It isn’t much of a secret that John McCain has always enjoyed excellent relations with the national media. McCain once referred to the media as ‘My base’, and he wasn’t joking. It was important that McCain nurture a good relationship with the media because he is hated by most of his senate colleagues on both sides of the aisle. He’s also hated by most members of the Bush administration. And he’s hated by the Republican base of volunteers and activists. No politician can be very effective if everyone they have to work with actively hates their guts. But John McCain found a way to work around that by making sure that he got glowing media coverage. It wasn’t enough to win him the nomination in 2000, but it was enough for him to win a few primaries and make himself into a household name. John McCain, the Maverick.
Now, I see that McCain and Palin are going to make war on the national media a central part of tonight’s speech and of the fall campaign. And I see that Al Giordano is wringing his hands about the potential effectiveness of this strategy. For once I get to tell Al that he is being a chicken little. Giordano makes many excellent points in his post, but what he is neglecting to consider is that John McCain is literally nothing without his entourage of sycophants in the national media.
With even party loyalists and personal friends like Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy blasting his choice of vice-president, McCain can forget about a message advantage (or even parity). And making war on the press will turn them into even harsher critics. Giordano is correct that people hate and distrust the media, but they are nonetheless heavily influenced by them. Republicans are masters at gaming the national dialogue in their favor. But, in order to do that, they rely on the media to parrot their talking points and repeat their lies and distortions without correction or skepticism.
John McCain has ceded his two biggest advantages in this race in two short weeks. First he tossed aside the experience argument when he selected a running mate with no experience. Then he declared war on the only institution in the country that doesn’t hate his guts. There is nothing to worry about, Al. McCain just shot his last ally.
That about sez it all (except that he was a POW, you know)
Well, maybe not. Take a look. Still I’m not certain that the people are listening to the media or shutting it off.
Thanks for this input. It truly confirms that John McCain is not the person that does not need to be our next President!
I admire your optimism, Boo.
McCain and his crew are going to count on the media backing down when they whine about bias and sexism and whatever the hell else they decide to whine about.
It’s always worked for them in the past – why not go back to the well again? At a minimum McCain is probably counting on the whining and “attack the press” vibe to put the press on the defensive and make the second guess their coverage. At best they can get people to stick with the bullshit “some say … while other say …” bullshit about not calling a lie a lie.
It’ll probably work for them, actually. I don’t know if it will work well enough for them to actually win with it, but it might get them closer than if they tried to run the race on the merits.
It has been the political press that has backed down in the past. But we have the tabloid press hot on the story now, and they don’t back down for anyone.
I have to agree with you, but we saw how the media backed down on Clinton when she started whining. I wouldn’t be surprise if they did it for McCain too, but right now they’re kinda pissed.
Except that the media actually did beat up on Clinton in irrational and appalling ways. E.g., Tweety.
When Clinton started crying and whining that they’re picking on her because she’s a woman, everyone especially Matthews backed off.
McCain is doing the exact same thing Clinton did. Cancel and appearance on the network that gave her bad press. Then start a war with the media. They backed off, but they stopped giving her credence too.
Thanks, Booman, I feel better. Al is usually so spot on, so I was thinking, "I guess I should be worried."
At 9:32 PM CDT, Sarah Palin accepted the VP nomination.
my God all the union bashing and her husband is United Steel Workers Union worker.
Clearly McSame has decided with Palin, he doesn’t need the Media anymore, or that they won’t call his bluff. He’s correct on the latter.
The orders coming down from on high will of course be nothing short of universal adulation for Palin tonight.
Obama is yesterday’s news. Palin will of course graciously offer to make peace with those nasty liberal types, and we’ll be right back to bringing McSame’s favorite donuts on the Straight Talk Express.
This bout of Actual Journalism will not last.
Then the GOP talking points as news articles will continue right up through the McSame Administration.
Nothing changes.
I’m not so sure. The media take orders from their corporte bosses, who are not fascists but simply use the fascists to advance and protect their economic interest. Ms Palin is a fascist, and she could turn on them as easy as Rove had her turn on the press. Rove is playing a dangerous game. The thug party is where it is because the financial conservatives have supported him. This time out, Obama has assured them he won’t touch anything essential of theirs — read health insurance. He’s a safe choice. McCain’s veep and likely next president if he’s elected is not a safe choice. The MSM will not bend over this time, at least not to McCain. They will keep bending over to their bosses.
Booman, make sure you put this up in orange tomorrow when all the convention liveblogging calms down, maybe tomorrow morning. I think you are spot on.
Obama has the advantage that he has a huge number of people on the ground getting his message out. To some extent he can bypass the media. McCain doesn’t have that. If his former allies in the media start piling on, even if they back off later when he starts whining it won’t help. By then the media will have spread the story around and it’ll be too late to help.
Besides that, those in the media aren’t stupid. They can tell who’s going to be the next President and they won’t want to be on his bad side right out of the gate.
Ok, that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. The little Palin girl licking her hand and smoothing down the baby’s hair.
That was very cute.
As for the rest…not so much.
Oh god this speech is abysmal. She actually sounds like she’s bored with this.
Save me.
I love that supporters of Obama are his “followers”
Seriously, how many people are they going to pass the baby off to for a photo op?
Republicans all they worry about is taxes, especially that Paris Hilton Tax tax.
they got that from Wolfowitz.
i needed humor so i found this link..
Buchanan and Scarborough reverse positions … see thinkprogress link–
Combined with the Peggy Noonan recording, I see behind the curtain here that these people are all being paid to say their parts — maybe none of them are even Republicans …
their both Republicans they got the “talking points fax” for the day.
Where’s her flag pin?