Are you irked by the McCain-Rovian right wing slander that masquerades as a serious campaign? The not so subtle racism? Yes, Rove is still around with Schmidt as his sous chef. They’re throwing more than just the kitchen sink…a heavy dose of subliminal.
Obama returned from his `world tour’ to a very negative reception – from his opponent, the media and Wall Street..The rest of the world loves Obama so we need to reject explode him…puncture his balloon.
McCain has mounted a dishonorable, slimy barrage. The racially tinged aside, Watch the video at the link: McCain nows calls Obama a socialist – so – if Barack Obama is a Socialist, Is John McCain a Fascist?
Digby – “At this point I don’t care if Obama flips on every single issue, I will do everything I can to see this [McCain] jackass defeated.”
On ABCNews today, McCain defended his attacks (again). Who will call him out? Obama had better have more than just a plan.
The Carpetbagger Report: ‘In politics, lying is cheating’
McCain’s brief interview with ABC helps highlight all of his least honest tendencies.
“Those ads really were focused on two things. They were focused on the fact that Sen. Obama wants to raise taxes, and I’m opposed of it. And he opposes an energy policy which would work, including offshore drilling. So the message there is there’re stark differences between myself and Sen. Obama.”
“We’re not gonna allow racism to come into this campaign in any form,” McCain said. “And so I’m gonna respond if it comes up again.”
“Well, the fact is he still opposes offshore drilling,” McCain said. “He opposes nuclear power. He opposes most every measure, incentives to build a battery-driven car. So, I’m not surprised that he’s hedging on this issue. But the fact is he still opposes offshore drilling…. Sen. Obama is still opposed to a comprehensive energy plan,” McCain claimed. “It seems to me the only thing he wants us to do is inflate tires” to improve gas mileage.
As Digby put it, “I am really starting to hate this unctuous, double-talking creep.”I mean, really. It’s tough to keep up, but just try to count the lies:
It’s mildly interesting that McCain gave his word to the nation that he would run a substantive, honest campaign, and then completely abandoned his promise when he saw some poll results he didn’t like. But it’s far more interesting that McCain’s campaign strategy is based on little more than a massive con job. I care that McCain is relentlessly negative, but I really care that he’s relentlessly dishonest.
Digby concluded,.”At this point I don’t care if Obama flips on every single issue, I will do everything I can to see this jackass defeated.”
I think that’s precisely the right attitude.
More on McCain’s dishonesty and on coastal drilling, when McCain changed positions the fossil fuel gang took a liking to his campaign.
What about our lazy conventional media – ABCNews, AP, Investors Business Daily, WSJ and other Financial News – all are touting McCain.
The black guy doesn’t have a chance. Be very afraid.
Here’s Michael J. Boskin, writing in The Wall Street Journal:
Obamanomics Is a Recipe for Recession
What if I told you that a prominent global political figure in recent months has proposed: abrogating key features of his government’s contracts with energy companies; unilaterally renegotiating his country’s international economic treaties; dramatically raising marginal tax rates on the “rich” to levels not seen in his country in three decades (which would make them among the highest in the world); and changing his country’s social insurance system into explicit welfare by severing the link between taxes and benefits?
The first name that came to mind would probably not be Barack Obama, possibly our nation’s next president. Yet despite his obvious general intelligence, and uplifting and motivational eloquence, Sen. Obama reveals this startling economic illiteracy in his policy proposals and economic pronouncements. From the property rights and rule of (contract) law foundations of a successful market economy to the specifics of tax, spending, energy, regulatory and trade policy, if the proposals espoused by candidate Obama ever became law, the American economy would suffer a serious setback. [.]
The top 35% marginal income tax rate rises to 39.6%; adding the state income tax, the Medicare tax, the effect of the deduction phase-out and Mr. Obama’s new Social Security tax (of up to 12.4%) increases the total combined marginal tax rate on additional labor earnings (or small business income) from 44.6% to a whopping 62.8%. People respond to what they get to keep after tax, which the Obama plan reduces from 55.4 cents on the dollar to 37.2 cents — a reduction of one-third in the after-tax wage!
Mr. Boskin, professor of economics at Stanford University and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George H.W. Bush.
Nothing more to add except that Boskin is being taken seriously.
Obama’s economics will cause a recession, even a depression just like Obama is the cause of high gas prices.
