Tomorrow I will be on the road all day and so my heart is a little broken that I’ll miss Joe Lieberman’s appearance on Meet the Press. He’ll be on there with John Kerry. If I were a Republican, I might even wonder why MTP has two Democrats on instead of a balanced guest list. What if they ask about the environment or something and both Kerry and Lieberman acknowledge that it exists?

We seem to have entered a stage of the campaign where race is an issue. And it’s not a subject that Obama can easily overcome. But, fortunately, the Sunday morning show lineup does not look set to further this lame narrative into next week. Tom Daschle and Lindsey Graham will be on FOX, Robert Rubin will be Face the Nation, Nancy Pelosi and Tom Ridge will be on This Week. Who knows what the hell they’ll be talking about. It should be anthrax, but that’ll never happen.

They’ll probably leave it to Cokie Roberts and George Will to explain the fine points of race relations in this country. Those are the rules…aren’t they?

What’s pissing you off?