Does this woman ever tell the truth?
Last night moose-eating vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin reminded America of one of her best qualifications to serve in high office—she put a jet on eBay. “I came to office promising major ethics reform to end the culture of self-dealing, and today that ethics reform is the law. While I was at it, I got rid of a few things in the Governor’s Office that I didn’t believe our citizens should have to pay for. That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay,” she said.
Of course, Palin never mentioned that though she did list the jet on eBay, she didn’t sell it on eBay.
After going unsold for months, the jet was put into the hands of Turbo North Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking price of $2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It quickly sold to Alaska businessman Larry Reynolds for $2.1 million ($31,000 of which went to Turbo Aviation). Today the Westwind II jet spends its days ushering wealthy hunters around Alaska and Russia.
Truly a Speech to Nowhere.
Clearly, selling the state jet must have been part of god’s plan, even if it was at a loss.
Someone noted that Ms. Palin ought to be reminded that Jesus Christ was a community organizer – Pontius Pilate was a governor…j
I pointed that out here.
As well as the fact that both Presidents Bush honored community organizers (with pics).
And that our founding fathers were community organizers too.
If it was up to Sarah Palin and John McCain, we’d still be living under British rule, paying taxes on tea and stamps, and being forced to quarter soldiers.
Well, she DID technically tell the truth. She didn’t say she SOLD it.
Let’s hold the ammo for things more substantial. This kind of exaggeration is not limited to a**hole Republicans.
Boo, a new one for ya: Congressman Westmoreland of Georgia has called Obama “uppity”.
Classy, classy people.
he’s just copying MoDo from sunday.
Actually, I’m shocked that she actually did list it on eBay.
I figured that one was another outright lie – a little wink to the CEO of eBay that spoke earlier in the day. I don’t even think I’d count that as an exaggeration – she said she “put it on eBay” and she did. And when it didn’t sell, they sold it some other way.
If they’d never listed it on eBay at all, or if they did and then put it into storage when it didn’t sell, I’d call those lies or exaggerations. This is positively truthful – especially compared to her whole “I was against the Ted Stevens Bridge” crap.
She took a town with $0 debt in 1996 and left it $22 million in the hole in 2002, mostly from the hockey rink/sports complex she shoved down their throats which never became the money generator she promised it would. Another white elephant from another white elephant.
Even with the stable Clinton economy during most of her mayoral tenure and Jack Abramoff’s crony she hired to lobby Washington to help her now indicted buddy Ted Stevens ring up $27 million in federal pork for tiny Wasilla (pop. 5000 when she entered office) she still managed to leave the town swimming in debt. Three of her pork projects even made McCain’s own wasteful spending list.
The following organization is the offshoot of President Reagan’s Private Sector Survey on Cost Control started in 1984, also known as the Grace Commission. Definitely not a Dem friendly group. Check out that per capita pork. Alaska is America’s welfare queen state.
Citizens Against Government Waste
As governor she is borrowing from Alaska’s future while she wants to blow today’s Alaskan windfall oil tax bonanza and the huge surpluses they’ve generated on bread and circuses tax giveaways.
Alaska gets 89% of it’s operating budget from taxing oil coming out of the ground just like Arab kingdoms and Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. They have no state income or sales tax up there. Instead of using that windfall to pay for all the profligate spending her Republican legislature keeps sending her she’s issuing bonds to pay for it which Alaskans and US taxpayers will have to pay off in future years while she takes credit for tax “rebates” while she’s governor.
Her fiscal policy is a disaster in the making which won’t hit til she’s left the governor’s office. She’d be a disaster as Vice President especially to a President who despite his grevious wounds and type A personality is already past the age his father and grandfather died of sudden heart attacks.
She can put on all the lipstick she wants but her political record is for the dogs.
A phone number search for a number I got out of archives sent me to this dKos Diary by Ash Meerstrand… It appears he had the same lead I was on. The phone number:
Check out the other place I found it:
I edited out the “image source” and formatting crap so you could see the plain email addy for the “same phone” number contact. I was unable to find another reference on a quick google of that eMail BUT I did on a search of “web-ak”. Info on website addy for this site
Forget the phone number This from a Google search for “Chryson” and “Palin”:
Remember how she hacked computers to out republicans?
Now from Tapper at Political Punch:
Former AKIP chairman Chryson, friend and neighbor of Palin for over 15 years.
He can’t say if she was a member of AKIP? Or he won’t say it knowing it would doom her politically.
Chryson’s computer expertise coupled with Palin’s inside access to computers brought down the Alaskan Republican Party Chairman leaving a power vacuum. I wonder how many AKIP connected people have since been elevated in the Alaskan GOP?
Palin sounds like a woman on a super-duper-double-secret mission to me. An AKIP mission, IMHO.
This may turn into the missing link if we dig enough… heh
“She didn’t Tell the truth”
Is not that the end all of the GOP’s Mission Statement for the last 8 years?
Liars all. Palin is at home.
Among the lies she told, one which was not listed at that link but has been elsewhere:
Lovely work and a great jump… now if we can nail her on the false patriotism, even the bible thumpers will throw up their hands. “Alaska First!” might sway a few Confederate wanna-bes, but most Americans deep in the Heartland like being part of this country.
The was supposed to be a reply to the guy who was tracing telephone numbers of the AIP.
Thanks… That was quite a bit of digging through archived internet stuff.