Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing
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When McCain was running for office eight years ago, he constantly used a film reference when on the campaign trail. He called himself “Luke Skywalker” running through the Deathstar. Star Wars came out 31 years ago in 1977. With McCain behind in all demographics except the “Lunatic Bushite” demographic, you would think McCain would up his game when it comes to cultural references.
Didn’t happen.
From ABC News:
Today McCain launched a web video that dovetails with his new talking point that when it comes to energy proposals, Obama is “Dr. No.”
“No To Drilling Offshore Oil,” the web video says, “No To A Gas Tax Holiday….No To Innovation. No To The Electric Car….No To Clean, Safe, Nuclear Energy…Barack Obama Truly Is The Dr. No Of Energy Security.”
Dr. No came out on October 5th, 1962, a year before I was born. It was the same day the Beatles released Love Me Do and a week before the Cuban Missile Crisis began. One would think McCain would at least boost his film references by 8 years. There are a lot of great films that came out in 1985. Color Purple came out in 1985 as did Cocoon. You would think he would at least say something about Cocoon in one of his health care chats. There was also Witness, Kiss of the Spiderwoman and OMG, can you imagine the street cred McCain would gain if he lifted a line from Brazil? Prizzi’s Honor, Back To The Future, Ladyhawke and Kurosawa’s RAN also premiered in 1985.
I guess he couldn’t say anything good about the winner of the 1985 Best Film Oscar – that was Out Of Africa.
As ABC News reminds us, it could have been worse. Dr. No was at least “a talkie.”
So the question is; how desperate are the Young Republicans? Will McCain find the ‘perfect’ VP to save his butt? I’m ‘only’ one year younger than you and I recognize that I have NOOO clue about the 20somethings cultural references..I don’t even, like, sooo not try!