Fred Barnes was apparently unconvinced by my advice to let John McCain be John McCain and has some advice of his own:
BARNES: In particular, gays in the military for one. We know Barack Obama is for allowing gays in the military, and Bill Clinton tried to do, but backed off. This is not a popular issue. Gay marriage is another one. These are both issues that I think McCain’s going to have to use. You can’t ignore the right. If he does, he’ll lose.
It sounds like John McCain hasn’t engaged in enough gay-bashing to satisfy Barnes’ hunger. But I think McCain can kill two birds with one stone if he stops telling people to eff off and starts calling people ‘fags’. Ann Coulter employs this strategy and just look at her book sales. This strategy is consistent with the advice I laid out and it has the added advantage of making Fred Barnes happy.
I think a key distinction between McCain’s popular vote totals and Coulter’s books sales lies in the fact that Richard Mellon-Scaife can’t vote 17 million times. Or I hope not…can he?
Okay, so maybe it won’t work.
The problem with McSame is, he has no imagination. Obama might have other kinds of problems, one possibly being too much imagination.
just bashing in general…barnes is an equal-opportunity bigot.
if barnes and his ilk had their way, they’d remake j-mac in the mold of jesse helms, strom thurmond and trent lott.
hell, they’d resurrect theodore “the man” bilbo if they could.
the RATs are going to be spending a lot of time in the wasteland if things turn out as they should.
I certainly hope that Barnes, in his incomparable wisdom, sees fit to persuade McCain to choose Coulter as his running mate. His base likes fanged bimbos. So does Barnes.
What about his (second) wife Cindy? (remember he dumped his first wife because she was too ugly after her car accident.) Doesn’t Botox Barbie “Cindy” qualify? She’s creepy enough, isn’t she?
A recent photo:
Hey, why shouldn’t McCain dump his ruined wife and pick up Pneumatic Cindy? She had the bucks, she had a great ass, and she wasn’t a gimp. After you come back from the Hanoi Hilton, you don’t want no gimps. You want a hot blond who can go 12 hours at a stretch, and who owns 8 houses. That way, after 12 hours in House 1, they could pack up, and fuck in House 2.
Hey, what’s not to like?
And I forgot! Cindy is and was a great cookie cook.