A bit of meta for a Tuesday morning.
I’ve had my fill of politics the last few days. The Fourth of July these last few years has struck me like the punch line to a bad joke, and never more than this year. The Obama centrist tactical shift, the Rove takeover of McCain’s campaign (big surprise there), the constant drumbeat of inanity, lies and fear mongering from Bush (and his little dog Lieberman), and, of course, the cowardice of the establishment Democrats in Congress have been to much for me to stomach lately. And my personal life has been full of enough excitement and turmoil to take the time to worry about the larger world, even though it surely effects me as it does you.
What has struck me, as I’ve talked to people — neighbors, friends, relatives — is the constant sense of anxiety and uncertainty that permeates their lives. It’s not just that gas prices have hit an all time high. Everyone I talk too has a story lately, one which demonstrates the perilous straits most of us find ourselves in. A neighbor is losing his insurance business and his home, and can’t find a job, even a lower paying one because of his age (mid 50’s). Other neighbors eliminate their traditional extended July 4th holiday to their cottage on one of New York’s lakes because of gas prices. A mother of one of my daughter’s teammates can’t sell their home after nearly a year on the market, even though we don’t live in one of the regions where home prices have gone through the roof. Job cuts and the fear of job cuts is a topic of conversation like never before. And everyone hates Bush, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, but the whisper/email campaign against Obama is working.
Lots of the suburban white people I know parrot back to me the very themes the Clinton campaign first used to attack Obama’s candidacy: that he’s inexperienced, or weak on defense, or just not as qualified as McCain. The Muslim slur has made a big impact, and underneath you can sense the the fear of a black man, no matter how erudite or well spoken or calm (i.e., not a Jesse or Al) being elected our president. McCain, the man who married into money to fund his political career is not liked by many Republicans, but they fear Obama more. They know the Bush policies have killed our economy (they even admit as much to me), but somehow they continue to buy into the lie that Obama will raise their taxes and make things worse. They want to see Unions strengthened and an end to NAFTA style “free trade” agreements (jobs being shifted overseas by multinational corporations resonates strongly with them) but they can’t yet see (or refuse to make) the connection between the policies of the Republicans and the fostering of such agreements. And who can blame them after so many years in which a significant faction of Democrats have supported these very same policies.
They agree with me that we need better environmental protections, a way to get out from under our dependence on oil, mass transit, better schools, and protection of our civil liberties. Yet we have a candidate for President (and many for Congress too) afraid to strongly make this populist appeal which I believe might reach them. They’ll continue to vote Republican out of fear: fear of Democrats and liberals (thanks mainstream media), fear of this phony Islamofascist Menace from Iran or Al Qaeda or Muslims in general (I can’t tell you how many are convinced Iran is a serious threat which is ready to attack Israel at the drop of a hat), or simply fear of a black man as President. I sense they are ready to abandon the GOP but no one on the left (and I call us the “left” only in the sense that we are “left” of the current radical extremism on the right) is making a strong enough case for real change — universal health care not beholden to Big Pharma and the health insurance industry, fair trade agreements not ” free trade” giveaways to corporations, a return to strengthening the position of Labor (including protections for unions), fair taxation (no more corporate welfare and tax benefits for the rich), an end to expensive, ineffective imperial wars, and real protection of our civil rights, including our right to privacy.
And lets be honest. That case can only be made by the leader of the party, the candidate for President. No one believes in Congress anymore, and why should they? Congress has abdicated so much of its power that people simply don’t believe their congressional members can do anything but bring a few pork barrel projects back home, if that. After eight years of Bush, everyone I talk to believes (and with good reason) that only the their choice for President really matters. So the man on the spot, the man who must make this populist appeal is Obama. He must give these people, who are ready for change, but don’t want to hear empty slogans, a reason to believe. Otherwise they’ll just keep turning into Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly for their news. Why? Because those jokers are tapping into their anger and giving them a target for it. A misdirected target to be sure, but a target nonetheless. And the more our presumptive nominee is painted as moving to the “center” the more they will turn away from him. Because he won’t look that much different in their eyes than John Sidney McCain. It won’t matter if it’s true, it will only matter that they perceive it to be true.
