I think we were all impressed with the level and standard of thoughtfulness and truthfulness that Lanny Davis expressed all throughout the primaries. Apparently, FOX News noticed as well.

Fox News’s newest contributor, to be announced today, may surprise the liberal crowd: former Clinton White House lawyer Lanny Davis.

“Fox has always treated me with respect and given me a chance to express my point of view,” Davis says of the network that the Democratic candidates refused to grant a debate out of concern that it favors Republicans. He will be a frequent guest, along with such Fox stalwarts as Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich.

A relentless surrogate for Hillary Clinton, Davis says, he felt “ganged up on” during appearances on the other cable channels. He says that Clinton was “demonized” by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, and that CNN’s primary-night panels were tilted toward the Obama side.

“Does Fox have a conservative slant on some of their programs? Yes,” Davis says. “They’re giving me a chance to provide a counterpoint, and that’s all I can ask.”

Once you realize that reality has a liberal pro-Obama bias, FOX News is a good match for you. Lanny Davis should enjoy pontificating from the ashheap of history with his pals Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove. I know that he will be an effective advocate for our nominee during this election, and a strong voice for our party next year.