Five days ago, for those who missed it, our esteemed Booman had a post on The Michelle Tape. There are some developments. Larry Johnson’s efforts to peddle the alleged “tape” has been exposed and debunked.
My old friend, Larry Johnson, knows about manipulating elections from his training with the Central Intelligence Agency. He doesn’t want Obama to win the nomination for whatever reason, and he’s in full propaganda mode to do everything he can to frighten the superdelegates. He claims to have a shocking tape of Michelle Obama ranting in some anti-white diatribe. He promises to produce this tape tomorrow at 9am.
From what I understand, it is a tape of Michelle Obama criticizing the Bush administration.
How you’d write it:
Why did Bush cut folks off medicaid?
Why did Bush let New Orleans drown?
Why did Bush do nothing about Jena?
Why did Bush put us in Iraq for no reason?How you’d say it:
Why’d he cut folks off medicaid?
Why’d he let New Orleans drown?
Why’d he do nothing about Jena?
Why’d he put us in Iraq for no reason?How Larry Johnson wants you to hear it:
Whitie cut folks off medicaid?
Whitie let New Orleans drown?
Whitie do nothing about Jena?
Whitie put us in Iraq for no reason?
As it turned out, our BooMan, raise a glass to him, is quite a sleuth… throwing some cold water and a heap pile of doubt in Larry’s direction.
Yesterday, over at Reason Magazine – Hit & Run, David Weigel had this post in which he chronicles the time line of Larry Johnson’s lies and quotes our BooMan:
(HT: Andrew Sullivan)
Everything’s Gonna Be All White
On Monday I blogged about the rumors of a video that shows Michelle Obama making hateful comments about “whitey.” I’m now convinced that Larry Johnson, the blogger who’s done the most to make the rumors public, is spreading misinformation. At the least, he’s been unable to stick to his story.
Johnson starts getting attention for this on May 26, recounting intel from “someone in touch with a senior Republican.”
I know for a fact that Barack and Michelle Obama would like the tape of her blasting “whitey” during a rant at Jeremiah Wright’s church to never see the light of day.
On the night of May 31, Johnson fires up the speculation by promising an update by 9 a.m. on June 2. “Now I know why people who have seen the videotape say it is stunning.” The blogs start churning, and reporters fish around. On June 1, Roger Stone appears on Fox News and says he’s heard rumors about a Michelle Obama tape. Gleefully, a NoQuarter blogger completes the Mobius strip and claims Stone has given Johnson “new credence.”
A little before 8 a.m. on June 2, Johnson reveals what he learned from “five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape.”
It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright’s Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!!
The bloggy frenzy increases, with a few possible “transcripts” of the speech making the rounds. Booman posts a theoretical transcript (“from what I understand”) in which Obama says “why’d he” and it sounds like she’s saying “whitey.” Blogger MyTownTalks posts part of “an e-mail with part of the alleged speech,” in which Obama says both “whitey” and “why’d he,” and rants about “the white man” who “let Katrina happen.”
Later in the day, Johnson gleefully updates:
On the morning of June 3, B-list Democratic pundit Bob Beckel goes on Fox News and speculates that “there might be a big shoe dropping on Michelle Obama tomorrow.” Later that night, after all the polls are closed, SusanUnPC posts a photo of Michelle Obama at a June 28, 2004 luncheon from the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition convention in Chicago, posing alongside Louis Farrakhan’s wife. It kicks off another wave of speculation. On June 4, a blogger at “HillBuzz” posts a new explanation of what’s on the tape and claims it was actually recorded at this luncheon.
For about 30 minutes, Michelle Obama launched into a rant about the evils of America, and how America is to blame for the problems of Africa. Michelle personally blamed President Clinton for the deaths of millions of Africans and said America is responsible for the genocide of the Tutsis and other ethnic groups. She then launched into an attack on “whitey”, and talked about solutions to black on black crime in the realm of diverting those actions onto white America.
Her rant was fueled by the crowd: they reacted strongly to what she said, so she got more passionate and enraged, and that’s when she completely loses it and says things that have made the mouths drop of everyone who’s seen this.
Louis Farrakhan isn’t there, nor is Hurricane Katrina (which happened a year after this luncheon, of course) mentioned. Nonetheless, Johnson links the post as “BREAKING NEWS from Hillbuzz.”
In his peddling of this story, Johnson has altered his description of what was in the tape. I e-mailed Johnson, asked about the holes in the HillBuzz story, and called him a liar. He e-mailed me back.
“You and Reason in the same sentence? Now that’s funny. I don’t recall soliciting an email from you so fuck off.”