Because as long as they see Democrats as nothing more than timid, water3ed down copy cats of republican positions on domestic and foreign policy, as long as they see them as unwilling to stand up for their principles (something they do see republicans doing) they will continue to remain the core of a future republican resurgence. Unless the Democrats are willing to speak and act boldly in favor of measures and policies that will attract these folks, that will make a real difference in their lives, they’ll continue to stay with what they “know” from listening to, and learning from, from the right wing media machine. This is why whenever Democrats back down from fights, like the recent attacks against Wes Clark for simply telling the truth about John McCain, or on FISA, or funding for the war, or special ops in Iran, they lose.
The Democrats may win this election battle this year. However, if they want to bring about a lasting change to the political scene, one in which a true generational realignment occurs, it’s time for them to stop pretending to be Republican Lite. It’s time for them to stop their bullshit moves to the center. Because for the first time in a generation or two, the electorate is fully up for grabs, and playing it safe will not bring about what Booman and others are dreaming about — a return to the dominance of the liberal wing of the Democratic party such as FDR ushered in in 1932. Instead they will be setting themselves up for a conservative return to power sooner than any of them imagine.
So that’s my uniformed rant for the day after staying off the blogs for a bit and listening to the people I see face to face on a regular and semi-regular basis. What’s your take? I’m curious, because, I don’t claim any special knowledge or insight, but I do know that if we want real political realignment in this country, one in which liberals and progressives win back that white male vote (and lots of white female votes, too) that the Republican spin machine has managed to tear away from the old Democratic coalition, we need to present a real difference between what corporate Republicans are offering them and what Democrats are offering. Milquetoast campaigning and slogans won’t do the trick.
So this must be really boring. Sorry.
So in line with your experience, here’s mine from last week:
Trip to have car fixed-lady ahead of me asking mechanic if he can teach her how to fix her car as she’ll have to live in it, homeless as of that morning and will be living in car. She had promised her son he wouldn’t lose his dog and no one will allow a pet in the shelters.
#2 4th of July weekend and the campgrounds here which are huge, were totally empty.
#3 In town tourists arrived in small cars, RV’s and Dodge Rams a thing of the past
#4 local vet has started posting abandoned pet site
#5 our local big thunderstorms with pelting rain on the scorched mountains from last season’s fire season made streams turn black from topsoil – stream water now carrying the fire retardant chemicals that were used to fight the fires into our water system which is not designed to filter that type of chemical. This will impact agriculture, fish, wildlife and water for many towns.
#6 trip over the pass to the ‘west’ side, no new lumber of house starts – this is construction’s big season – nothing. No delivery trucks out.
#7 sheetrockers tell me that 3 weeks of work left, then nothing
#8 local oldtimers coffee shop, 40 years + old, always brimming with lunch traffic. not yesterday. 3 booths filled, rest empty. Waitresses going home.
#9 my 18 year old great niece applied for a job at Home Depot. 200 applicants. She got the job but then when they asked her if she had a car she said yes but that she wouldn’t be using it, instead she would be using public transportation and would like to have her schedule modified to accomodate the bus schedule (she’s gutsy)….manager said he’d have to call her back. Good news he did and he said HOME DEPOT had been already thinking of supporting their employees who chose public transportation so they would adjust her schedule. GOOD FOR HOME DEPOT!
#10 the local wildlife rescue is in the midst of releasing many of their eagles because they don’t have the funds to take care of them.
#11 our ag folks are really struggling. Cherries this year $4.99 a pound. If we lose our orchards, we lose them, they won’t be able to come back.
Boring no.
i agree so much with all you say…it is frustrating right now.
i liked the idea of July 4th as a punch line to a bad joke. been feeling something like that for a few years now.
people who have never tried to read the declaration of independence & constitution consume beer and fireworks and pay for a war and a domestic policy that violate the spirit of both.
on top of that, what is amazing is the republicans i know: they plan to vote for a man they distrust (McCain) because of their fears of black men. fear & distrust rule the day.
When you are given no choices by parties and the Media, then of course you end up voting against your interests or beliefs.
Our primary season should start in July, end in September, choose candidates by the beginning of October, and vote in early November.
But then the Media wouldn’t make a gargantuan amount of money on advertising, and the wealthy couldn’t buy candidates so easily.
