As the Free Gaza Movement continues its challenge of the naval blockade of Gaza, a bizarre action is being attempted by right wing Zionist supporters of Israel, who contend that this Movement is violating the US Neutrality Act.

Perhaps the most ridiculous notion in this contention is that the US is neutral with respect to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Each year the Congress allocates up to six billion dollars to Israel, much of it in the form of military equipment that helps Israel maintain its 41 year long military occupation of Palestinian territories, while it continues to confiscate land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Presumably, the purpose of this long term Zionist project is to make a two state solution impossible, if it has not already reached that stage. Today, the territories in question are so fragmented that, at best, only a noncontiguous series of bantustans is possible.
This action against the Free Gaza Movement came by way of StopTheISM.Com, a site that may be operated by the paranoid anti-Islamofascist, David Horowitz. ISM refers to the International Solidarity Movement, a Palestinian-led organization committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. The ISM was founded in 2001, is very active on university and college campuses in the US, and has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.

Regarding the appeal to the California AG:

U.S. Neutrality Act Violated by Gaza Boat Organizers Shurat HaDin Warns California AG by Nitsana Darshan-Leitner.

Sacramento: In an urgent letter dispatched to The Hon. Edmond G. Brown, Attorney General of the State of California, Shurat HaDin director Nitsana Darshan-Leitner warns the AG that the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and others, have conspired to violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960, within the boundaries of his state.

Attorney Darshan-Leitner writes in her letter that the organizers of the “Gaza Boat” program have violated the Neutrality Act by illegally raising money in California to bankroll two boats, which they plan to sail into Gaza on August 5. The boats are reportedly leaving Piraeus, Greece with ISM members on board on August 1. Based on prior experience, serious concerns that the boats will be carrying weapons, explosives and contraband have been raised by security experts.

The U.S. Neutrality Act that is codified in section 960 of title 18 of the U.S. Code, stating:

Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets on foot or provides or prepares a means for or furnishes the money for, or takes part in, any military or naval expedition or enterprise to be carried on from thence against the territory or dominion of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, district, or people with whom the United States is at peace, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

According to the project website as archived by Google on July 24, 2008, the Carter Center of former US President Jimmy Carter and the Archbishop Desmond Tutu  have both endorsed the project. According to news reports, the Carter Center was also involved in the funding of the project.

Shurat HaDin’s letter charges that the organizers openly solicited support for the hostile expedition against a friendly nation in violation of the U.S. Neutrality Act and urges the attorney general of California and the Federal Bureau of Investigations to launch a full inquiry into the funding of the flotilla and to prosecute all those involved to the full extent of the law should the allegation prove true.

This is the link to the text of Shurat HaDin’s Letter to Attorney General Brown about the Conspiracy to Violate the U.S. Neutrality Act, 18 U.S.C. § 960.

It would appear that former US president, Jimmy Carter, is a co-conspirator as is the International Solidarity Movement in this treacherous act being perpetrated by a group of peace activists, which includes an 81 year-old nun and an 84 year-old Holocaust survivor.

Is this the very definition of desperation?