Hi boran2 and a Happy 4th to you! There’s light rain here, with a prediction of some clearing later on. Its just a bit chilly at 62F, but I’ll take it over 90 and muggy.
Another Nature Girl-meets-big-truck-incident. They were loading straw bales onto a big flatbed truck and transporting them to the house site. The driver made a sudden evasive move (not clear on why) and spilled the Girl and half the bales out onto the road.
It’s sunny and hot down here. Supposed to have all the brothers and sister here today and a barbque. Our lawn guy came by yesterday so the outside and inside of the house looks good.
I was wrong on all the brothers and sister coming today. Instead my older brother went and got my 103 y.o. great aunt from the nursing home and bought her here for a lunch of barbque, slaw, potato salad and baked beans. When she got here I asked her how she was doing and she said fine and just glad to get out of that damned nursing home. 🙂
She still amazed me because her mind is still sharp as a tack and she only uses a walker to get around.
Mrs. Dem is cat-sitting for a couple of weeks for a friend and is over there feeding the chipmunk killers little darlings. They’re not very tidy about the unwanted body parts left around the house.
I started a rewiring project in the kitchen, but discovered I was missing a couple of ingredients I’d forgotten to get from the hardware store yesterday. Oh darn, guess I’ll have to read and nap instead.
Can’t think of a better way to spend a fourth than reading and napping. Then again, I can’t think of a better way to spend any day than reading and napping. 🙂
Well, he saw one on Friday again – white blood cell count normal both times, so that should rule out appendicitis.
Much better yesterday and appetite returned, so he may soon be able to travel – problem may be to find a seat.
I can get flat roads if I drive over to the next county but the dogs have convinced me to walk first and then see if I want to tackle the hills or drive to an easy ride.
So I’m off. Have a good whatever you decide to do.
Good morning Andi, ask & CabinGirl! I’ll be picking up my mom later for a visit and some home cooking (which I’ll do). Mrs. Dem says she wasted all her cooking skills on her first husband. She did make a delicious cheesecake for our fire station cookout on the 4th, however;-)
We had those growing wild all over the backyard when I was a kid. We’d bite the ends off and suck out the nectar. I can’t smell honeysuckle without thinking of that.
What a GD stressful, hideous weekend that I would not wish on my worst enemy. I welcome the new week…. 🙁
The Girl is mending and might be discharged today or tomorrow. That’s good, and really the only thing that matters in the long run.
Ever see War of the Roses? It’s like that in my house now, except the Michael Douglas character is passive aggressive. I’m still pretty much Kathleen Turner though. 😉
I think swimmer’s mind (and, certainly, body) is elsewhere.
She and friends are on the Greek islands right now, going back to Berlin on Wednesday where they all split up and head in different directions.
Hi ask. She’s in a lot of pain from two surgeries over the weekend, and on top of that she’s worried about the big bill she’s racking up as an uninsured American. The people she has been staying with are holding a benefit for her this week to raise money to pay some of her bill. I wish she’d just come home but she’s stubborn. 🙁
Good morning all. Glad to hear that the Nature Girl is okay, SN. Another humid overcast day with rain forecast, for pretty much 2-3 weeks now. The b2boy is back to camp today, hoping he’ll keep dry.
Um. Could be my motto this morning…the dogs just couldn’t wait for me to get up on my own, and the sound of a shrill shih tzu is no way for anyone to wake up.
Well Giddy and Sniff are telling me what’s most important is to go for a walk in the woods. And in this house, we know whose opinions count so … see ya later. 🙂
I just went to the library to get some work done in relative peace and quiet, and there are 3 college-age kids in front of the library with their McCain table and literature. WTF? Did they fail to notice he’s a Bush-o-saurus?
Yikes. I should ask them if they’re looking forward to helping him out on the sands of Iraq…
Yeah, well I just got back from the grocery store where I heard this:
Old guy with eczema bagging groceries: hey how you doin I guess Jesse’s gone now..
50 year old guy with third-grade skater haircut and Nascar shirt: I tell you what, you always knew where he stood…they ain’t gone be another like him it’s a shame
eczema guy: you got that right at least we still got Mrs. Dole.
Wednesday seemed to get here really fast this week — maybe the speed with which all these storms are crashing through makes everything seem to go faster.