Until he comes out with a video tape that shows at least one of the many rumored “Michelle speeches,” I think that’s the last we need to hear from Larry Johnson.
Weigel links to more Debunking of the Obama “Tape” Hoax
“Trying to debunk the internet rumors about Michelle Obama.–
As many of you know, there has been an ever-shifting internet rumor launched publicly by an extremely unreliable pro-Clinton blogger, Larry Johnson, that there is a video recording of Michelle Obama saying some intemperate things at Trinity United Church. The way that this story is being spread leads me to think that there is little or nothing to the rumors, which is why I haven’t posted on the issue here until now.
Until today, the rumors have been too vague to be debunked, but they have now become specific enough that the currently most prominent version of the rumor [offered by the pro-Clinton blog Hillbuzz] could potentially be determined to be false. A specific conference for the remarks has been specified: the 2004 Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Annual Conference starting on June 26, 2004.
In an attempt to get the information necessary to put this matter to bed, I drove over to the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition National Headquarters, which is in the opposite corner of my Hyde-Park/Kenwood neighborhood. I spoke with Robert (Bobby) Lewis, Director of Studio Services, who apparently handles the recordings of events.
Lewis said that the recording of events from 2005 and earlier was farmed out and most or all of the existing recordings (listed on the website) had not been conveyed in-house to the National Headquarters. He said that he did not know if the organization had a recording of the 2004 conference. In response to my more specific question, he said that the one-hour Saturday broadcasts on the 2004 Annual Conference (June 26, 2004, and July 2, 2004), which are listed on the website for purchase, are not available, since they come from the earlier outsourced period.
I was very surprised when he informed me that I was the first person to have contacted them about this matter. Given the furor on the internet, I suspect that many of you are skeptical about this claim, but he really seemed unaware of the flap. He wanted to know the name of the website that had the story about the conference. And at first, he thought I was talking about a panel on which Barack, not Michelle, had spoken. In manner, he was gracious and he didn’t seem to be particularly guarded or defensive.
UPDATE: There are some anomalies in the story so far: according to the rumors, the Rainbow/Push conference was supposed to be held at Trinity United, yet schedules posted at Hillbuzz and elsewhere do not show the event as taking place at the church. Further, the schedule shows Michelle Obama as a “Special Guest,” not a speaker. Last, if it wasn’t at the church, why would the DVD have been on sale there? I remain highly skeptical that this story will amount to anything.
2d UPDATE: More on problems with this story: Does it seem at all plausible that anyone would go into a 30-plus minute racist rant during a “Woman’s Luncheon” at the Sheraton Hotel, moderated by two mainstream local TV news reporters/anchors from the Chicago ABC affiliate? Consider also that Michelle Obama was listed only as a “Special Guest,” not even listed as speaking (the Keynote Speaker for the luncheon was Jesse Jackson).
Here is the program for the luncheon:
12:00p.m ~ 2:00p.m.
SHERATON BALLROOM 1-7 Womans LuncheonM.C.’s: Cheryl Burton and Karen Jordan, ABC 7
Keynote Speaker: Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Special Guests:
Shoshana Johnson, Retired United States Military
Michelle Obama, University of ChicagoAnd then somehow this supposed rant at a non-church event held at the Sheraton Hotel was for sale on the Trinity United website. Thus, I think that the most common version of the story (put forth by Hillbuzz) is almost certainly false.
(highlights added)
Those special skills on Larry Johnson’s resume had me wondering…you’d think he’d weigh the risk. This is not playing in backwoods Somalia or wherever agents, or ex-gents play.
In his glee to smear the Obamas, Larry finds fact checking to be very, very inconvenient.
Larry Johnson’s credibility is diminished and not just within this community but across the internet at some of the most prestigious websites.
I have been to TPM and read about it. I want to tell you all that in the early stages of the campaign, Larry posted that he went to Hillery’s office and sat down with her and that is when he decided to support her. He stated, if my memory is correct, how he was pleased with how she took time out to see him and to talk with him.
To me that was the beginning of the end of No Quarter, for it was then that I noticed a decline in the type of quality that was being discussed there. I left and had other things to do for several days and when I checked back in no one was there that I knew from the old days. The sight had been infiltrated with what you see nowadays.
I checked in after Booman did his diary on this and you would not believe the way they were talking about Martin. It was truly shameful…I was very ashamed that I even knew Susan. I have exchanged some emails in the past about the bigoted way the site has been and really got a very cold shoulder from Susan. As far as Larry goes, his exchange with me was not a winning one to say the least with him leaving it open-ended. I have saved the emails to just refer to to remained me of how friends do change to become either the best or the worst of things.
