if the Fed would pursue a strong dollar policy.
So it is the fault of the current administration (though the congress could help were they willing).
Lastly, high gas prices ain’t all bad – they encourage economy and technology. Gore has suggested raising the gas tax for those very reasons (and to combat MMGW).
You sir are a traitor of the highest order. Everyone knows that Wall Street traders are the epitome of freedom loving free markets which as we all know are the foundation of all that is right and good in America. Jesus himself was a free market capitalist, and an honorary American (pat Robertson told me so himself). To suggest that evil satanic big guvmint regulation could ever be a good thing by shackling the magical wealth producing energy of our finest financial entrepreneurs is blasphemy.
Go live in communist Europe if you hate America so much!
God, this is really funny. Guess, I better get my ticket to some awful, communist infested country in Europe. Sigh.
I recommend Sweden, myself. Or the Netherlands if you’re some stinking pot infested hippy type.
(Hangs head in shame)
Fine. I’m off to Europe then.
Let the Wall Street traders get rich on borrowed money while they gouge us at the pump. Just don’t call me a commie!
(Of course, while in Europe I’ll have to pay $8 a gallon for gas. But, I’ll be able to buy a small, affordable car, and walk or bike most places too.)
Not to mention that Democrats are responsible for the general degradation of this country’s moral fiber.
Indeed, we are truly a morally constipated nation these days.
Two reasons:
1- the biggest consumer of fuel is not the US, but the Department of Defense- the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force. The US and the Armed services are using more than twice the fuel than before Bush invaded Iraq.
2- the oil companies know they have the country over a barrel (sorry) and they are raising fuel prices knowing full well that Bush will not stop them.
Too bad the general public has not figured this one out. But when they do….