Sarah Palin appears to be the Vice Presidential nominee for the Party of Family Values, the Party of Family first, the Party of take care of your children.
This is an appalling choice, and she will withdraw within the week, I predict.
The reason is simple: This decision is a total contra-family values decision.
On April 18, 2008, Sarah Palin gave birth to a child with Down’s syndrome. This is for some a moment to affirm their family values credentials.
Here is a comment from a publication from a family physician about children with this condition:
The care of the infant or young child with Down syndrome can be complicated and may involve a myriad of immediate and long-term medical problems and psychosocial issues.
The quote is taken from “Primary Care of Infants and Young Children with Down Syndrome”, by REBECCA B. SAENZ, M.D., published in American Family Physician, 1999.
Another quote:
The psychologic benefit derived from the bonding of mother and infant can be extremely important at a time when, because of the infant’s disability, the mother may be questioning her own adequacy.
It is clear that Sarah Palin has decided that her own naked ambition and lust for the power of the Vice President have led her to consign this child to the dustbin. What kind of family values are those?
wow talk about hard-hitting. I don’t think that will become a relevant issue in the campaign. She is not qualified to be VP. And what were getting a three-circus and a litmus test from the Republican Party…you need a woman to be your VP…i.e. where’s Hillary.
I think Hillary should be send to follow or proceed Palin at every campaign stop she makes. Hillary is a real deal..when it comes to womans rights, Palin is a “token” move by the Republican party.
Maybe McCain will make her a candidate for “Ms Buffalo” Chip. think she looks hot i a leather bikini? wonder who she will do with that banana?
Why, no. I’m just a dad, concerned about this l’il tyke and his mom who has just chucked him into the rubbish heap.
Family values, if it means ANYTHING, means taking care of your family. Like DUHHHH.
My cousin had a mild case of some cognitive disorder, and is impaired to this day. The amount of time that his family poured into him was AMAZING. Repetitive exercizing, careful structuring, he was the focus of that family for 18 years.
I guess that Sarah Palin won’t make THAT mistake.
because its like that Hillary comment years ago “She’s not one to stay at home baking cookies.” Once woman find out that part..this post focus… by the media, I believe most would say “what is she doing campaigining” when Palin has a “special needs” child.
there are somethings you don’t need to tell people to get the point across and wealth doesn’t make a difference it is a basic human instinct, take care of Family First. Which it appears Palin won’t.
This apparently did not occur to the fools currently running the Republican Party. This woman has just fired her ex-brother-in-law to help her sister in a divorce case. Palin is involved in all these sleazy Alaska deals.
I don’t think that she will last through the RNC. She will withdraw.
This is just appalling to me. You have no idea how much “bonding” she has done with her baby. You have no idea whether she has him with her constantly as she works. She has the kind of job that allows for that.
This is just sexist bullshit and beneath intelligent discourse.
Her obvious lack of experience is enough to hit her on without bringing her personal, private decisions into it. Shame on you.