Update [2008-9-7 22:37:22 by BooMan]: [Originally posted by Chris on Wed Jan 10th, 2007 at 12:35:49 AM EST. Seemed appropriate to remind everyone]
I’m only doing this because BooMan looked me straight in the eye a few hours ago and told me he wanted me to. Dumb ass or fool? You decide.
For the sake of Democracy and accountability and all that is good in the world, I try to stay away from the baby animal pictures, but I’m just too weak. Quite clearly, I’m just too weak. Anyway, I knew all about the cuteness of baby pandas and kittens, but holy shit, have a look at these moose!
This does bring up an important point, however. Whenever a conversation about moose occurs, it’s absolutely imperative that somebody say “moose are no joke” before the conversation is done. The life you save just might be your own.
When they were much younger, my niece and nephew referred to my brother, Bruce, as Moose. They would say “Mooooooooooose” and then laugh and laugh hysterically, until they were finally reminded by a sober minded village elder that moose are no joke. As smart children, they understood this immediately and would spend the next several hours in quiet, somber reflection. May your village elders be so wise and the children of your siblings so docile.
Cross Posted from Suburban Guerrilla, where I seem to occur from time to time despite my clear lack of suburban credentials. This is an open thread. Feel free to stop thinking about Bob Casey.
Do those look like burgers to you?
no less than this 😉
KeithO and Matthews are out as anchors for the election. Their replacement? David Gregory. oy!
Good that NBC doesn’t like to be seen as partisan.
Bad that they are so uncomfortable about having libruls on teevee.
I think the last picture of Sarah and Bristol is the cutest. Just sayin.
This is off-moose topic, but Bob Barr is running on the “Liberty for America” line, and is going to take votes from McCain, and won’t take any from Obama. This could be a big deal in states where the race might be close (VA, MO, MT, OH, IN, etc…) Barr will siphon off some of the libertarian GOP types who can’t stand McCain. I wonder if any number crunchers have calculated how much Barr might impact the race?
Here’s Bob’s website. Let’s cheer him on….
How can you be so sure he won’t take any votes from Obama?
Barr is a former Republican who was deeply involved in the Clinton impeachment. He’s a nut case, but says enough reasonable stuff once in awhile to make him appealing to a lot of GOP voters who dislike McCain. He won’t put a dent in Obama’s numbers– anyone who is inclined to vote for Obama wouldn’t vote for Barr. But he could hurt McCain enough to make a difference in a tight race. He’ll take some of McCain’s white voters, and none of Obama’s minority voters.
All polls show Barr and Nader taking more from Obama than from McCain.
Yes, I know about Bob Barr’s history, and I would not underestimate his ability to take votes from Obama.
I just think everything is speculation at this point.
You mean the same polls that showed Obama’s African-American support in Ohio dropping 12 points in one week last month?
C’mon, the polls are bullshit, and if you need proof just look at the wild variation in results from one polling firm to another. The amount of fretting online Democrats have been doing over polls is ridiculous. Better that we should just be out on the streets getting the work done. I give no credence whatsoever to polls, either good or bad.
What else do we have to go on? Besides false hopes and wishful thinking, that is?
All polls that do head-to-head AND third-parties on a state-level (that I have seen) show Obama’s numbers dipping when third-parties are added in without McCain’s numbers going up.
You seem to think it is obvious that Barr will pick up McCain’s voters, but it is just as likely that protest voters will go for Barr over Obama, given the option.
Yup! And mine could be one of them, though lately I have been leaning toward Cynthia McKinney – I mean, who can resist a hip hopper for VP?!!!!!
PS I live in one of the bluest of blue states, so making a protest vote does not help McCain. If it did, I would have to hold my nose, vote for Obama, and then head straight for the vomitorium.
I’m usually level-headed about polls and things, but I am tired of seeing even one positive poll for McCain. I think Obama and Biden need to stop with the compliments and go for the hard talk.
This election should be over already. We shouldn’t have to worry about Barr siphoning off voters.
If that’s what the polls show, that’s what the polls show. What should be and what is are sometimes very, very different things.
Especially if you’re weak.
Lil’ baby mooses playing in the lawn sprinkler. (Turn down the volume.)
Booman, you should be ashamed. This post is bad for democracy, liberty, justice and accountability.