I want to apologize for my earlier post; especially to Martin. As per requests from some people in the community and Martin I took the post off the front page.

In a poor attempt to explain if not defend myself, I do want people to know that I don’t go into these topics lightly. I truly pained over this one because it’s been on my mind for the last 3 months of this primary.

I do want to say that the discussion was one of the most civil and open-minded I have had in a netroots community. I thank you for your contributions to the discussion.

Still, please accept my apologies. I do feel bad for upsetting the balance here.

Update [2008-6-4 16:55:30 by Steven D]: Okay, I’m adding an update to Liza’s story because I now know what I think sparked the controversy. Some long term readers here sent some very angry emails to BooMan complaining in no uncertain terms regarding the use of the B word in Liza’s front page story (and no, I’m not going to identify anyone who sent in an email to him, because that wouldn’t be appropriate. People who email any of the front pagers here should have the right to expect their privacy will be respected). BooMan and Liza discussed the matter via email, and the decision was reached to withdraw the story at BooMan’s suggestion based on his policy during the primary season regarding the non-use of gender specific criticisms of Hillary Clinton, which he admitted he hadn’t communicated to Liza, and for which he took responsibility for not informing her. Liza made the decision to post her apology to the front page for any offense she caused to the people who were offended.

I would hope from here on out we can all put this to bed, please. I think everyone acted above board and we responded in accordance with past policies here at the frog pond. Liza certainly shouldn’t be blamed for a failure by those of us (and I include myself in this category) who failed to inform Liza of this specific policy BooMan had implemented to keep the level of sexism directed toward Senator Clinton at a minimum.

So, on behalf of Booman and myself, I apologize for failing Liza, and for causing anyone any undue distress as a result of that failure. I know many people see this as a tempest in a teapot, but I think those who were offended have a right to expect us to live up to the policies and rules that have been set for posting at this blog. I certainly don’t wish to dismiss their level of hurt or anger about this, just as I wouldn’t want anyone to dismiss my anger over comments I’ve found offensive in the past at various places around the blogosphere.

Update [2008-6-4 19:54:8 by liza]: : Hi peeps! I just got back from picking up the kids from school and then doing some mega shopping of food that even impressed my kids. We were down to the last of the twigs and berries 🙂

As I am writing this I have to warn you I haven’t read the whole thread of comments but please, just know I’m cool with the request. If you’d like to continue the conversation you can always continue it at my blog. That’s why I have no issue with the request –I have my own blog! 🙂