I doubt I will ever forgive Susan for allowing herself to become one of those kind of people. It really broke my heart as to how they talked about Martin let alone Senator Obama and his family and friends. To me that reflected to the whole of America that is searching for a change in our country and the way that it has become in the last 8-16 years plus.
I do not go back after reading about Martin. I will shun them both. As far as I can tell, ’till they ask for forgiveness from Martin, which I do not see coming at all.
Martin did not ask for the lashing out that they gave to him. They are very shameful IMHO.
Anyhow, Yes, I have been reading about this on the web today and it is critical that Obama curtail this rumor from the get go and call them out for doing this to him and his wife and to the Americans that want a different America than they do over on NQ!
Thanks for reporting on this idreit. It really needs to come out and be settled once and for all. hugs
I had a look at those 2 NQ threads. Seems like a bunch of disgruntled former BMTers and others. Ugly stuff. MilitaryTracy seems to have lost none of her venom for BooMan.
Yup, and after he bent over backwards for Military Tracy to the point of alienating numerous others here – myself included. If nothing else, I did get a chance to put my alleged serial blogwrecking skills to good use over at NQ – if you saw a certain Mahatma X over there on the “whitey” threads, you now know who that was.
Eww, I had no idea that site existed. They sound bitter and delusional…
Three years ago, I thought Larry and Susan were doing some useful work. I got reminded of that when an old blog post showed up on a google search. That’s an awfully long time ago in blog years I guess. At this point, they’ve lapsed into self-parody. So it goes.
At all places, found at NRO’s Campaign Spot (and you know that NRO is not exactly fond of Obama):
I’m almost tempted to find this amusing if this whole rampage of his wasn’t so destructive-and apparently more to himself than the Obama’s.
So an aging psyops man may have decided to-because he can’t come up with any brilliantly destructive idea on his own?-to lift an idea from a book-hey whatever works I guess but the bad part is even recycled or stolen psyops ideas play well-that’s why the same old crap is used over and over and over again.
This time it seems he overplayed his hand so gleefully even giddily he forgot the idea of stealth operations in the print realm have to be half way logical and plausible and backed up with at least some sort of kernel of verifiable fact? Right..he just went to the bottom of the basement and kept digging. Digging himself deeper with his breathlessly timed new info. Only the most hardcore no brainers are going to believe this after any kind simple even below simple train of logical thought. But we all know that there are that die hard faction of people with no trains in their thought process.
Anyone read any other good spy novels they want to share with him?
TPM’s Greg Sargent just wrote about this too, citing the same work of fiction:
If this was the basis for the rumor, Obama was forced to respond not just to a rumor, but to one that was consciously based on a published work of fiction. Welcome to General Election 2008, everyone!”
Larry used to write interesting posts here. I can sort of relate to people being disappointed that their candidate lost, but the tone of the posts was totally outside the bounds of common sense….. Pretty shocking.
Larry Johnson shot himself in the face…has turned his website into a rabid racist KKK organ spewing hate. In any other country he would be charged with hate crimes.
We’ll see this afternoon – when his candidate concedes and since he claims to have met her in person – if he’ll fall in line. I won’t hold my breath. You can’t reason with bigots.
Pending Action Alert: Keep an eye on NQ. We may just write the junior senator from NY to call a halt to the shit.
Just from what was there this morning, I’m guessing the lynch mob has taken a life all its own.
We Fight On!:
That’s Susan Hu for ya.
… So she’s saying that they still have a chance to select Hillary because she’s a known political liar?
I’m sure that’ll go over wonderfully with the electorate.
There is more on the subject now
I noticed. More red meat for the Klan wannabes I guess.
The site is shocking. Denial is a horrible thing.
I even read something about Tony Rezko there. :O!
Where did Booman get the “why’d he” bit.
Student Guy actually posted it first on MYDD last Sunday night, about two hours before Booman did.
Student Guy claims to have gotten the “why’d he” bit from National Journal and claims Booman got it from there too.
He got it the same place I did (2.00 / 2)
National Journal.
Student Guy
I’ve looked thru the National Journal and can’t find it. Maybe my searching skills are lacking.
What’s the big mystery? Where did the “why’d he” bit come from?
Thanks for dropping by.
National Journal or are you confusing it with National Review? Only BooMan and or Student Guy can answer that for you.
But these facts point to the non-existent tape.
NQ’s asshat Johnson revealed:
what he learned from “five separate sources who have spoken directly with people who have seen the tape.”
It features Michelle Obama and Louis Farrakhan. They are sitting on a panel at Jeremiah Wright’s Church when Michelle makes her intemperate remarks. Whoops!!
but like many who can’t get facts straight with rumors; the church venue changed and the words referencing the date of the event, Farrakhan and Katrina are give-aways.