Is the Boskin article a result of McCain golfing with poppy Bush?
Really, what does Mr. Boskin think we’re in… Happy Times?
Boskin writes on the peril of an Obama presidency to the market economy and overlooks the continuation of Benny and Hank’s (Federal Reserve and Treasury) bailouts of the big financial entities. Debts are socialized to the taxpayer.
Others in the financial news media have shed their credibility and are mockingly projecting an Obama presidency and what’s ahead as – if he is allowed to be elected – Obamanation.
Say that really fast. See the picture?
On a favorite financial news broadcast yesterday, no link, I was stunned to hear the word Obamanation followed by laughter from intellectuals. Citing the Boskin article, one of the moderators called Obama a Marxist, his ties to Kenya; his mentors are Ayers, Davis and Linsky all radical terrorists and communists. Obama’s economic plan is very scary:
“Obama supports a Universal National Service, free child care, free university, free universal health care and the UN’s one (1%) percent Global Proverty Tax on Americans..he’ll tax the oil company to pay seniors.”
Let’s include Wal-Mart’s political intimidation too. No outrage here.
Sure will be an obamanation should he be elected.
Also these tactics and the subliminals – puncturing Obama’s balloon
Oh you don’t believe in subliminal. Keep your tv plugged.
Here’s one take with equally interesting comments:
–Exploding Obama At The Subliminal Level.
I think we are really being played if — in analyzing “Celeb,” the McCain Obama-attack video — we go so far as unearth the racist sexual stereotypes but overlook the possible allusions to violence itself.
But then, watching the video without the sound, and looking at it slowly, bit-by-bit (lessening the “distraction” of the celebrity meme, and considering the subliminal allusions hitting the brain as fast as the scenery from a speeding train), the imagery starts to suggest other inferences.
Beginning with a sequence of flashes paired with isolated hands, followed immediately by a sequence (above) from what looks like the last Democratic Convention (where Obama made his first major jolt, but where the scene itself bears next-to-no direct connection to Obama having his picture taken), now all the “pop-pop-pop” and the violently-sensory “flash-flash-flash” seem indistinguishable from explosions.
Again, following the Rovian admonition to block out the words (removing and freeing up the fuller visual value of the imagery from the advertisement’s oral/textual envelope), I don’t even want to think what this looks like to me — except to say that, I wouldn’t count Hillary as Obama’s only political assailant with the instinct to turn off the electricity.
What’s at foot here is beyond an ordinary election campaign. These are not ordinary times. Race has raised it’s ugly. We expected it.
Mr. Uppity not only wants to rape your daughter but the country too.
Yep, the KKKs are hard at work.
Going forward, I’ll discount every pollster until the night of November 4th. As of now, we can write off the rich, the Jewish vote, the white hard working poor and the Clintonista hold-outs.
in lieu of reposting the entire comment…which has scrolled away into oblivion, here’s a very good essay from ira chernus: Will Culture War Overshadow Real War in 2008?.
as tom engelhardt (TomDispatch) put it:
“let Ira Chernus take you on a magical mystery tour of the strange world of American “values,” American “values voters,” and a mainstream media that values the value-voter story above all else…”
Thanks Dada.
from that link….. or hello to all that, again.
Royally Screwed, we’re.
l keep telling myself that the american people are not that stupid…unfortunately, reality seems to be trumping my desires.
we shall see.
if, because of timidity…read spineless compromise… on the part of the demoRATs in general, and the racist undertones that now seem to be the strategy his campaign has chosen, mcstain wins the election…l’m looking for another place to live…l’m too old to endure another neoCON administration.
we shall see who the screwers and screwees are come november.
Today, Obama took the cue from Multiple Oil Company Executives Gave Huge Contributions To Electing McCain Just Days After Offshore Drilling Reversal
and is hitting back
Obama assails McCain as tool of Big Oil in ad
this will be interesting. August looks to generate more heat.
Josh Marshall notes a TPM reader:
McCain’s attack ads are working. Willie Horton did too.
No, we don’t want substance.
Should we be surprised that McCain is basing his campaign on slander? He’s a Republican, after all.
We need more of these –
Financial Times, (US Edition): Editorial
You’d think McCain cares? No, he’ll lay it as Obama’s fault. …that the GOP’s brand is tarnished.