Yep they left at midnight last night. I do wish they would arrive or leave at decent hours sometimes. However, they’ll be back next week with two of their grandchildren. Another brother is taking the oldest with his family down to the coast and the youngest grandkid will be stay with us.
Too bad about the leaving time but at least they’re gone for awhile. Is the kid nice to have around or a pain? Will George spend the entire time barking at the kid?
Nah the kid is pretty cool to have around. He’s pretty well behaved, but he’s only four, so every now and then he sort of jumps off the deep end. George and him get along fine though. It’s my brother, his grandfather, that George can’t stand. For the last week since they’ve been here, George has been a barking machine.
It will be nice to have a little peace and quiet for at least a couple of days. 🙂
We’ve had a few small thunderstorms, but mostly very hot, humid and partly cloudy. You can’t step outside without immediately starting to sweat. I can tell George is getting old. I still haven’t gotten him a haircut and when I go out to the patio he’ll go out and lie down in the sun. Warming those old bones up I guess.
Well I’ve got to jump in the shower. FMom wants me to go and pick up some sausage biscuits this morning. I’m always running errands. 🙂
Hope you have a good Satur…, oh I meant Wednesday. 🙂
Link to old cafe here.
Happy 4th to all! It is downright dreary here, like dusk rather than morning. When will the rain stop?
Hi boran2 and a Happy 4th to you! There’s light rain here, with a prediction of some clearing later on. Its just a bit chilly at 62F, but I’ll take it over 90 and muggy.
Wow, 62 degrees sounds good!
That’s how it is here, and after having gorgeous days all week. Isn’t that always the way these holiday weekends work out, though?
OT, but we went to see Wall-E last night, and it was really good, Are you planning on taking b2boy?
Hi CG! That’s probably a good idea. I don’t think that we’ll be able to do anything outside.
Ot: Gaciar Perito Moreno is supposed to break every 4 years. But now it is breaking after 2 years. Millions of people are watching it live here
On Youtube
Another hot and sunny one down here. We need rain.
It has rained here almost every day for the last 2 weeks or so. NY is getting like Fla.
Does this seem too much to ask?
You could definitely use some calm and quiet, couldn’t you? That Nature Girl needs to stop busting herself up.
I’m just glad that she’s okay, and that it sounds worse than it is. How did she fall, anyway?
Another Nature Girl-meets-big-truck-incident. They were loading straw bales onto a big flatbed truck and transporting them to the house site. The driver made a sudden evasive move (not clear on why) and spilled the Girl and half the bales out onto the road.
Good morning everyone.
It’s sunny and hot down here. Supposed to have all the brothers and sister here today and a barbque. Our lawn guy came by yesterday so the outside and inside of the house looks good.
Hope everyone is having a relaxing day today.
Hi Family Man! Its currently a pleasant 65F and cloudy here. The rain that was here this morning has “slacked” off.
Hi ID.
I was wrong on all the brothers and sister coming today. Instead my older brother went and got my 103 y.o. great aunt from the nursing home and bought her here for a lunch of barbque, slaw, potato salad and baked beans. When she got here I asked her how she was doing and she said fine and just glad to get out of that damned nursing home. 🙂
She still amazed me because her mind is still sharp as a tack and she only uses a walker to get around.
Hope you and the family are having a good fourth.
Mrs. Dem is cat-sitting for a couple of weeks for a friend and is over there feeding the
chipmunk killerslittle darlings. They’re not very tidy about the unwanted body parts left around the house.I started a rewiring project in the kitchen, but discovered I was missing a couple of ingredients I’d forgotten to get from the hardware store yesterday. Oh darn, guess I’ll have to read and nap instead.
Can’t think of a better way to spend a fourth than reading and napping. Then again, I can’t think of a better way to spend any day than reading and napping. 🙂
in the time-space continuum if I’m up before ANdi…how could this have happened?
Good morning, CG!
Who knows, maybe she partied into the wee hours 😉
Ah yes, Jim and I are well known party animals. I did stay up until 11:00 p.m. though which is the wee hours for me.
Tee-hee. !1:00 pm = wee hours?
Oh wait, that’s how I felt last night too. 🙂
What are you and curly up to this weekend?