My observations are exactly the same as yours. I will go a little farther though, in saying that Obama’s run to the center is also demoralizing the supporters he already has. In playing not to lose, he may do exactly the opposite.
that is so right. he didn’t play not to lose against Clinton until the last month. he needs to go on the offensive. maybe august will see that happen.
The Democrats may win this election battle this year. However, if they want to bring about a lasting change to the political scene, one in which a true generational realignment occurs, it’s time for them to stop pretending to be Republican Lite.
who says they want to bring about “lasting change”? Lining the pockets of their benefactors is working out very well for them, and given the [well-earned] apathy of the American public, even a weakling, do-nothing party can expect its individual members to have a long and secure career in DC. Just look how long it took to get rid of Al Wynn! Look at Stainy Whore’s electoral prospects for the future.
“Real change”? Steven, may I suggest you invest in a bong? It’ll ease the stress of watching everything you believe turn out to not be true.
I’ve been reading Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine and it’s premise is that change takes place in times of intense shock to a nation. I can’t see how being orderly and with due process progressives will promote the implementation of fairness and sharing of resources without the US spiralling into some sort of chaos — most likely economic.
I must be an isolated case; everybody I know is fed up and voting Obama. Even the boomer women who loved Hillary.
Well, much to my chagrin and confusion those in Reddest of all Idaho that I run into that aren’t Military and John McSame are talking about Ron Paul. Ron Paul? Is he still in the hunt? Is he still running?
Always interesting out here in the wild, wild West.
Back in the time machine way back. . .Idaho went heavily for Ross Perot the year he ran. . .
just a bit west of you and yes the Ron Paul signs are out here as well, the big 4×10 footers and they’re everywhere
and as you close the 3rd graph from the end- the dems will lose. simple. tragic yet true.
Democrats suck at message and framing (in a Rockridge, Lakoffian sense – think memes )and we’re doing a poor job of recruitng and vetting credible candidates who can push the Overton Window towards policies and values that put people and communities first.
And I’m not necessarily talking about the presidentials.
I owe the pond a post on this as an activist democrat/quasi campaign hack – but the democrats by and large lack a unifying theme – standing up for the inherent worth and dignity of all people, fighting for a living-wage, fighting for single-payer health care, safe and secure retirements, etc.
And we’re throwing women under the bus over and over again when it comes to core issues like choice, healthcare and family planning, paid family leave, etc.
At its heart these are all economic issues we’re failing at, and all economic issues at their heart relate back to the old questions – how do we live, how do we relate, how do we cooperate as a group of people sharing the same space, geographies, planet.
But we don’t go there. Obama can, but we don’t have the progresive majorities in the states and enough progressives with the requisite national and federal experience to really push him there. So he falls back on people like Goolsebee and The Hamilton Project
If Democrats really wanted to let their freak flag fly, they’d be mining the work of the economics boys at The New School for Social Research
That’s my two cents. I’ll put a post together, I promise. 🙂
Politics is about the improvement of peoples lives – Paul Wellstone
The only viable solution to our problems I see at this point is secession.
Given the irrationality that I seem to encounter in this red part of Ohio on a regular basis, I don’t find it surprising that this is the big topic of conversation around here.
Dad charged with reluctant bride’s ‘honor killing’
And, of course, this is somehow tied to Obama in their minds because he is also a dark skinned guy who has obvious Muslim sympathies.
I was told last night,
“You’ll be seeing a lot more of this kind of stuff if Obama’s elected”
Wingnut hysteria, all day every day around here.
Just shoot me…..PLEASE!
Everyone I talked to wanted Obama to win. And I was hanging out with racists and bikers.
No what they didn’t mention. FISA.
No one gives a crap except little babies on a web site.
The Obama memes — He’s a Dirty Raghead Sunzabitch(tm), he’ll Double Your Taxes(tm), he’s Weak On Terrah(tm) — go into what I was saying a couple months ago: The GOP’s job at this point is to spread enough lies to give people a valid excuse not to vote for him.
The real reason is a Black Man In The White House? Hell No!(tm)
Few will publicly admit it. The noise machine is there to make voting for McCain as guilt-free as possible.
Election through mass absolution.