As we get close to labor day you need to know that while Obama says “Yes you can!” McCain says “No you can’t!” to American workers, telling them that they can’t do the job.

In McCain’s fragile mind the real problem isn’t about paying a man or woman fair wages for an honest day’s work… McCain thinks the problem is that Americans just aren’t good enough – hard working enough – to do these jobs.

I guess McCain thinks that you need to work harder at finding a pill-popping sugar momma beer heiress 2nd wife, like Cindy McCain, to pay your bills for you if you want to be able to succeed like he did?

I know that the work he is talking about is hard as hell. And it is only made worse by companies that hire undocumented immigrants and put the workers through hellish conditions that are often nothing more than modern day slave labor. Those are the very real issues that McCain would rather ignore.

Instead of having these companies hire by honest free market rules McCain and the GOP would rather let these companies continue to exploit fellow human beings and claim that Americans can’t or won’t do the work.

Originally posted at drinking liberally in new milford:
“McCain Thinks American Workers Aren’t Good Enough”