Hi CG,
Laptop gave up on me earlier.
We’ll head up to her place soon and probably hit the movies later.
Sounds good. What movie?
Not quite decided, we’ll also check with some friends.
Could be Wall-e, Hancock, or something else.
asklet’s trip to Norway yesterday did not proceed, pains returned. Don’t know when to reschedule him, since he still is not quite up to par.
That’s a little nerve-wracking, trying to decide whether to take the risk and send him and have that flare up again. I hope he feels better soon.
Do you have to follow up with the doctor again?
Well, he saw one on Friday again – white blood cell count normal both times, so that should rule out appendicitis.
Much better yesterday and appetite returned, so he may soon be able to travel – problem may be to find a seat.
you were in the cafe before me. You have to have gotten up before 6:10 a.m. to have been up before me. ;P
Does battling with an early morning snorer at 5:30 count? 🙂
Good morning Andi, ask and CG. You all get here far too early. More rain, even as we speak. Ugh.
Today looks the same as yesterday, doesn’t it?
Another party in the rain this afternoon…
Good morning all! Our radar looks mostly clear for the next few days. We’re sending some of that fairer weather on east to boran2.
Ooh, that’s good news! I could go for a little sunshine tomorrow.
requires lots of carfeul consideration … before you reach the conclusion that the best thing to do is … nothing.
Good morning, Andi!
That looks very tranquil
Our plans are similar and it’s a rainy day.
We’re getting our first day without any rain since Wednesday so I do have some not-nothing planned — probably a bike ride.
probably a bike ride.
As long as you do it leisurely…
Given the hills around here, it’s a bit hard to do leisurely bike ride but I’ll try to leisurely pedal like hell. 🙂
It sure must be relaxing even if there is the occasional (up)hill.
As long as it isn’t too hot and I avoid the chasing dogs, it is.
Well I’m going to go walk now, regardless of whether I ride later.
Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
A bike ride sounds nice. Can I have mine without the hills, please? 🙂
I can get flat roads if I drive over to the next county but the dogs have convinced me to walk first and then see if I want to tackle the hills or drive to an easy ride.
So I’m off. Have a good whatever you decide to do.
Good morning Andi, ask & CabinGirl! I’ll be picking up my mom later for a visit and some home cooking (which I’ll do). Mrs. Dem says she wasted all her cooking skills on her first husband. She did make a delicious cheesecake for our fire station cookout on the 4th, however;-)
make me feel like I’m being strangled. 🙁
click for larger
We had those growing wild all over the backyard when I was a kid. We’d bite the ends off and suck out the nectar. I can’t smell honeysuckle without thinking of that.
What a GD stressful, hideous weekend that I would not wish on my worst enemy. I welcome the new week…. 🙁
Any better news come your way?
The Girl is mending and might be discharged today or tomorrow. That’s good, and really the only thing that matters in the long run.
Ever see War of the Roses? It’s like that in my house now, except the Michael Douglas character is passive aggressive. I’m still pretty much Kathleen Turner though. 😉
Good that’s she’s getting discharged and feeling better.
I half way expect that Kathleen Turner remark to get Wilderness Wench to suddently appear, O Luscious One.
Well, I mostly meant her hot temper and sarcasm, but I’ll take the in-your-face sexuality if I must. 🙂
I’ll take the in-your-face sexuality if I must.
Yeah, I can see what a burden that would be. 😉
I have big shoulders, I can handle it. 🙂
Yuck. I’ve been in that situation once myself. It was awful, and I’m sorry you’re going through that.
Glad the Nature girl is doing better and getting out of the hospital soon. Will she be coming home then?
Good morning, Andi and SN!
How is she doing?
Have you and swimmer been watching the Olympic Swimming Trials? They’ve been incredibly exciting.
I think swimmer’s mind (and, certainly, body) is elsewhere.
She and friends are on the Greek islands right now, going back to Berlin on Wednesday where they all split up and head in different directions.
In that case, I don’t imagine she minds missing the them.
Hi ask. She’s in a lot of pain from two surgeries over the weekend, and on top of that she’s worried about the big bill she’s racking up as an uninsured American. The people she has been staying with are holding a benefit for her this week to raise money to pay some of her bill. I wish she’d just come home but she’s stubborn. 🙁
I wish she’d just come home but she’s stubborn. 🙁
She’s staying on after this? Must be quite determined.