The church venue became the Sheraton Hotel with ABC reporters present; it was not a panel but a conference; Farrakhan was not there and 2004 was the year before Katrina. You’d think ABC reporters who moderated the event could be found to back up Michelle’s prophetic rant!
It did not happen.
Indicative of an unprincipled man like Johnson who will smear another man’s wife. In my book, KKKs and bigots sre low life.
“”Only BooMan and or Student Guy can answer that for you.””
you’re right. So Booman sir, what’s the answer? Where did you get the “why’d he” bit?
re: Student Guy:
his comment from MYDD:
He got it the same place I did (2.00 / 2)
National Journal.
Student Guy
Student Guy is answering the question: “but where did booman get his transcript?” (the “why’d he” bit)
check the link: the thing is I’ve searched thru National Journal and can’t find it.
Yes but all the articles I read made reference to National Review.
well, Nat’l Review didn’t break the why’d he / whitey story
Student Guy/ Booman did
National review incorrectly credited Booman for breaking the story / but Student Guy on MYDD actually broke the story first
Monday, June 02, 2008
Is the Michelle Obama Tape a Matter of Enunciation?
A really interesting theory about the alleged Michelle Obama tape, which could explain a lot, from the liberal blog Booman Tribune. Michelle, offering a speech critical of President Bush, offers a refrain of “why’d he” — the words “why did he” mushed together — that sounds like “whitey” on the tape.
it’s curious why Student Guy would throw out National Journal as his and Booman’s source for the tape. it’s not there…..
My money is on that being a dry hole. Keep drilling all you want. There’s nothing there.
it’s irrelevant. if there was a video it’d been viral weeks ago.
this issue has been debunked.
Andrew Sullivan points us here to John Cole who finally tracked it down – – the Michelle Obama Whitey Video:: “Not what it’s cracked up to be”
Get ready to dance.
she’s a black magic woman
shake it idredit…:{)
I find this whole topic fascinating, in a way someone driving by a really sick traffic accident might have morbid curiosity, which turns to horror when he or she suddenly realizes they might recognize one of the mangled cars.
I really do not know much about the underlying controversy — is there really a tape or is there not. My suspicion and better instincts are to discredit these things as political operations until there is some proof. Show me the tape. And as a citizen I will look at it and make some determination of its relevance.
But a really interesting aspect of the psychodrama behind the smear, at least to me, is the history of this blog. JamesBenjamin talks a bit about it above. And I don’t honestly want to spend the time digging up old links. But I think the BooManTribune went through its own version of a “pie” fight during the waning days of SusanHu. A time when this site was a hotbed of political activism.
Personally, I remember a couple of things — and I’m sure my memory without any reading of the record might be corrected as to any detail — I remember we were all very involved in the story of Valerie Plame and the investigation. And I remember that simultaneously, we were also all very involved in a personal commitment to opposing the three year old war in Iraq. To the point that many members were zipping around the country and engaging in long-range activism as well as getting involved locally to some sizeable degree.
Larry Johnson, identified to me as a former CIA man, came to write on the front page here. Along with another member of the intelligence community. A Congressional candidate (a nominal Democrat that year and longtime Republican) also with a CIA background with service in South America came here. I remember that day very clearly. Because I had been going through questions about the secretive nature of our government (CIA operations, etc.) for years — but for me that very day of blogging was like a lightning strike. I mean, I was a fairly mainstream thinker and actor for the majority of my life, but the war (and maybe Florida in 2000 — or even events before) had started me down a strenuous questioning of the U.S. government. But that day. I mean I started to seriously question what is happening here (I mean here both on the leftosphere at large and here in the U.S.) I tend to believe, now, and that opinion was being shaped for a longtime before — that our country’s commitment to doing business through secret security services is a losing proposition. If our policies cannot stand the light of day — public scrutiny and oversight — than the means and the ends that these secret agency operations are engaged in or seeking ought not to be pursued. I’m talking agencies like CIA, NSA, Defense Intelligence, now Homeland Security, etc. We are increasingly a secret security state. And it is becoming oppressive. Sick. Secret prisons. Prison ships. Ridiculous military commissions to validate executions without the protections that ought to be afforded on human rights ground. Disappearing of people. Surveillance of our phone and Internet and mail and library records. Without anyone knowing. Unless someone decides you are dangerous, in which case you can be taken to one of these lovely knew secret penal institutions.
