Netroots Nation is coming to Austin next month and the only way I will be able to attend is if I win one of the scholarships being offered by Democracy for America. I am asking all my readers and blogging friends to help me make a dream come true.

This is me at the Bloggers Caucus at the Texas Democratic Convention.

Man EegeePhotobucket

They have announced that one scholarship will be awarded based on number of grassroots supporters and the others will be based on application content, active experience, individual need, geographic, gender, age, and ethnic diversity as well as community member support. Please help Man Eegee and refinish69 get to Netroots Nation.

I got started blogging after attending Demfest 2005 in Austin and meeting some of the top bloggers from around the world. They inspired me to add blogging and podcasting to my political and civil rights activities. The blogging community has made a huge difference in American politics and I believe I have helped inform people about issues near and dear to my heart.

Attending Netroots Nation will give me a chance to meet some of the great bloggers who inspire me with their activism and writing while also challenging me to do more and more to continue the battle to make this a better world for all people.

Please visit my Netroots scholarship application and show me some of that famous grassroots support.

Man Eegee has applied for a scholarship also and we all know his great work as an activist. He has worked tirelessly to educate us all on immigration issues as well as many other topics. His willingness to reach out and work with others and be supportive of new bloggers is a blessing for us all.

Help Send Man Eegee to Netroots Nation

You can support us both and help to bloggers from the pond finally meet.