Well as you know, I’ve been on the hunt for positive things.  So here is one below the fold.  It’s what I would love to see ALL true democracies engage in.

The language is Spanish and it is an official political ad for Jose Zapatero, running for re-election as the Prime Minister of Spain.  Even if you don’t understand a lick of Spanish, watch it and see if you can “feel” the gist of it.

All translations mine.

Title: “With Zapatero, you will believe again in politics”

(Writing) “When he speaks, he has something to say”

(Footage) “If we are to live together, we must make decisions together.”

(Writing) “He defends his opponents”

(Footage) “Former President Aznar was elected by the people of Spain.  And I ask – I ask respect for this.”

Note: This is from last year and Zapatero is addressing Hugo Chavez (of Venezuela) who was lambasting Aznar, who was and still is a member of the opposition party to Zapatero.

(Writing) “He does not (take cheap shots)”.  The actual word “crispacion” means something like to “irritate or inflame”.

(Footage) “For every insult we have received, we put forth a solution.  For every objection, we put forth an idea.  And to every exaggeration, we smiled.”

(Writing) “Recognizes his mistakes”

(Footage) “I wish to recognize the mistake that I made to all the people of Spain.”

(Writing) “He cares”

Note: Actually this means something like to “get get involved” also.

(Footage) “We have dedicated laws, energy, ways, and resources and we will dedicate much more to combatting with all of our energies the intolerable sickness that is domestic violence, of which so many have women have suffered from.”

(Writing) “He doesn’t lie”

(Footage) “In a democracy, the truth will show the way.  Always.”

(Writing) “Knows how to laugh at himself”

(Footage) – Shows Zapatero chuckling at a show that pokes fun at celebrities and famous people, in this clip making fun of Zapatero’s very heavy Madrid accent.

(Writing) “Does what he promises”

(Footage) “These circumstances have led me to order the removal and return of our soldiers in the most safe and most rapid manner possible”

Note:  This is referring to Spain’s removal of all troops from Iraq in 2004.

(Writing) “And he has a plan”

(Footage) “To celebrate the social advances of the weakest members (of society).  And for us to be proud that Spain can finally, after centuries, be one of the greatest societies on Earth in the 21st century.”

(Writing) “What kind of politician is this?”

(Footage) “I accept the nomination of the PSOE party for the candidacy of the Prime Minister of Spain.”

Shot of his wife climbing the podium as he accepts the nomination at the PSOE convention.

(Writing) “With Zapatero, you will believe again in politics”

I should add here that Zapatero was already re-elected on March 9, 2008 so this isn’t an ad for any CURRENT race.

But what an interesting concept: calling on political and societal unity, focusing on combating domestic violence, two lines in there about both laughing at himself as well as admitting his OWN mistakes.  And that huge focus on truth and completing electoral promises.

In other words, an entirely POSITIVE campaign and not a single hectoring or bellicose word, not even against the ETA (Basque separatist guerillas slash terrorists).

Just thought I’d pass this along to you, for a little compare and contrast.