And then, it is just not hard to make the leap, from there — these extant programs we are becoming familiar with as products of the unending “War on Global Terror” — and psychological and media operations by ex-intelligence and CIA officials. Operation Mockingbird. The Defense Intelligence program to place generals on TV to manipulate the masses. Wholesale cooperation by corporate communication and media powers with government surveillance. And — is it too difficult to imaging — agent bloggers to divide and conquer emergent political opposition. It is certainly not too much for me to fathom.
There were a couple of wars then — here. Dividing our community. There was SusanHu’s muslim moment. Where she posted something offensive to a significant number of the loyal readership here, and then was somewhat slow to offer any reconciliation on the issue.
Which I think bubbled over into an American v. unAmerican kind of argument which took place here over a number of weeks. Where some of our otherwise together movement people got pretty polarized.
I don’t know what all that means. I do not possess evidence to say Larry Johnson is an unrepentant ex-CIA operative and this latest incident on his resume is consistent with that. No evidence other than his own writing. But I shamefully did go there to read about this junk — wanting to see the evidence for myself, and I was pretty amazed at reading what conclusions people will jump to with no evidence at all. It kind of reminds me of — the way most Americans who watch TV get all their information. Like say, the massive support by the American people for the Iraq war based on only rhetoric — and now we can pretty safely say — what a number of us were saying for years — lies. Outright lies. Misinformation.
I can imagine someone reading this comment — who is a new reader here — who is not privy to this drama. And I bet this comment seems laughable. I mean, I’m almost chuckling myself. But it is personal information sincerely won. People who are opposed to the power of government. Opposed to the power of wealth and privilege. People who want a more egalitarian society. Who think that there ought to be universal human rights which afford us all a right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, food, shelter, basic safety and access to basic health care and a means to education and subsistence. These People, in my view, should steel themselves and realize that they are the vast majority. And the powers that be have ruled them historically by dividing them apart and ruling the factions that remain. United the people can never be defeated. But becoming united, in the face of disinformation and misinformation and secret government and corporate media. No easy task. Maybe impossible, I suppose.
And a last thing I’ve seen. I did not want to comment on it. Something I read over at No Quarter, I believe, or some other link I jumped through trying to follow this story. But for those who are following this, you’ve probably seen similar things. The notion expressed went something like this: If Michelle Obama was at a meeting with Frahakkan’s wife, or if she were saying these things, then Obama can never be president — it will ruin him — because when did he know about these things, and how much did he know, etc., etc., etc. Various stains of thought like this. And I was struck. These thoughts sound so very much like another incident in American history. Where people are whipped up into a frenzy. An incident where an attorney from Boston named Joe had to ask, have you no decency left sir, have you at long last, no sense of decency.
Think about it people. Why have we as a nation come to a place where any appreciable number of us can ask each other a question, are you now a member of, or have you ever been a member of the United Trinity Church? That Obama had to renounce his Church was sick enough.
I can listen to any political speaker I want. I can say what I want politically. I am responsible for my own thoughts. That is one of the gifts of citizenship here. The First Amendment. And to slander another citizen for so much as having had the temerity to belong to a church where some individuals exercised this right. It is laughable. It is a laughable proposition for a country whose founding document so enshrines the right to have a free and open debate about any ideas.
Show me the words that a man running for office has said. Let me judge him on these words. Show me the actions a woman running for office has taken.
But please, do not tell me that a candidate is beyond the pale because he may (or may well have not) listened to another speaker say any fool thing. Nor because his wife, who may (but from the evidence I have seen, may well have not) said anything that may (or may not) be beyond the acceptable limits for some of the listening audience.
Frankly, I’m glad I live in a country where black people might feel just a little bit oppressed and are willing to stand up to that oppression. Voice it however they will. I’m not their judge. They, as a group, have been subjected to horrible historic oppression, and it continues. Fucking get out and walk around an urban neighborhood and big city, and then take a walk around a white suburb, and tell me there is not a systematic oppression happening that might have something to do with race. And I am glad some of these same black individuals might still have enough generosity that they are still willing to reach out to me as a white person, and accept that I believe that they and I are one (despite the overwhelming privilege the color of my skin has afforded me). We are the People, who are together being driven apart by and for those who would rule us.
Apologizing in advance for the rant. I’ve been saving it all up for some time as I’ve read this insanity. Peace.
I agree. We’ve regressed to the old robber baron days. Its just that the barons now have much more sophisticated techniques in their arsenal, not the least of which is FEAR. Thanks for the truth rant!
And to slander another citizen for so much as having had the temerity to belong to a church where some individuals exercised this right. It is laughable
Boston Joe,
I enjoyed the rant. Don’t tell Susan that you shop at Whole Foods market. You’ll wind up on her enemies list.