Good to see that she has caring people around her.
Hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning all. Glad to hear that the Nature Girl is okay, SN. Another humid overcast day with rain forecast, for pretty much 2-3 weeks now. The b2boy is back to camp today, hoping he’ll keep dry.
A picture is worth a thousand grumps.
click for larger
Hi Andi. I feel the same way. Isn’t this an ungodly hour to be up and at it? Looks like things could get better but crabbiness prevails.
Anymore if I sleep past 5:00 a.m., I consider it a tiny miracle.
crabbiness prevails
I think I might make that my new motto.
Um. Could be my motto this morning…the dogs just couldn’t wait for me to get up on my own, and the sound of a shrill shih tzu is no way for anyone to wake up.
In our house, we are only shocked by the case of the dog that didn’t bark in the night.
The neighbor’s dogs bark, mine just yawns and rolls over. I start thinking about all the work I must do, and spring from the bed.
But first a visit to the cafe, see some pals. What’s more important than fun? Okay – don’t tell me.
Well Giddy and Sniff are telling me what’s most important is to go for a walk in the woods. And in this house, we know whose opinions count so … see ya later. 🙂
WEll, they do own you. 😉
I just went to the library to get some work done in relative peace and quiet, and there are 3 college-age kids in front of the library with their McCain table and literature. WTF? Did they fail to notice he’s a Bush-o-saurus?
Yikes. I should ask them if they’re looking forward to helping him out on the sands of Iraq…
you should just ask them for money.
I can just see it: “Spare change for gas money?”
“Hey, you guys look like you’re sweating money. Can I have $900 bucks to get my brakes done?”
How about I get the video while you ask? 🙂
Yeah, well I just got back from the grocery store where I heard this:
Old guy with eczema bagging groceries: hey how you doin I guess Jesse’s gone now..
50 year old guy with third-grade skater haircut and Nascar shirt: I tell you what, you always knew where he stood…they ain’t gone be another like him it’s a shame
eczema guy: you got that right at least we still got Mrs. Dole.
Won’t Mrs. Dole be out of a job soon too?
It’s scary how out of touch with reality some people are, isn’t it? Or is it just that they’ve been raised on hate and can’t live any other way?
Wednesday seemed to get here really fast this week — maybe the speed with which all these storms are crashing through makes everything seem to go faster.
click for larger
Good morning Andi.
Beautiful picture. How can Wednesday come fast to me when it’s always Saturday. 😛
Wednesday would come fast for you if it was the day the rels were arriving. 😛 back
Speaking of which, have they left yet?
Yep they left at midnight last night. I do wish they would arrive or leave at decent hours sometimes. However, they’ll be back next week with two of their grandchildren. Another brother is taking the oldest with his family down to the coast and the youngest grandkid will be stay with us.
Never a dull moment around here.
Too bad about the leaving time but at least they’re gone for awhile. Is the kid nice to have around or a pain? Will George spend the entire time barking at the kid?
Nah the kid is pretty cool to have around. He’s pretty well behaved, but he’s only four, so every now and then he sort of jumps off the deep end. George and him get along fine though. It’s my brother, his grandfather, that George can’t stand. For the last week since they’ve been here, George has been a barking machine.
It will be nice to have a little peace and quiet for at least a couple of days. 🙂
I’m sure George appreciates getting to rest his vocal chords, too.
How’s the weather been down there? We’ve been having lots of thunderstorms.
We’ve had a few small thunderstorms, but mostly very hot, humid and partly cloudy. You can’t step outside without immediately starting to sweat. I can tell George is getting old. I still haven’t gotten him a haircut and when I go out to the patio he’ll go out and lie down in the sun. Warming those old bones up I guess.
Well I’ve got to jump in the shower. FMom wants me to go and pick up some sausage biscuits this morning. I’m always running errands. 🙂
Hope you have a good Satur…, oh I meant Wednesday. 🙂
and time for me to go get dressed and go with the dogs into the woods. Hope the biscuits are yummy.
Ugh, let me just shove some of these chairs around and try to clear off a spot on the table … hint, hint CG 😉